The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 826: Just delete it

Long Hao who received the call from Lu Zhengya: "?"

The cold and unsmiling Dragon Captain felt it strange for the first time.

Because of Lu Zhengya and his identity, he has been registered in the entire Supervision Bureau for so long, and he has never contacted them.

"Mr. Lu." He said hello.

Lu Zhengya said with an "um", "I want to ask you to do something for me."

Long Hao felt even more strange.

In this world, is there still something that Pai Yao can't handle?

"You said."

Lu Zhengya: "Let Jin Li participate in the filming of the "Feng Hua Lu" crew, delete the big wedding plot."

Long Hao: "..."

His expressionless expression collapsed for the first time.

? ? ?

what are you saying?

You asked our Supervisory Bureau to change the script?

We are the Superintendent Bureau here and are not responsible for this.

Probably because he understood his complaint, Lu Zhengya said lightly: "I know you. I believe you can help me settle it. I can bless the Supervisory Bureau for one year."

Long Hao: "...!"

"One year blessing?" He repeated these words again.

Lu Zhengya: "Everything is going well, get promoted and get rich."

Long Hao: "Okay, leave it to us!"


call ended.

After listening to the whole Jin Li: "..."

Lu Zhengya turned around and hugged her: "It's all right now, you don't need to shoot."

Jin Li: "..."

Lu Zhengya lowered his head and touched Jinli's forehead lightly.

"Jinli." He sighed softly, "There should have been a wedding between us."

The astringent feeling came again.

Jin Li said softly: "Wait for me to recover my memory. If you say that we used to be so good, my dream is real. We can continue to complete the things that have not been completed."

Lu Zhengya smiled.

He released his hand, took a step back, and nodded at Jinli.

Jin Li also nodded.

In the next moment, her expression changed.

The narcissistic and arrogant little fairy has once again become a magnificent Fengyue lady.

Lu Zhengya sat back in the chair.

With his movements, everything that was suspended returned to normal.

The staff continued to do what they had just done.

The director also raised his head, looked carefully at Jin Li, and nodded in satisfaction: "This looks and demeanor is very good, just keep it like this! Come on, everyone, get ready, let's start..."

The phone in his pocket rang suddenly.

The director frowned, waited for a while and took out his cell phone.

Seeing the caller ID, his look suddenly changed, and he walked aside to answer the phone in a quiet place.

A minute later, the director walked out with a stink.

The photographer didn't know, so he asked: "Director, can I start now?"

Upon hearing the words, the director glanced regretfully at Jin Li and waved his hand: "What to shoot, no more! Cut this section!"

Photographer: "?"

other people:"??"

The producer was also a little confused. He just wanted to ask what was wrong, and his mobile phone rang.

One minute later.

The producer, who was also confused, and the director glanced at each other, and both sides confirmed that the news they received was probably the same.

Others didn't dare to ask anything. The deputy director and director were old friends for many years, so they asked, "Why didn't you stop filming suddenly? Jin Li looks amazing."

The director shook his head at him, lip-synching.

The deputy director's expression changed and he didn't say anything.

When Jin Li went to change clothes and remove makeup, the director chose a time when there was no one to confess with the deputy director:

"The call from above didn't say the reason, so the scene was deleted."


4 more.

President Ba: Your father is your father.

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