The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 841: Where is the sacred father?

It's really because the dark cloud just came too suddenly, and it didn't just appear in a certain place.

Everyone saw that vision.

The billowing thunder that came fast and went fast was really abnormal, and it was impossible to ignore.

Many networks have recorded video forwarding on the Internet.

Everyone is teasing:

[I don't know where the Taoist friends are here to cross the robbery? 】

[The old man pinches and counts, I'm afraid someone has become immortal]

[My friend and I are climbing a mountain. When we reached the top, we almost didn't cry when we encountered such a battle. 】

[The friend who climbed the mountain, did you see any vision? 】


Of course, everyone is just joking.

The Huaguo people all grew up in elementary school with materialism and don't think there will be anything beyond the scope of natural laws in this world.

Everyone joked about it, and then it passed.

But for the Supervisory Committee, this is far from the past.

The moment the billowing thundercloud appeared, everyone in the Shen Supervision Committee noticed it.

At the same time, all abnormal energy detectors issued a red alarm at the first time.

But the alarm lasted only a few seconds, and then died down-directly paralyzed.

All the analysts looked at the number detected by the energy detector one second before the paralysis, and fell into deep silence.

I saw Jin Li and Lu Zhengya at the Supervisory Committee before. The eyes of the younger brother looked a little pale: "This, this machine, should it be malfunctioning?"

Long Hao glanced at him: "Our energy detectors all over the country are malfunctioning at the same time?"

"Yes..." The glasses brother looked awkwardly out of state: "But how is this number possible? How can thunder and lightning have such a large energy? Even if we are all over the country, no, all the people with special abilities in the world add Together, there can be such a fraction, right?"

Long Hao thought for a while, walked out of the room and called Jinli.

Although he didn't have any evidence, he always felt that this matter had something to do with Jinli and the others.

Who made these two gods the only two gods in this world?

Even if it wasn't them, they should know something that humans don't know.

The call was quickly connected.

Because of the frequent calls in the past for a long time, Long Hao has now been classified by Jinli among the "very familiar" humans.

Long Hao is not a person who likes nonsense, he is straight to the point: "Do you know what happened to the thundercloud just now?"

Jin Li: "Huh? That, I know, it was my dad."

Long Hao: "???"

Jin Li had said that he had a father a long time ago, and the Taoist Association and the Supervisory Committee had always thought it was a hidden predecessor.

Later, the identity of Jinli Little Fairy was exposed, and many people didn't care about that "dad", thinking it was Jinli's nonsense.

Now Jinli means, is her father real?

Isn’t the god’s father also a god?

Looking at the battle just now, it is definitely not a simple fairy.

Long Hao's voice was a little dry: "Did your father also come to our country of flowers? Didn't you say before that there are only two gods in this world, you and Mr. Lu?"

Jin Li shook his head: "No, my father won't come to you. Your world is too weak to bear my father's power. It was just a ray of his mind."

Long Hao: "?????!!!"

A ray of spiritual thought?

He thought of the terrifying number of an energy meter.

"My father, what is it?"


4 more.

Little fairy: My father is the father you can't get.

Call for Dad Tiandao and vote for Dad Tiandao. Ouch!

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