The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 849: Make a salted fish

Jinli blinked at her: "Do you remember the father I told you about?"

Of course Sister Qing remembers.

The Jinli father who lives in Jinli's words, is extremely mysterious and powerful.

Jin Li said: "I might be going home sometime. When I get home, I will definitely not continue to be a star here."

Sister Qing doesn't understand this logic very well, but since Jin Li said so, she should just listen to it for the time being.

"Then..." she said, "If you decide when to go back, remember to tell me in advance."

Jinli smiled and said, "I will."

Sister Qing looked at her again.

Jinli understood what she meant, and said quickly: "I want to take a break, and I won't take up work during this time!"

Sister Qing: "...Alright, then you have a good rest. Contact me when you want to work."

Jin Li nodded vigorously.

Sister Qing was sent away, Jin Li took out Weibo.

Since she officially started filming Mr. Youan, she hardly played Weibo, let alone post updates.

Fans look through the autumn waters, wailing under Weibo every day:

[You have changed, you are no longer the little fairy who gives us benefits every day]

[You pickled chicken feet, you have the ability to take over the show, have the ability to post trailers, you have the ability to be more dynamic! 】

[Today is also the day when I didn’t see the little fairy, I miss her and miss her]


Oh, it’s been a long time since I took a selfie, I still miss it.

Jin Li took a few photos of herself and posted on Weibo:

Jin Li is a koi acridine v: Long time no see, miss me? 【Picture】【Picture】【Picture】

Build tall buildings instantly:

[Think about it! 】

[Little fairy is still so pretty! 】

[Long time no see Jinli fairy! 】

[You finally made a move! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh still to be so pretty 】

[Will Jin Li act in a TV series recently? Or take variety shows? I like watching your reality show! 】


Jin Li scanned a circle of comments, picked one and answered:

Jin Li is a koi acridine: I can’t take over work recently, so I have to take a good rest for a while. The salted fish is paralyzed.

[[笑哭][笑哭][笑哭] The number one lazy star in the entertainment circle is well-deserved, and you have to rest for a while after what you do]

[Look next door! They have three plays a year! You just can't learn! A little aggressive! Mom really broke my heart for you! 】

[Oh, few works have come out, but the extravagance is not small. Take a movie and take a month off. See if you can. 】

Although the fans also complained that the little fairy is too lazy, but the little fairy can complain about it by herself, and others can't mock it.

[You are a fool with the ID called a handful of red face tears, right? My Jinli’s own life, she can arrange whatever she wants, it's up to you! 】

[That made a tear, do you never rest at work? What is so sour? 】

[Shhh, I made a tear and I told me quietly, our little fairy is very spiritual, you scold her, be careful. 】

[Hahahaha, yes, scold the little fairy to be careful! 】


Jin Li received a call after eating.

It was Yu Manluo who came here.

There are occasional chats between the two, although not so enthusiastically, there is a sense of comfort that is as light as water.

"I'm getting married at the end of next month, are you coming to participate?"

Jin Li was surprised, but thinking about the way of getting along between Man Luo and Fan Sheng, he took it for granted.

She nodded: "What day next month? I can go."


6 more.

Set a flag, 6 in the morning!

If I didn't do it, just...when I didn't say it!

See you early in the morning.

I need a monthly pass to charge! Recommended tickets are also wide!

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