The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 1039: Come directly

Mother Su was a little worried: "You be careful."

Jin Li smiled: "Worry about me, it's better to worry about that guy."

Mother Su smiled embarrassedly.

In fact, she knows Jinli is very good.

But who doesn't care about people who care about them? It's just human nature.

Jin Li blinked at several people and smiled: "Wait for the good news!"

After all, in front of a few people, his body turned into a light and disappeared before his eyes.

"This..." Even if I knew Jinli's identity, I was a little psychologically prepared for anything that might happen, but watching such a big living person disappear in front of my eyes, the few people were still a little shocked.

Su Hexiang saw his parents' faces and smiled: "This is a real little fairy."

When Father Su and Mother Su heard this, they thought about it.

Fairy, a little supernatural is too normal. And Jin Li is so cute, it makes people unable to bear emotions such as fear.

And where is Jinli at this moment?

She arrived in front of a house in the Beicheng District of the Imperial Capital, far from Su's house.

The man in the hat is here.

The place where he lives is not bad, a single house and a beautiful environment.

Although it is rented, the rent is enough to discourage countless ordinary people.

The man Jin Li hung up was thinking about when to make the second call.

Being hung up and Tan Beng were all in his expectation.

He didn't expect himself to get the result he wanted in one go.

As he himself said, he didn’t want to really offend Jinli and Su Hexiang, so he didn’t want to release what was in his hands as a last resort-even if a company had contacted him, it was very tempting. He did not let go of the price at all.

He was pure luck with a bit of strength, accidentally learned about this, and wanted to use this to make a fortune.

Jin Li's attitude made him a little puzzled. He was thinking whether it would be better to lower the price, or to release more things to force them to relax.

Before he could make a decision, the doorbell rang.

Has the takeaway come?

The man who was thinking about the problem and his brain was not very bright ignored the fact that he did not receive the takeaway call, and he was a big man who had no sense of crisis at all.

He opened the door without hesitation.

——Then I was scared by the people outside the door and took a step back.

"Jin, Jin Li?!" He looked at the people in front of him in shock.

He hadn't seen Jinli in reality, but he didn't doubt that he had recognized the wrong person-this face was too recognizable.

Who can admit mistakes is bound to be blind.

His first reaction was, how did Jin Li find herself?

The second reaction, how long does it take to finish the call?

How did Jinli come here?

Was she already in the car when she called?

He even wanted to close the door directly.

However, the delicate and tender woman in front of her leaned gently on the door with one foot.

The man used all his strength, and he couldn't let this door move even a bit.

As a fan of Jinli, the man soon thought of Jinli's huge setting.

He was a bit square in his heart.

But at this time, it must not be revealed on the surface.

His thoughts turned, and the expression of joy and excitement appeared on his face: "Jin Li! God! Are you Jin Li! I am your fan! Unexpectedly, I can actually see a real person today!"

Jin Li: "..."

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