The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 818: Jinli is the best

The state of being in the play is something that an actor can meet but not expect.

When more people enter the play, they just substitute themselves in the play, and when they leave the crew, they will still return to life.

Participation in the drama is too deep, that is, it does not have a good impact on life.

They have never seen it. Like Jin Li, the filming hasn't started yet, she herself has become someone else's.

This surprise and shock made them unconsciously friendly and respectful when they treated Jinli-no matter how flashy the circle is, there will always be a group of people who really hold on to themselves with enthusiasm and love for acting. Principles of people.

The few old drama bones who can be seen by the crew of "Spine" and invited to participate are such people.

Precisely because they are such people, when the crew chose Jin Li to act as the lead role, they didn't say anything about it, but they had a lot of criticism in their hearts.

But also because they are such people, after seeing Jin Li's state and what it is now, they changed their attitude towards her within a second.

In their hearts, Jinli has changed from a small flow vase to a model of contemporary young actor who is struggling and strict with himself for acting.

Such an actor, regardless of age and seniority, can always be respected and admired by others.

It's not just an old drama.

The other staff in the crew, the director's deputy director, including the chubby producer, looked at such Jinli as if they saw a piece of treasure.

Especially the producer.

Since he learned that Jin Li is a person with a big backstage, his attitude towards her has changed differently.

But a different attitude does not mean that he is optimistic about Jinli.

He had never expected Jin Li to perform such a rare Mr. You'an in hundreds of years.

He even sighed privately, such a good character, such a good screenplay theme, I am afraid that it will be a failure here.

But it's different now.

The producer stared at the graceful Jinli sitting in the crowd with bright eyes, and felt that Jinli was indeed a treasure!

His ideas are the same as those of the directors.

Jinli can become like this, it must have been a great effort and hard work!

There are too many actors with big backgrounds.

But with such a big background and working so hard, the key is to look at this, not only hard work, but also talented actors, not many.

Even this one!

Who doesn't she favor?

Who is red if she is not red?

Lu Zhengya sat far away, looking at the small koi in the crowd and the reactions of the people around him.

He felt a little complicated.

In his opinion, compared to the current "Jin Li", it is naturally that his own energetic and energetic girl is cuter and more attractive.

But what vision of these humans? Are you looking at this Jinli intently?

Isn’t the old Jinli not beautiful?

But on the other hand, he was faintly proud—the reaction of these people was proof of Jinli's success.

In other words, Jin Li did not hesitate to tear time and space to experience Li Youan's whole life. This thing is worthwhile and successful.

The response of these people is enough to prove this.


Finally, President Ba sat on the seat, touched his chin, and concluded: Jinli is the best.

No matter what it looks like, it is the best to look at.


2 more.

See you in the evening, here is a monthly pass

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