Su Hexiang: "..."

Jin Li felt that the girl's reaction was not much worse than Qing sister.

Su Hexiang confirmed with her twice: "Are you not acting anymore?"

"You said you are not acting anymore?!"

Jin Li nodded.

Su Hexiang looked incredulous and regretful: "It's really a pity that you are like this. You have been hacked for so long, and finally come to this step with great difficulty, and you can pick up the fruits of victory by raising your hand and playing a beautiful game. Turn around, you won't act anymore?"

Jin Li asked back: "Do I care about these things?"

Human beings live for hundreds of years, and the time when they like her and hate her may not even exist for just ten years.

A hundred years later, the dust returned to the dust, and all those who praised her and slandered her turned into loess, but she was eternal.

Is she guilty of taking the speech of a group of mortals so important?

not to mention……

Jinli is full of confidence: "A Mr. Youan, it is enough to destroy those slanders."

To say that she has no acting skills, that she has no soul in acting, and how she is, until the release of Fenghualu, facts speak louder than words.

"I am confident that this character will surprise the world, unless Mr. Youan's charm is fake." Jin Li blinked her eyes and said jokingly.

"Moreover, it's great to call the curtain call at the most glorious time," Jin Li said.

Su Hexiang: "..."

She watched Jinli for a long time, and finally said helplessly: "You are always unpredictable, self-willed and arbitrary. There are a lot of wrong reasons, and you can't say it.

Jin Li's eyes widened: "What is crooked truth, what I said clearly makes sense."

Su Hexiang stopped arguing with her, and instead said, "Your agent is not angry with you?"

Jinli thought about Sister Qing's reaction, and said without the conscience of the fairy: "No, Sister Qing used to manage Bai Jinli, and she has survived. I am so relieved and obedient now, why would she be angry."

Su Hexiang: "..."

She still wanted to ask something. Jin Li knew what she wanted to say as soon as she turned her mind. She shook her head and refused to cooperate: "Don't talk about work problems anymore. I finally have a rest after filming for so long. You have to talk to me about this, so tired and annoying!"

Su Hexiang: "...Well, next month you go to Yu Manluo's wedding, and there is still such a long time, what are you going to do?"

Jin Li thought for a while, and asked suspiciously: "What's your plan?"

Su Hexiang: "In a month, you have to find something to do, right?"

Jin Li was puzzled: "It's only a month, eating, drinking, sleeping, and going, what else should I do?"

Su Hexiang: "..."

Workaholics don't quite understand the life of this salted fish.

The topic ends here.


I don't know when, the chattering in the small building ended.

The wind shook the bamboo curtain slightly, and a hazy moonlight ran in, fell on the two sleeping people side by side on the bed, and tenderly kissed their cheeks.

Jin Li is dreaming again.

This time she dreamed of a man.

He was wearing a black robe, which was as black as ink, and the ink color was not like ordinary black fabrics, but seemed to be made up of endless darkness. But the darkness was not scary, on the contrary, it was very calm and peaceful, which made her feel at ease.

She seemed to be very small in the dream, the man bent down, gently touched his head, and said something to her.

Jin Li could not see his face clearly, but could hear gentle words clearly.

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