The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 1075: The first trailer 1

The official Weibo program of "Travel with Me" was registered not long ago.

But how hot is this show?

To be precise, how popular is the popularity of these six guests?

The show has not officially started yet, and the official trailer has not come out.

Only a few photos were released, and a live broadcast was conducted that was not considered serious. The number of followers on the official Weibo of "Traveling with Me" has already passed seven figures.

You know, this show hasn't started yet!

The promotion hasn't started yet!

It is entirely based on the popularity of the guests and the fans brought by several hot searches.

It can be said to be quite terrible.

According to rumors, there are already other program groups in the industry, especially the program groups that have new programs to be broadcast, and they are inquiring about the broadcast time of "Travel with Me".

It is better to avoid it.

Just now, fans who have been following Weibo suddenly discovered that this official Weibo, who has never liked business very much, actually posted an update!

And it's a big shot.

The same is the not-so-serious trailer.

[Every day, when we sit in a depressed office, repeating the work of the previous day. Stop occasionally and look out the window... We need a trip. 】

The preamble ends and the screen is officially broadcast.

The video is quite satisfactory. The guests of this issue will take turns one by one. After introducing the guests, I will briefly talk about what the show is about.

At this point, the screen suddenly went black.

A line of bright white characters appeared.

[Do you think it is over here? Don't worry, there will be easter eggs afterwards. 】

Fans: "???"

As soon as the screen turns, the scene has been switched.

Apparently, it was in a bus.

There were six guests in the car.

Jinli and Lu Zhengya were talking.

Lu Qingyuan and Su Hexiang turned their heads sideways to exchange something.

Wen Hao and Mo Mo were relatively quiet, sitting with each other, one playing with a mobile phone and the other looking out the car window.

[Lu Shen and Su Su really have a very good relationship, are you whispering? 】

[Ah, can I finally carry the banner of Qingxiang CP? 】

[Holding a ball, these two can be frank and good friends at a glance? I really convinced you CP brains. When you see a man and a woman, you have to make a couple for others]

[Although, in fact, one man and one man can make it together...]

Later, arrows were circled above their heads, and Dahong bolded "whispering".

Soon, Jin Li's phrase "boring" appeared.

Lu Zhengya immediately began to take food to relieve her boredom.

Seeing this, fans: "..."

[Sorry, single dogs don’t deserve to watch this show]

[I am humbled]

[I thought it was a travel variety show I clicked in, but in the end I still can’t escape the pit of love variety show? 】

[Daddy Lu really loves Jinli. They have been together for many years, they are both married, and they are so sticky. I never did this when my boyfriend and I were in love with each other most]

[Otherwise "Yali" will always be the emperor in CP! 】

However, this topic did not last long.

Because, as the photographer's lens got closer to his own ideas, all the audience could clearly see the dried fruit that Jin Li was holding:

[This dried fruit is so beautiful]

[Really good-looking, the box is also very beautiful, is it glass? 】

[With the willfulness of this shop using mutton fat and white jade to pave the floor, maybe people use crystal boxes. 】

[It looks so delicious, can Jin Li share the dried fruit brand? 】

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