The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 1035: Is it the Bai family? 1

To be precise, it is not a figure of a person, but a figure of a house.

When they saw this, the Su family hadn't reacted, but Jin Li suddenly thought of something and nodded clearly.

She probably knows this place.

Sure enough, the car stopped here.

A man wearing a regular jeans T-shirt and a baseball cap got out of the car.

His hat was a little low, and he couldn't see what he looked like. He carried a black backpack on his back and looked like a student returning from school.

This is a common village gathering place in the southern countryside, with red tile roofs and whitewashed walls.

The places with better conditions are basically all double-storey small houses, but the conditions here are obviously not good, most of them are low squares, and the walls are mottled, and the cement pavement cracks and cracks. It looks like it has not been managed for a long time. Up.

None of the four people spoke. Watching the man in the video, he found an old man walking and asked him if there was a couple named Bai who came here four years ago.

The three Su family's expressions changed when they heard this conversation.

Obviously, they all thought of something.

Su's mother's face changed: "The last name is Bai? Is that the Bai family?"

She reacted: "Yes, they went to the country."

She was forced to pass by.

She forced the couple from the Bai family to live in the city and could only go to the country.

In the first two years, Su's mother was full of resentment and hired people to constantly suppress these two people. After two years, she probably finally got it right, her family and He Meimei.

Mother Su walked out slowly.

Once people let go of themselves and walk out, some hatred will disappear a lot.

She still has people staring at the couple regularly, and then replying to herself after a while to prevent them from making trouble, but no longer maliciously torturing them.

But, does this matter have anything to do with the Bai family's couple?

When Mother Su thought about this, her expression was hard to look.

The T-shirt man's questioning was not smooth, but after asking several questions and passing a few packs of cigarettes, he still found a place.

At the head of the village, a bungalow by the river.

In front of the house, there is a large piece of cement flat land, with red bricks on all sides, and inside is a vegetable plot.

The back of the house is probably a field of crops, and few people know the varieties very well.

The T-shirt man found this house and heard the cry of the child before he even went in.

Jinli said, "How come there are children in the Bai family? Is Bai Lingxiu married?"

She can already be sure that they are Bai Yuanjun and his wife.

Hearing her doubts, Su's father and Su Hexiang didn't respond much, but Su's mother's expression was a bit embarrassed.

"It's not their daughter, it's the third child born to Bai Yuanjun and his wife."

Jin Li: "???"

Father Su, who is a doctor, was also shocked: "Third children? If I remember correctly, how many are they in their forties?"

Having three children at this age can be said to be quite dangerous.

Su Hexiang was also a little surprised, but she didn't care about such irrelevant things, especially disgusting things, so she didn't speak.

Mother Su knows it very well. After all, she sent someone to monitor this house: "It's true. Their daughter is a white-eyed wolf and has no conscience. She took the money and ID card and ran away not long after she came. The Bai family probably felt that this daughter had no hope, and there will always be someone to provide for the elderly, so they have another one."

She sighed: "At this age, the medical and health conditions in a small place are really fateful."

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