The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 1073: Let's have a meal together 1

She was right.

These fruits are all spiritual fruits grown on the fruit trees that grow on the mountain where she lives. When they mature, when they are the freshest and most tender, they are picked off by the little fairies in the mountain, and the fruits are dried and offered. she was.

When Jinli said so, Mo Mo misunderstood.

"I almost forgot. You have a separate farm for Jinli. This fruit should also be your own. I'm afraid it doesn't have such a good taste."

This is an opportunity to flatter Jinli.

Jin Li smiled, remembering something, and then said: "The method of doing the results of this system is also exquisite. I specially let people go to the master to learn it."

Lu Zhengya glanced at her and said nothing.

Where is the master? This method of making dried fruit was figured out by the goddess Jiuyi. The reason was to give her son marshmallow some delicious snacks.

I don’t know how many years ago, Jin Li tasted it once by chance, and called it delicious. He just took a lot of good things and changed the method of making dried spirit fruit to make the little fairy on the mountain. We learn, cook for ourselves.

Little fairies love to eat, and the demon spirits of the fairy mountain where Tianchi is located certainly don't dare to neglect. No matter when, the small worlds of Jinli and Lu Zhengya are filled with so many dried fruits filled with crystal boxes.

In the small world of the gods, the things it contains can be immortal for thousands of years, and there is no worry about eating and wasting.

As for why the crystal box is used instead of gold and jade—Jin Li said, of course it is because this pure and transparent box contains colorful dried fruits inside, so beautiful.

Mo Mo said these words to Jinli, looking down at the dried fruit at hand, but thought of going somewhere else in his heart-sure enough, it's good to be rich and famous.

Seeing quietly and not showing off their wealth, they are so particular about eating dried fruit.

Long Hao glanced at her faintly, without saying any nonsense, and the movement of eating and eating kept on.

Just kidding, these people don't know the preciousness of this dried fruit, but he knows it very well.

What could be wrong with what Jin Li took out?

On the other side, Lu Shen really shut up after eating.

Su Hexiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

When she got off the bus, she found a reason to stay with Jinli.

I don't know what happened to this man, anyway, she made up her mind to draw a line with him.

After Lu Qingyuan ate two yuan, he didn't take it again. He sat quietly in the seat, not knowing what he was thinking.

The compartment became very quiet, but in the sweetness of the room, it didn't make people feel dull.

Finally, it was the first stop.

Several people arrived at the hotel, went into their respective rooms, and packed their luggage.

Today, there is no arrangement, just leave a gap for the guests to fix.

Mo Mo is the most familiar one. He set up a WeChat group, pulled all five people into the group, and suggested that everyone go out for dinner together at night.

This can be considered normal operation.

After all, the show time is not short. Everyone has to spend more than a month together day and night, and may have to form a partner to help each other, contact the relationship in advance and get acquainted with it as soon as possible. Eating is a very convenient and quick way.

No one refused.

For this kind of gathering, going to the private rooms of high-end restaurants is a bit too much.

Mo Mo suggested to go to Liao Chuan together at night.

When I saw the word "撸 string", the WeChat group was quiet for a moment.

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