The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 1012: Lose money if you break it

Netizens who saw this scene: "..."

[Did Jinli wake up? 】

[At this time, I was so boring to yawn, Jin Li is really big-hearted]

[This is also proved from the side, isn't she nervous at all? 】

[Ahhhh, my pear yawns so beautifully]

[Wake upstairs, such a beautiful little fairy in your house is already someone else's wife. 】

The host obviously understood very well, and smiled and asked: "We Jinli are actually yawning, are we not curious about the result or didn't rest last night?"

Jin Li did not rest well last night.

A certain Pai Yao was so clingy that he didn't let go of her at all.

If it weren't for her to be a god, there would be no such thing as poor physical strength and need to sleep. I am afraid that she would not even be able to get out of bed this morning.

Cough...Of course, such words are impossible to speak to the audience.

Jin Li coughed slightly and said calmly: "I am really not too curious about the result, because I know that there will be only one result."

The host's eyes lit up and asked: "Jin Li means that everything I said before is true, right?"

Jin Li glanced at the host and didn't like the female host's style.

In order to expect that he didn't care about the guests' situation at all, he didn't hide it at all.

That is, she Jinli, there is nothing that cannot be said.

It's just that Jin Li has already determined in his heart: this is definitely the last time the two sides have cooperated.

She nodded: "Of course, what I said must be true."

The host smiled and said to the netizens in the live broadcast room: "Have you heard? Jin Li sealed her own seal, and what she said is true. We are now seeing the legendary floor of mutton fat and white jade. Soon, Go to see the cobblestone trails paved by Dongzhu and the gem fountain."

Jin Li listened to her quietly.

After the host had finished speaking, he suddenly turned around and looked at Jin Li with a smile: "Jin Li, you have so many floors in your house, do you mind if I pick a piece and take it home."

The netizens who watched the live broadcast were all excited:

[Host, you said what I always wanted to say! 】

[I, I, I, I want to go to Jinli's house to steal the floor! 】

[I always feel that this is a bit inappropriate, right? 】

[The one who picks the floor, take me! Having lived for so many years, it was the first time that I truly realized that I couldn’t even compare to a piece of floor...]

In the camera, Jin Li tilted her head and glanced at the host.

The host smiled and rounded off: "I'm kidding, if you don't want to..."

Jin Li interface interrupted her: "I don't want to."

The host was taken aback.

Jin Li smiled and said, "Although Lu Zhengya and I have money, we saved these mutton fat white jade by ourselves, and we all like it. Don't pick it up, you will lose money if you break it."

She said, blinking at the camera: "You also put down this dangerous idea, because if you break it, you really have to pay."

After she said this, she looked at the host again.

This time the host continued to smile, but this smile was a bit reluctant to look at it: "Hahaha, I said it was a joke. I heard that this kind of mutton white jade is worth hundreds of thousands of palms of ordinary color. I can't afford it."

Jin Li sideways thought for a while, and added straightforwardly: "I don't have anything in normal condition."


Jin Li: "According to the price of Huaguo, my jade is much higher than the price you said."


see you later.

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