We decided to keep one of the pelts for ourselves, let Felmar know about it, and inquired about the cost of making it into a blanket.
“So four pelts at four coins a piece, sixteen gold. The cost for having the fifth one prepared for your own use is five silver coins.”
He looked at us, awaiting an answer, and I nodded in response. That wasn’t an issue at all.
“That leaves us with fifteen gold and five silver coins to pay out. Would you like to donate any to the guild?”
“You know I will,” I said with a smile. “But I was wondering if I could donate to specific people.”
“It’s your money,” He said, giving me a glance from behind his clipboard. “You can do with it whatever you want. If you want me to help get it to certain people, I’ll gladly help with that.”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “I’d like to donate one gold coin to that person you talked to earlier when we just arrived. The person with the bow that turned in a lioness. I’d also like to donate a gold coin to a party consisting of Liare, Servas and Veleth. I believe they have a fourth member, but I don’t remember their name.”
The clerk nodded and scribbled a bunch of words down before fetching our payment.
“Rest assured this will help them very much in their adventures,” He said as he returned with his pouch. “Thirteen gold and five silver coins. Thank you for your service to the guild. You should be able to pick up the finished pelt either tomorrow or the day after.”
We thanked him, and after Cellestra accepted the coins, we made our way to the farm. It was still quite early, but I was confident my mother wouldn’t mind making dinner a bit early. It would give us some more time to work on matters at our home which was long overdue.
Elira went to play with the spiderlings while the rest of us entered in conversation over some tea before my mom went to make that early dinner. I thanked her for doing it and promised we’d have a gift for the both of them soon.
“Looking forward to it,” She replied with a smile. “I just hope you didn’t go too much out of your way for it.”
“Don’t worry about it too much. We didn’t.”
“I’m glad to see things are going well,” My father said. “How are things going in the dungeon?”
“Business as usual. We’re picking up quite a few skills, but I’ll admit it gets a little tedious repeating the same thing over and over. Sure, the money is quite handsome, but you know, I need a challenge. Thing is, I’m determined to get these spiders as strong as I can at the same time.”
“That much I have come to know about you. If you want to chase that challenge as some kind of break, and think your spiderlings are getting in the way, I don’t mind taking care of them here while you’re out.”
“Well, they’re not getting in the way,” I said. “But I know what you mean. I need to keep them in mind with every action I do in the dungeon.”
The idea was tempting. I was eager to find out what else could be found in there, and having them stay here would be a blessing when it came to that.
“Hmmm,” I let out as I thought it through. Elle and Shayla skittered up to me, and I petted one while Cellestra petted the other as I thought.
“It’s an interesting offer,” I finally said. “And they can help out on the farm as well. You don’t mind helping, do you?”
I peered into Elle’s eyes and she was quick to wave ‘no’, as did Shayla.
“Elira’s home tomorrow as well,” My dad continued. “I’m sure they’d be happy to know that too.”
Elle instantly nodded wildly, then jumped towards my father to hug him. I would miss her, even if it was for a short while, but I felt like a little break from the new standard would be relieving.
“Okay.” I nodded. “Let’s have them stay here for tomorrow. Cellestra and I will go to the city in the morning, and then the dungeon after that. I crave that weapon enchantment.” I said, putting on my most serious face while shooting Cellestra a glance out of the corner of my eye.
She was left giggling, while my dad just smiled as he gave Elle the attention she so demanded. After she got enough affection, she darted off to Elira again, who was currently being carried by Myria around the premises.
“And I highly doubt Elira will mind. I mean, look at that.”
“She’s having the time of her life.” He commented. “I don’t think she could have wished for a more amazing older sister.” He looked down at the empty glass in front of him, a smile still on his face, but eyes that were dead serious. “And I don’t think I could have wished for a more amazing daughter.”
“Don’t you dare make me cry,” I replied. In a way I was serious, but I told it in a lighthearted manner. I did take in his words, and felt genuine happiness flow through me.
“I do mean it though, and I don’t intend to have you cry.”

He paused for a few seconds, looking at the sky above. I could almost see him thank Elysa in his mind, but of course, I couldn’t know what he was thinking. I didn’t wait to, either.
“Speaking of crying, and I hope you don’t mind me asking. I’m just curious, can you cry with your… other eyes?”
“Dad, they don’t even have eyelids. I can’t close them, and I’m pretty sure I can’t shed tears with them, either.”
“Good. That’s relieving.”
“How come?” Cellestra asked quietly, seemingly even more curious than me as to why he asked it.
“The thought of you crying makes me uncomfortable. The thought of you shedding tears from five pairs of eyes would probably scar me.” He grinned, but I knew he was serious about this, just like I had been before. It made me realize that perhaps I’d gotten that from him.
It made me realize that after all those years, despite being reincarnated into another world, and finding happiness and love, there was still a piece of them in me that had now surfaced, resurfaced perhaps. It made me… happy, truly happy to know that I’d carried it with me all that time and that it hadn’t faded away.
“Goddess knows I already shed too many tears in my old life, even if I was alone at any time I did. But here, I don’t have any reason to.”
He fell silent and just watched Elira play. After a few minutes of watching her race around, Cellestra decided now would be a good time to help her with her training.
Together, my father and I watched as she repeated much of the same thing she did while we were in the storage shed. We were still in the very early stages of her training and it was important she got the basics right. Unfortunately, she couldn’t continue for too long, but it was enough time for my mom to finish cooking.
After another delicious meal, we thanked them and said our goodbyes for the day. I didn’t inform Elira about what would happen tomorrow, and when I was about to, I looked at my dad, who gave me a mischievous smile. He knew what I was about to ask, and I could in his eyes: ‘let’s surprise her.’
Oh, she was going to have a great day tomorrow.
We collected our belongings from the storehouse and were on our way, eager to continue where we left off.
I still had that same sly smile on my face that I had since we left as we arrived. Everything was still where it was when we left, and without hesitation, I went to work, spinning threads between the tree stumps. At the same time, Cellestra started the final work on the sign that had both our names on it, and the spiderlings were left watching.
Elle and Shayla were all too eager to help and had started spinning threads of their own, and I was left feeling guilty as I told them that it would be better if I did it all considering my silk was stronger.
They were sad they couldn’t help, but at least they could understand it. I apologized and continued my work, but at the same time, I tried thinking of something they could do.
Then, a strange idea struck me.
“Cellestra, would it be a good idea to have a second floor?”

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