The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 1025: Heartbroken

Jin Li clicked on the photo in the news, looked at it carefully, smiled, and said nothing.

He stretched out an arm next to her, grabbed her and put it in his arms.

Jin Li was a little disgusted with kicking him: "Get up, I'm hungry."

Hearing what she said, the man who was still on the bed instantly got up and started putting on clothes.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked.

There is a cook in the manor, but Jin Li took the initiative to say that she was hungry. The hidden meaning was "I want to eat what you made."

The brain lady wants to order food, and Mr. Lu Ba must be a chef at the moment.

Jin Li thought for a while: "Noodles, I want to eat something with soup today."

"Well, you can sleep for another ten minutes, and then pack yourself up to get up." Lu Zhengya leaned over and kissed her cheek before turning to leave.

Jin Li got out of bed after being hit by two rolls, but didn't really linger for another ten minutes.

When she quietly walked to the kitchen door stepping on her slippers, she saw Lu Zhengya who was busy in an apron.

With his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, he wore an apron that didn't match his style.

Full of fireworks.

He didn't find Jinli, Jinli looked at the door with a smile for a while, then quietly returned to the dining table.


This husband and wife are you and me. On the other side, someone can't sit still.

Lu Qingyuan sat in the practice room, looking down at his mobile phone.

His hands are beautiful, fair-skinned, slender fingers, and perfect bones. When lightly placed on a dark violin, he has an elegant and gentle beauty.

Fans say this is a pair of hands that belong to musicians by nature, and they should be cherished and protected.

Lu Qingyuan really cares about these hands, and he spends more on maintaining them than his face.

But at this moment, these two hands, one holding the phone, the other holding the armrest of the seat tightly, the joints are protruding, and the veins are exposed.

He silently looked at the above message, read the above content bit by bit, and clicked on the following comment:

[My news from Susu? My God, is Susu finally going to have a relationship? 】

[Uuuuuu can be regarded as looking forward to the scandal of my Susu, dare you dare to show his face for me to take a look at that man? 】

[He is tall, but I don’t know how he looks? However, Susu has always had a high-sightedness, and she can see it, how can it be bad? 】


The style of the comments below this news is very strange.

If you change a star and are photographed of this kind of news, the reporter will use this kind of ambiguous tone, the following fans are afraid that they would have pinched and criticized.

But Su Hexiang is not here at all.

It's because... her private life is so clean.

She debuted for nearly ten years, has zero scandal, and has been with her fans, from Yan fan to acting fan to career fan... Now, most of them have become mother fans.

There is a feeling of broken heart like an old mother.

Fans are speculating when Susu can touch Fanxin. Even if you are not married, you can fall in love.

How tired to be alone all the time.

For a while, the rumors of Su Hexiang's different sexual orientations raged. Many marketing accounts ended up with rhythm. It was said that the reason Su Hexiang hadn't had scandals for so many years was because she didn't like men at all, but women.

But after this incident broke out, Su Hexiang's fans showed the different direction from ordinary people again:

[Spoil the whole family to death! Also, let alone that there is no hammer at all, even if there is, I support her who likes men and women in Susu! What does it matter to you? 】

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