The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 1048: Praise me 2


Of course it was because he was looking at Jinli when he praised it later.

Facing Jinli's face, even if you don't like her anymore, it's difficult to pick out her fault from the appearance of her facial features.

What's more, men were once Jinli's face powder.

Jin Li can perceive each other's emotions, when a man is complimenting the task and when he is sincerely, she feels it.

So at this moment, she was also satisfied with her expression.

However, she was listening, and the man suddenly broke.

Jin Li: "?"

She looked at the man suspiciously, but saw that the man was looking pale at herself... Lu Zhengya beside her.

Jin Li followed his gaze and looked around.

Lu Zhengya's expression was faint, and his tone was slightly cold: "Close your eyes."

the man:"……"

It's dying, can you give me a way to survive?

One for me to boast, but also sincere feelings.

One didn't let me see my face.

Without looking at the face and without a reference, how can I boast true feelings?

I am too hard.

Jin Li knew what happened to this man as soon as she heard Lu Zhengya's words.

I'm jealous again.

She sighed, but her eyes were full of smiles, and she quietly leaned to Lu Zhengya's ears and joked: "I only know that Pai Yao likes to make money. Why don't you know that he still likes to drink jealousy? The stock tastes sour."

Lu Zhengya didn't change his face: "Other Pai Yao doesn't drink vinegar. It must be because they don't have a wife."

Jin Li laughed out loud and was amused.

The man looked at him quietly as a chicken sitting in his house, flirting and cursing in front of him, but didn't dare to say anything. He even hoped that Jin Li would be in a good mood now and be compassionate. Let go of yourself.

At this time, he was still very naive and didn't know what he was about to face. It was much more than that simple.

Jin Li was successfully smoothed by the Taoist couple. Looking at the man in front of him at this moment, she really felt that he was more pleasing to the eye than before.

She smiled and said: "Let's do it, I won't be embarrassed by you. Now you hand write a five-thousand-word compliment to me. Then I will look satisfied. I won't blame you.

the man:"……"

Yes, this is really good.

Although he has not completed the huge task of 5,000 words for a long time, he can do it for freedom and safety!

He hurriedly said: "No problem, but can I use a computer to write? My computer type is faster, and my thoughts are smoother. Oh yes! I have a printer here, and I can print it out immediately after I write it. It is neat and very neat. Beautiful!"

Jin Li only cared about the content, not the form, and nodded when she said, "No problem."

The man asked again: "Then, when do you want it? I'll write it and send it to you?"

Jinli glanced at him: "What are you thinking about?"

She pointed: "Just write here, I'll wait here, and show me when you finish writing. You have to rewrite if I'm not satisfied."

the man:"……"

He couldn't help saying: "But now, it's not too early, and five thousand words is not a small task. When it gets dark, it will delay the time of both of you..."

Jin Li waved his hand: "It's okay, we don't mind."

But I mind! The man thought sadly in his heart.

However, he did not care about his inner grief and no one would consider his thoughts.

Therefore, the man could only get up aggrieved, and ran to the study to write "Kaijin Lishu".


4 more, there will be updates later.

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