The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 1042: You are scared

She curled her fingers and flicked it on the vase on the coffee table beside her.


There was a crisp sound.

Blame it sounds nice. The man thought in his heart.

Then he saw the scene that shattered his three views-the vase, which was fragile but not so fragile, was broken.

From top to bottom, the entire bottle shattered into pieces the size of countless fingernails.

The immortal flowers in the vase fell out and fell on the fragments. There was a strange beauty.

the man:"……"

He gasped and looked at Jinli in horror.

He absolutely didn't believe it, the other party just wanted to play a vase when his hands were itchy.

This must be a threat!

"You, you! What do you mean!" His tone was a little trembling.

Jin Li smiled: "It doesn't mean anything, that is, my hands are itchy."

the man:"……"

I don't believe you, the devil, must be lying to me.

He suddenly blessed his soul and tentatively asked: "If I refuse to destroy those recordings and evidence..."

Jin Li said with a smile, "Then I might continue to itchy hands."

As she said, she scanned the man's upper and lower body with her gaze, as if she was thinking about where to start.

the man:"……"

He felt that Jin Li looked at his gaze, much like the look at the food when he was shopping at the vegetable market.

very dangerous.


He calmed himself down: "If you really do it, you will hurt someone deliberately! Yes! Injury someone deliberately, you will be liable for criminal responsibility for causing injury."

When he said this, he felt a little reasonable, and he calmed down.

He sat upright and began to use his tongue and effort to persuade Jinli: "Jinli, what is your identity? You are so popular now, there are countless fans like you, just newly married, and have a dream manor that women all over the world look forward to. , There is also a husband who loves you as the richest man. Look, your life is so perfect. For such a small amount of money, is it too stupid and unworthy to have all of this?"

He said so, and he felt quite reasonable.

But is Jinli a little fairy with such a simple routine?

Of course impossible.

She sneered: "What you said, I didn't do anything to stay at home, and was threatened by 50 million yuan. Why, I have money, should I deserve it?"

The man is speechless.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you now." Jin Li said.

She fixed her gaze at the man, her eyes full of pressure: "I told you so much before, but it was just to make fun of you. Young man, do you really think you have any capital to negotiate with me? ?"

She chuckled and pointed to the fragments on the coffee table: "Intentionally hurting people? I came to you today. When you opened the door, did you notice the camera at the door? Did you see me?"

The man frowned: "What do you mean?"

Jin Li said: "It means, no one knows, I'm here for you."

The man didn't react at first, until he wanted to understand what she meant, his pupils shook.

He looked at Jin Li in horror.

Jin Li looked at his expression: "Do you want to understand?"

She stretched out her left hand and glanced appreciatively.

This hand is plain and flawless, beautiful and slender.

"Even if I am here, I accidentally made my hands itchy, hurt people deliberately, and even... did something uncontrollable..." Her tone was soft, but she was like a ghost in the man's ears.

"Who knows?"


See you later~

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