The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 1063: Yan pressure

Mo Mo was stunned.

How does she think this is possible?

Even if you take care of it again, it's impossible to be as young as twenty when you are thirty?

How did they do it?

But she didn't know anything about these two people.

Jin Li won't talk about it, let alone three, four, five years, that is, thirty years, three hundred years, three thousand years, she will still be what she is now, and the years will always stay when she is young and beautiful.

Although Su Hexiang is a human being, how many good things Jin Li has given to the Su Family-all of them are fairy treasures, although in order to make the human body able to bear it, they choose the weakest and most gentle ones.

But this is still enough for Su Hexiang.

She was almost abruptly cleansed by Jinli's essence with a spirit medicine-if the old guys from the Dao Sect Association saw Su Hexiang with their own eyes, I was afraid that she would cry and cry out to beg her to cultivate immortality under her own sect.

Such Su Hexiang, although he can't live forever, can live longer and live longer than ordinary people. It is effortless.

Therefore, she was twenty-eight years old, and her condition was not worse than that of 22-year-old Mo Mo, or even better.

The sense of superiority brought by age in Mo Mo's mind was not left in front of the two of them.

She looked strange.

Jinli glanced at the girl, and was stunned for a second by the strange things on her.

Then she knew why Long Hao came.

But since Long Hao had all shots, it didn't matter to him if he wanted to come.

All she needs to do is to keep this woman from doing any tricks.

"Hello, Mo Mo, why do you look at us with this expression?" Jin Li greeted twice.

Mo Mo was stunned by her smile, only to feel that with her smile, even the sun suddenly became dazzling a lot, making people's eyes dizzy.

She blinked and gave up making excuses, telling the truth: "I was shocked by the beauty of the two sisters."

In terms of age and seniority, it is not too much for her to call her sister.

The audience who watched the live broadcast was also shocked by her straight answer for a second, and then laughed:

[Hahaha, is Momo so upright? 】

[I've only heard Mo Mo's singing before, it's just like nature. I originally thought she was closer to the little fairy, but now she looks more like a cute little girl next door]

[Ben Mo Mo Yanfen cried under his real name. It’s hard to say, Mo Mo used to be a little fairy in my mind, but the one upstairs is right... Standing in front of two big beauties, Jinli and Su Hexiang, my Mo Mo really looks like a green and cute My little girl next door. I don’t want to admit it, but I was really suppressed

[This is nothing comparable, right? Jinli was originally known for her beauty, and Su Hexiang was also a temperamental beauty who had dominated the screen for many years. On the contrary, Mo Mo is a singer. The singer only depends on his voice and talent. How beautiful is it to compare with others? 】

[I don't see any malice from everyone, so I just watched the live broadcast and expressed feelings. The beauty or not is in the same frame. Mo Mo is indeed good-looking, but it is also true that he was crushed by two big beauties. Then I can still say that Su Hexiang was crushed by Jin Liyan, which is a fact. 】

[Su Sufen lie down and laugh at it. We don’t feel embarrassed to be crushed by Jinli. In the whole circle, it is the whole flower country. Who can find a female creature who can stand in front of Jinli without being crushed? 】

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