Lu Zhengya was startled, as if a little uncertain, and shouted, "Jinli..."

A fragrant embrace embraced her.

Jinli smiled and said, "You like me so? Even Mr. Youan doesn't look good."

There are still a lot of people in the crew who haven't left, and they all looked over here in amazement.

The staff also raised their mobile phones excitedly.

But Lu Zhengya and Jinli didn't care anymore.

Lu Zhengya put the phone aside, smiled, and hugged the person.

He explained: "It's not that I look down on it, it's just that, no matter how good other people are, why are they not my Jinli?

Jin Li's ears are red, but she smiles happily on her face.

"Man, your words successfully pleased me." She lifted Lu Zhengya's chin, looking like a dude.

"Ah!" There was a vaguely suppressed scream around him.

Jin Li: "..."

She looked back and found her official assistant to the makeup artist.

For the documentary film produced by the film and television bureau father, the stylist and makeup artist are naturally the Taishan Beidou of the industry.

A little girl is also extremely talented to be an assistant to such a master.

But no matter how talented a girl sees such a good-looking CP on the spot, she can't calm down.

Being watched by Lu Zhengya and Jinli, the little girl blushed, embarrassedly holding her mobile phone and smirked at them.

Jinli/Lu Zhengya: "..."

Forget it, this human looks stupid.

Regardless of her.

Lu Zhengya let go of Jinli, stood up, leaned over, and gently kissed her on the face.

"I don't want to be seen as if you were kissed by me, so, go home..." Lu Zhengya's unfinished words were meaningful.

"Okay." Jin Li raised her eyebrows, not afraid.

Jin Li bid farewell to the director.

After such a long time of getting along, the director's impression of Jin Li is quite good.

At this moment, seeing the young girl's look fresh and alive, she was not at all like the elegant and intellectual Mr. You'an in his late years. The director was amazed at Jin Li's quick play, and was happy for her.

He said cheerfully: "Go back, you are tired these days, take a good rest."

"Okay, so are you Director Chen." Jin Li said.

She and Lu Zhengya left the film and television base together.

The two did not go home immediately.

"Let's go on a date." Jin Li and Lu Zhengya said.

Lu Zhengya: "Huh? Why did you suddenly think of a date?"

He didn't say to let her go home and rest. No one in this world knows Jinli better than him.

The length of work for humans to make movies is really nothing to a little fairy.

Jinli said: "I am deeply moved by your persistence and love for this little fairy, can't you?"

"Yes, of course." Lu Zhengya said.

Jin Li glanced at him with satisfaction and said, "So, what are we going to do? Go to see Hua Hai? Or go to the movies, or go to the holy place for couples to check in..."

She was enthusiastic about going through various dating strategies on the Internet.

Lu Zhengya waited for her to say it for a long time, and then slowly asked with a smile: "But, what should I do? I know that your shooting is over today, and I went to Bazhen Hall to order afternoon tea and dinner."

Jin Li's thoughts were suddenly pulled away.

She sniffed and asked: "Bazhen Pavilion?"

Lu Zhengya nodded: "Yu Panzhen is ashamed of a million dollars, Bazhen Hall."


2 more, see you step on it.

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