The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 1051: Leave this ghost place!

He widened his eyes and looked at Lu Zhengya like a devil.

He wanted to endure, but he couldn't hold back, and couldn't help but said: "What do you mean? Are you kidding me?"

Out of face restraint, he still speaks more tactfully.

And in the bottom of my heart, a series of national curses have already begun.

not human!

Son of a bitch!

The evil rich man!

con man!

Lu Zhengya raised his brows slightly and said, "You scold me in your heart, I can hear you."

The man sneered.

He didn't believe Lu Zhengya's nonsense, thinking that the other party was deceiving himself.

He is also very upset at the moment: he spent a few hours, exhausting the vocabulary he had learned in his life, and finally came out with a rainbow fart that surpassed his own literary literacy, thinking that he could finally send away the two Buddhas. , Escaped from birth, breathed free air again——

As a result, play with him?


He chuckled, "Let's talk about it, what else do you want to do, say it all at once."

The tone was quite self-defeating.

Lu Zhengya glanced at him, but didn't care about him: "I just want to send you a few words."

The man looked at him warily: "What do you want to say?"

Lu Zhengya said: "From this moment on, you will not be able to get any money that shouldn't belong to you. If you have a crooked mind, you will lose money."

He has seen this man's life style, it is a life style that is rich and safe.

He originally wanted to curse this man for making him impoverished for a lifetime, but he looked at the face of Jinli with a smile on the paper in his hand, forget it.

It is his ability to make his wife happy.

Therefore, he let him go.

If this man is stable in the future and finds a decent job to make a living, he can live well with his academic qualifications.

But if he wants to make this kind of unclean and unrighteous wealth... Lu Zhengya doesn't mind letting him feel what it means to be truly nothing.

Of course, men will not know these secrets.

He just looked at Lu Zhengya inexplicably, not understanding why the other party suddenly said something like this to himself.

Still being so solemn, thinking about it carefully, it's oozing.

He thought for a while, but still didn't want to understand. He also thought of seeing some opinions on some forums, saying that some wealthy families, especially big families with long heritage, are very convinced of all kinds of metaphysics.

Maybe, the Lu family believes these too?

So, is Lu Zhengya telling himself not to do bad things again?

The man sneered at this kind of thing in his heart and shook his head: "Is this scaring me? I don't believe this."

Moreover, being so scared by Lu Zhengya and Jinli, he really had a little shadow.

Regardless of Lu Zhengya's words, he would never do these things again for a long time.


Now that they have finished speaking, Lu Zhengya and Jinli will of course not stay at the man's house again.

The man almost watched the two people out with a pious look.

When the two men disappeared from sight, he breathed a long sigh of relief, then closed the door, locked it, and started calling the owner of the villa.

He wants to withdraw the rent!

The lease contract hasn't expired yet?

Pay the deposit!

Is the door damaged?

Compensate for maintenance costs!

After chatting with the host, I immediately called the moving company again.

In short, he wants to leave this ghost place that brings infinite shadows to himself as quickly as possible.

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