The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 1067: I'm not a star 2


Wait a minute, the amount of information contained in this sentence seems a bit big.

Can you explain, what is a special guest? What is a security guard?

Does this little brother participate in the show as a security guard?

Isn't he going to make his debut as a star?

The barrage is too excited, causing the screen to get stuck.

The host also understood very well. He sensed the enthusiasm of the audience, and had a desk book tomorrow morning. He still smiled and asked: "So Wenhao, now our audiences are very curious, you are really just joining our show. Is it because of being hired by our program group? Or do you have the idea of ​​joining the circle?"

Long Hao's icy face did not loosen the slightest, and he said without hesitation: "Participating in the show is a job. I will not be in the circle, and I don't want to be a star."


He felt that the handsome boy in front of him was a bit too upright and cold.

He laughed, with a bit of sincerity in his words: "But this is really a pity, with Wenhao's superior conditions, just being an ordinary martial arts coach, it would be too big and underachiever."

The barrage echoes:

[Yes, yes, yes, the host is too right! 】

【hateful! You have such a face and you have such a temperament. Why do you want to fight for work with a group of brawny coaches! Can't you cherish your beauty? 】

[I cried, some people know nothing about their beauty and think they are a martial arts coach. And I, an ugly girl, have all kinds of unrealistic dreams every day]

In a certain office of the Shen Supervision Bureau, the super-large screen that is usually used to monitor all kinds of tall and mysterious energies, at this moment, is placing a live video broadcast that is usually "no nutrition".

The members of the Supervisory Bureau who had no task huddled together, almost not laughing.

"Oh my **** hahahaha Captain's expression laughed so hard at me."

"Those audiences don't know anything about the captain's indifference, and they say they like a cool guy like the captain."

"The captain's heart: I want to draw a sword."

"Hahaha but the captain didn't bring the sword to record the show."

"The captain is the captain, look at the live broadcast effect, there is no dead end in handsome."


The show scene.

Long Hao glanced at the host.

The host trembled at this look.

He said it was incredible. He has been in the circle for so many years. He has seen highly respected old artists, he has seen popular traffic, and he has seen many of them.

I have never received any professional training to have such a posture and aura. I can only say that this is talent, and people are born to eat this bowl of rice.

However, the person standing on the opposite side cannot hear his inner words, and even if he hears it, it is not care.

Long Hao said lightly: "I think martial arts coaches are pretty good."

Okay, thought the host, it's almost the end here.

A newcomer, given so many shots, is enough to give face.

Isn't the main event still the five people in front?

He naturally turned the topic to other people.

After all, this was just a live broadcast of the guests meeting, and it was temporarily opened for the audience's feedback, and there was not much preparation.

It didn't take long for the live broadcast to end.

The picture goes dark.

The fans are still unfulfilled.

[Ahhhhhhhhhh? The first episode will not be broadcast until next Saturday? Is it too long? Isn't it okay this Saturday? 】


See you later~

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