I thought about our accomplishments so far, about how we were now considered proper adventurers, something which would have seemed like a fleeting dream not too long ago. We’d found my parents safe and sound, and they had blessed me with the sweetest little sister I could ever imagine. In addition to all that, I found someone I loved, and she loved me back. All the hardships I’d endured and the looming darkness that was before me… it all paled in comparison to the happiness that was my new life.
As much as I would remain focused on my goals, I couldn’t forget what I was fighting for. To not celebrate victories, or a way of life, cherish what I held dear, would be equal to defeat.
All that, and I was here, thinking about how we would get a dresser. I let out a slight chuckle at the thought as I looked at my weapon resting against the wall.
“Aren’t you in a great mood?” Cellestra said with a sly smile. “What’s going on in your head… heads?”
“Not a whole lot, actually. Just enjoying the moment. Thinking about life in general, and what we do from here. I mean, after today.”
“Do you think Elysa’s answers will change anything about that?” She asked.
“Hard to say,” I said while thinking about it. “I don’t think the goals can change much. It’s very simple, I’m looking to get more powerful. If anything, I think the only thing it can change is the pressure behind it.”
“I don’t think too much pressure will be healthy, for either of us. I do wonder what I should ask Nilene if she accepts my request.”
“Heh,” I said with a chuckle. “Good question. I should also think about the things I want to ask Elysa.”
“In your case, it’s simple, no? What the hell was that interference with your blessing?”
“I know that, yes, and I hope she can answer that fast so I have time for more questions. Then again, I suppose that whatever it is, is the same thing that overwhelmed me earlier. What is it, and what can I do to prevent that from happening again? Maybe Elysa can help me figure out how I got that one spell I was never supposed to have as well, considering she is the one that fabricated this blessing and all. By the way, what if it turns out the ritual with Nilene fails? Don’t we have to pay for it?”
Cellestra nodded. “We do, but we’re fine in that regard.”
“I have a feeling it won’t fail, though,” I said. “If anything, I reckon Elysa talked to Nilene, maybe convinced her to convey some additional info that can't be told to me in time before the ritual ends, or maybe she just likes you. I couldn’t blame her if she did.”
The brunette giggled.
“That’s so sweet,” She said, patting my back.
I let out a small chuckle of my own as I crossed my arms, let my body collapse to the ground, and waited, staring at my bracelet.
“What about that orb?” I asked. “Do you want to use it as decoration?”
“I was thinking about it. Doesn’t really look worth it to use. I’ll keep it with me for a while because who knows? I imagine it would look great on that dresser.”
“What’s going to be after that dresser?” I asked with a grin. “A bookcase?”
“I don’t have any books with me, except for Rose’s diary. If I ever get some more, I’d definitely love to have a bookcase.”
“And for that, you’d need time to even read,” I added. “I hope you’ll get some soon.”
“It’s okay. I don’t mind. I would be lying if I said it doesn’t feel liberating to finally use magic for a purpose after all those years in isolation. It makes me realize that I can be so much more than I have been all this time.” She looked down at my back before continuing with a whisper. “It’s almost surreal.”
“But it’s real,” I said. “And it’s amazing.”
She nodded. “It is.”
A long pause in the conversation followed and I was starting to think that Soranir was extremely busy, but finally, my parents and Elira appeared, seemingly in a good mood, which gave me hope I’d be able to make Cellestra’s suggested alterations surrounding my home.
“Sis!” Elira said as she ran towards me. “Mom and dad wanted me to tell you that mister mayor was fine with what you wanted to do! That’s great, right?”
“That’s wonderful,” I said, patting her head.
“He said it’s fine,” My father elaborated as he neared. “He’ll assign that area of the forest to you to live in, and you can do whatever you want with it, but he expects you to not go overboard. He trusts you know what that means.”
“I do,” I said with a nod. “I don’t think we’ll need much space, but if we for some reason, at any point do need more, I’ll make sure to ask him first.”
“That’s what he’d like to hear,” My father said. “Now,” He continued with a smile, and a twinkle in his eyes. “I’m eager to see what you made of it so far.”
I looked at my mother who nodded in agreement, the same spark in her eyes, and a smile on her face.
“Me too!” Elira exclaimed as she climbed on my back, aided by the fact my abdomen was on the ground.
“Well then. Let’s not keep you waiting.”

We left the city behind while I was already making plans in my head to ‘improve’ my nest. Guards in the form of spiderlings were something in the back of my mind, but before I’d put that into action, I wanted to ask Elysa if the spell was safe to use. The error messages and the corrupted text were unsettling, to say the least, and it made me wary.
The nearest trees formed an octagon, give or take. While they were a good few yards away from the main structure, we’d gotten permission to use them as we saw fit, so there wouldn’t be an issue as long as we didn’t desecrate any beyond those.
I could already see a net spun between them acting as a wall. I wouldn’t have issues climbing over those, even with the enormous body I carried, but normal people would, as long as the webs were tight and unbudging so they couldn’t be used as steps or gripped into with hands, something I was certain I could accomplish.
I wondered if I should make any traps. A few non-lethal pitfall traps sounded like a good idea to catch any would-be thieves, but the problem was that I wasn’t going after mere animals. Elves would probably find a way out.
I pushed away my thoughts as we entered the forest. A few minutes later, the white of the webs was visible through the trees, and I saw my parents try to narrow their eyes in curiosity.
The first to say anything when we started to near it was Elira, and even though it was only one word, it carried all the more meaning.
“Woah!” She let out in bewilderment and excitement. “It’s a giant web. That’s so cool!”
“That looks like it took you quite some time to make,” My mother said as she reached out to touch the silk, carefully at first, but she soon ran her hand over the surface.
“Some good hours over several days, yes. The result is there, though. It’s cozy and warm inside. Wanna take a look?”
“Would love to,” My father replied in a normal voice before Elira practically ran towards the entrance. She’d already seen the curtain and its function and pushed it aside before disappearing inside.
My mother looked at it with shock and then delight when she noticed me giggle at the situation. I then held up the curtain to have my parents enter.
Cellestra stepped off my back and followed them, and I did the same, though I didn’t fully enter as it would get quite crowded. The nest was spacious, but with this many people inside it became much less so.
All three of our guests stared at the bathtub and then allowed their eyes to run over the walls, before they found the wolf pelts, the silk pillow, and the hole in the webs.
“What’s that for if I may ask?” My father asked, pointing at the hole.
“I put my lower head in that if I want to relax and lie down.” I chuckled after saying it. “Odd, I know, but it’s surprisingly comfortable.”
“I can see it,” He continued, still in wonder as he ran a hand over the floor. “This stuff is extremely soft.”
“This is so cool!” Elira called out as she jumped, the webs bouncing her back up.
“Elira!” My mother said sternly.
I chuckled.
“I know she shouldn’t, but it’s still funny.”
She sighed as the elven girl looked at her with large puppy eyes.
“We’re trying to raise her right, and it’s not always easy.”
“I can see that,” I said. “Those eyes must be hard to resist.”
She smiled as she saw Elira step into the hole and hide in it.
“They are…”

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