The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 805: Who said it wouldn't be worse?

Lawyer's letter from Lu's Legal Department.

Although it was not a subpoena, it was just a lawyer's letter.

But Xu Yiyi's owner, a small entertainment company, dare not take it seriously?

Of course not.

It must be treated with caution.

In case Mr. Lu is not satisfied, next time, it may really be a court subpoena.

If Lu really wants to kill them, can they say no?

——It can be said, but it is useless.

Xu Yiyi's entertainment company, of course, accepted the lawyer's letter politely, and then sent a representative to discuss with Lu's representative, and finally met all the other party's requirements.

Apology statement? no problem!

Economic losses? no problem!

Loss of reputation? no problem!

mental loss?

Although I don't know what spirit he can lose, of course there is no problem.

There is also damage to the reputation of the entire Lu Group, and the turbulence of the stock price [purely made up], Mr. Lu’s emotional impact...

After waiting for all the losses, the ultimatum was transformed into one, for Xu Yiyi to see, it was definitely a sky-high figure.

The company lost.

But the company is not a place for charity.

They spent money, of course, to find the righteous.

The agent picked up some key points of these words and told Xu Yiyi, and then "slapped" the contract on Xu Yiyi's desk.

"Sign it!"

Xu Yiyi didn't look at the contract so calmly.

She glanced at the amount above, only one glance, and she shrank back as if she had been scalded, not daring to look again.

"I don't sign! Why should I sign this? You guys are forced!"

She won't have enough money in her life.

The director snorted coldly: "No sign? Forced?"

She looked down at Xu Yiyi: "When you dared to call Mr. Lu's idea, didn't you think about this? What do you think is the money? It is the loss paid by the company to Lu! The cause is because of you! Why not sign it? You can do it without signing. I will let the Legal Department contact you. Oh right..."

She said slowly: "I thought you were pitiful, and you were exempt from your liquidated damages..."

Xu Yi asked casually, "What liquidated damages?"

Director: "If you do not inform the agent, if you do this privately, it seriously affects the company's interests. According to our artist contract, it is enough to sue you for breach of contract!"

It's just that for a small artist like Xu Yiyi, the liquidated damages are not very large, which is nothing compared to the company's funds to compensate Lu for hemorrhage.

Xu Yiyi: "..."

In the end, she did not sign the contract.

The agent didn't force her to sign, so the summons came to her.

Although their company is not a kind company, Xu Yiyi's fault was really in this matter.

Xu Yiyi, who came out of the court, went from being an 18-line star who was waiting to die, into a free man with millions in debt.

From now on, her work and her life will be shrouded in the shadow of this heavy debt.

Sitting by the flower bed, Xu Yiyi thought in a daze: Who said that, the days to come will not be worse?

She used to live in an apartment allocated by the company, although she was not popular, and she woke up naturally most of the time she had nothing to do, and she could receive several thousand yuan in subsidies every month.

Don't work, get money, and mess around.

Think about it carefully, what can't be satisfied?

And now, she will work her entire life for debts.



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