The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 1061: I always think that Wenhao looks a little strange

Occasionally, Mo Mo would feel a little guilty when staying alone.

To fans.

Many people really like her.

But she did bad things.

But this kind of guilt cannot exist in Mo Mo's heart for long.

When the night passed and she appeared in the spotlight again in the daytime, feeling the flowers and applause, a strong sense of satisfaction rose from the bottom of my heart-the trace of guilt that was not visible, compared with this, it can be regarded as What happened?

Her phone rang.

Is a broker.

The agent is very good to Mo Mo, one is because Mo Mo has great commercial value, and second, the agent really appreciates Mo Mo's talent.

He firmly believes that Mo Mo will be one of his strongest trump cards and will go further in the future.

Therefore, in the past three years of cooperation, the agent can be said to treat Mo Mo sincerely. No matter what kind of activity, she has long-term consideration for her from her perspective, not just for immediate benefits.

"I will go to the program group tomorrow. It is stipulated that the agent cannot follow, and the assistant can only bring one, and it is not allowed to appear during the recording. You have to take care of yourself." The agent urged.

Mo Mo smiled: "I know, Brother Hai, I'm not a three-year-old kid, besides, the program team will arrange everything."

The main reason for the agent is not to say this: "This show is a good opportunity for you. Lu Zhengya, Jinli, Lu Qingyuan, Su Hexiang, these guests are all your predecessors. They have a very high status in the circle, and they Not only is your career strong, but you also have a strong background. You are the youngest, and you are a junior. Perform well. If you can get their love and care, then the future will really go smoothly."

Mo Mo nodded: "I know."

The agent was also afraid that she would be worried, and said: "Don't even think that they are not in the music circle, but the entertainment circle is deep and the relationship is complicated. In short, you can't please, and you can't offend."

"Don't worry, Brother Hai, when have I been unreliable?" Mo Mo blinked and smiled, "Don't everyone who has seen me like me?"

"Right, Brother Hai." Mo Mo thought of Wen Hao who had never heard of his name. "Wen Hao, do you know his identity?"

Speaking of Wen Hao, the agent frowned: "No. Since the show team broke out on Weibo, I have asked someone to check it for a long time. It is the news circulating on the Internet. Ordinary family, martial arts coach."

He said: "This person is either with a deep background that is terrifying, but this is unlikely, no matter how powerful a newcomer, at best, it will make it impossible to find out the family situation. What is the use of plugging in an ordinary family member? Maybe he really is an ordinary person."

Mo Mo thought of the frosty eyes in the photo, and felt a little uneasy: He always felt that this person was not as simple as it seemed.

She spoke out her concerns.

The agent didn't care: "Even if it is really a concealed son, you don't need to worry. If people want to be popular, you have not blocked their way. Just get along well."

That said, it feels reasonable.

Mo Mo pressed the matter down.

the next day.

Mo Mo drove to the filming location of the program group.

She is the youngest in this show. She deliberately chose a pink dress with a fluffy ball head tied to her hair and a rabbit hairpin.

Youthful and tender can almost drip water.

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