The "passer-by" who didn't know if it was a real passerby was soon suspicious of his life by other fans:

[This person, I told you, never talk about experience in front of Jinli]

[If you can say this, if it's not a sunspot, then it must be a real passerby. Sister tells you a way to search for Jinli and Dad Lu, make up the lesson first, and then come back to talk]

[Position instability? No confidence? Hahaha If these two adjectives can be put on Jinli, then there is no sense of security for lovers all over the world]

【? ? ? What's going on today? Are the Yali Noodles all over the holidays so tender? To treat a Heizi who alludes to the relationship between Jinli and Dad Lu, do you still need to go to popular science? 】

The passerby quickly disappeared in the comments.

The audience did not respond to him again.

Because in the live broadcast, a group of people have come to another place.

Because the audience is going to see the gems in the fountain, the fountain is the first to arrive.

When the lens is zoomed in, we can see the clear water in the pool and the densely densely covered beautiful stones.

[Wow, a lot! 】

[I don’t say whether it’s true or not, it’s really beautiful like this, the camera moves a bit, the sun shines, flashing and dreamy, bulingbuling]

[Such a large pool, spread to such a density, there are thousands of them, let alone a few? 】

[Before the live broadcast, I always felt that whoever believed the rumors yesterday was stupid. But now... the mutton white jade has been hammered for the floor, and throwing thousands of gems into the pool for fun, what's the point? 】

[Such a large fountain, such a density, can really be filled with thousands of gems? 】

[Shut up upstairs, this kind of math problem can't be calculated by our kind of hard work! 】

[From now on, Jin Li's expression in my mind has changed from "Little Fairy" to "Dad". 】

By the pool, the butler has prepared a net bag that can freely adjust the length.

"You can directly use the net bag to get it for identification." The butler said.

More than a dozen experts looked at each other and got up to get the net bag.

The host stood by the pool, looking at the sparkling waves, and couldn't help feeling a little excited.

No woman dislikes sparkling jewelry, and she is no exception.

Moreover, if it weren't for Jinli's game, she might not have encountered it once in her life.

The host was shamelessly tempted.

She was not tempted, she was even ready to act.

"Jin Li." She looked at Jin Li with anticipation in her eyes, "Can I also try to fish."

What I said this time is much more true: "I have never tried anything like this before."

"Yes, there is also a net bag over there." Jin Li is very generous, "Go."

The host bent over and picked up the net bag carefully.

She looked into the pool, originally wanting to choose the one she likes better, but unfortunately, the densely packed stones are piled together, and the light shines on each other, and she can't even see the color.

Then you can only choose blindly at will.

The host closed his eyes and took a deep breath. With force, his hand sank the net bag into the water, and he fished out—the weight in his hand was a little unexpected.

The host did not expect that all his expressions in a short period of time would be recorded by the photographer.

The audience started hahaha:

[I thought this host was a bit artificial, but now I think it’s okay]


See you on it.

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