The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 847: Push the heart

But Wen Jiming didn't dare to say anything, didn't dare to ask anything, and could only quietly hold this matter to the bottom of her heart.

Jin Li is here.

She has completely entered the salty state after long overtime work.

Although Sister Qing beeped countless times in front of her, "You are just right now that you can take advantage of "Spine" to take advantage of another excellent production to stabilize your position" "Even if you want to rest and feel too tired to take the show, then take two Endorsement?" or "Your reality TV ratings are very good, and a director is already contacting me" and so on.

Jin Li is just one sentence: "Tired, need to rest, not pick up."

Sister Qing: "..."

Jin Li also especially sincerely advised Sister Qing: "You should pay more attention to the other artists. I can't walk on this road for long."

In addition to Jinli, Sister Qing also brought a few other artists.

Jin Li has seen those few people, young, energetic, and they all look pretty good.

Sister Qing has some vision, and they won't be too bad in the future.

At this moment, listening to Jin Li's words, Sister Qing's heart suddenly burst, and she looked at Jin Li warily: "What do you mean by this?"

What does it mean that you can’t walk too long on this road?

The thoughts in Sister Qing's mind turned for a while, and she thought of all kinds of possibilities.

What I think about the most, is Jin Li planning to marry Mr. Lu, planning to quit the entertainment industry and become a full-time wife with peace of mind?

Thinking of this, Sister Qing gave birth to a sense of crisis.

Part of it is for myself, but more, I feel crisis for Jinli.

"You can't have any silly thoughts, Jinli." She glared at Jinli. "Are you going to be with Mr. Lu and then retreat? I tell you, you must not think like that."

She spoke earnestly and discouraged: "Now you are in the entertainment circle, everything is fine. Even documentary films like "Spine" have selected you as the protagonist, and you can be seen by the naked eye. This is your own business, Jin pear."

Jin Li: "...No, you may have misunderstood something..."

"Whether it's a misunderstanding or not, I wanted to tell you these words a long time ago," Sister Qing said seriously.

Jin Li looked at her.

Sister Qing looked at her stunning face and sighed: "I know, Mr. Lu likes you very much. You two will marry later and you may live a happy life. Even if you are a full-time wife, you will be particularly happy. You can I travel every day, buy, buy, and do whatever I want to do. But Jin Li, Sister Qing still tells you something: You have to have your own career, and it doesn’t have to be Celebrity."

"This is your guarantee for your own life, and it is also the support you can rely on to face all situations in the future, with your head held high and not afraid of everything."

"A woman's charm can be derived from her stunning appearance, or she can rely on her independent and free soul."

This is indeed a heartbreak.

Jin Li was a little touched, but also a little bit dumbfounded.

She sat a little closer to Sister Qing, smiled and held her hand: "I understand this. Just like Sister Qing, you are always beautiful."

Sister Qing: "..."

She gave Jinli a white look: "Say serious things, don't let your tongue slip."

Jinli stuck her tongue out: "Okay. I actually want to tell you that I can live whatever I want, and I definitely won't rely on others. Sister Qing, you worry too much."


4 more.

I think, before dinner, I can take out all the six changes today! [Exposure to the fact that I did not save the manuscript]


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