The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 809: Who is Lu Qinghua?

When Lu Jianzhen thought of this possibility, he felt that he was going to be bad.

She initially agreed to accept Qinghua as an adopted daughter, in large part because the body of Qinghua was a painting she painted herself.

For a painter, my own works are indeed no different from my own children.

Coupled with Qinghua's cute appearance, she also responded.

But after getting along for a while, she really fell in love with Qinghua.

Who can reject a good-looking daughter who is cute and has a soft personality who likes to act like a baby and is very dependent on her?

Anyway, Lu Jianzhen couldn't refuse.

Really becoming a daughter, of course there are more things to worry about.

Lu Jianzhen was very worried right now.

She pulled Lu Qinghua's hand and asked, "Is there anything wrong with the person you saw today?"

Lu Qinghua blinked his eyes and shook his head: "What's wrong? Nothing."

Looking at her clear eyes, Lu Jianzhen felt right. Qinghua was so simple in her mind that she couldn't tell if others were really malicious.

Lu Jianzhen said: "Mom just asked your uncle, and he said that Yuqian is a Taoist priest."

Lu Qinghua: "Wow!"

Taoist priest.

Lu Jianzhen: "..."

She said solemnly: "Don't interrupt, Qinghua, my mother heard that many Taoist priests are very hostile to some monsters and elves, so you'd better not have contact with that traveller, especially to hide your identity."

Lu Qinghua was stunned when he heard it.

She intuitively felt that Yu Qian would not be a bad person.

But since my mother said so, it's still like my mother, so less contact him.

After all, Lord Jinli also said that he should listen to his mother.

At this moment, in the enchantment where Maoshan was located, Yu Qian suddenly woke up from meditation.

Just now, he suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart, but no matter how careful he perceives it, there is no clue.

what on earth is it?


Poor Yuzhang, still didn't know that the little white rabbit he was fond of was strictly forbidden by the rabbit mother.

He was still thinking about finding a channel to learn more about Lu Qinghua.

Ordinary people probably wouldn't be able to. Lu Qinghua's identity is probably not known to ordinary people.

Then only...

He asked Ying Qian for Jinli's WeChat ID and added Jinli's friend.

Jinli saw Maoshan's remarks, thought about it, and passed.

[Relocation]: Jinli Road is friendly.

Although he knew that Lu Zhengya was Pai Yao's father, he still didn't know that Jinli was also Xiaoxianyu's father, so he still called Daoyou.

Jin Li was still a little impressed with him. At that time, Mao Shan and the three participated in the show "Coming Koi". The appearance of the three people was very good. The most important thing was that the names of these three people gave her a deep impression.

[Jin Li]: What's the matter?

You Qian hesitated for a while, but still asked:

[You Qian]: I met a girl outside today. She said her name was Lu Qinghua, from the Lu family.

[You Qian]: I think she is not an ordinary person?

He didn't say what he thought of Lu Qinghua, he just talked about discovering that the other party was not an ordinary person, or even a person.

I believe fellow Taoist Jin Li can see his subtext.

Jin Li really saw it.

Not only did she see it, she asked directly.

[Jin Li]: Oh, did you find that she is not a human?

Relocation: "..."

Fellow Jinli Taoist, she was still so upright as expected.

[You Qian]: Hmm... After all, this is our Maoshan ability to eat.

[Jin Li]: Oh, but she is not human, does it have anything to do with you?

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