The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 862: Yujialaidiren

Su Hexiang and Yu Manluo still didn't expect that there are some people, she can't be seen if you don't want to see her.

When Yu's family came in, Yu Manluo and Fan Sheng were wearing wedding dresses and toasting to the two old men sitting in chairs.

These two people are Fan Sheng's adoptive parents.

Fan Sheng is an orphan.

Many of his brothers and sisters are orphans.

This childless old couple, in those difficult times, saved food and clothing by themselves, and supported a large group of children who were abandoned for unknown reasons.

It is also good for good. When the old couple reaches this age, most of those children have already married.

Every New Year's Day, the old couple’s small yard is always full of people.

Large groups of children ran around happily, shouting loudly for grandparents to ***sun Mantang.

Now, they are also respectfully invited by Fan Sheng to sit here as parents.

The old man in a red Tang suit combed his white hair neatly, smiled and took the tea from his son and daughter-in-law, took a sip, and then took out a big red packet from his pocket.

Then there was a commotion below.

Yu Manluo raised his eyes and looked over. It turned out that three people broke in from outside, and the waiter in the hotel stopped them.

I can vaguely hear Mandarin with a strong accent: "Don't stop me! I am the bride's maiden! We are here for the wedding!"

When Yu Manluo heard this voice, her heart sank.

The next moment, I saw a woman breaking into the banquet hall.

The woman looked around in this luxurious banquet hall in amazement, and finally set her eyes on the newcomer on the stage, to be precise, the bride.

"Hey Manman, I am the big aunt, the big aunt!" She waved to Yu Manluo affectionately.

Seeing her like this, the security guards who had stopped the other two people subconsciously stopped.

It seems that the visitor and the bride really know each other?

Is it really a family member?

But how come there is a marriage that does not notify the natal family in advance?

The other two also rushed in and stood beside Yu's aunt.

Yu Manluo looked at it coldly, and on the left was a very familiar person, her "mother", the woman who once wanted to donate a kidney.

She didn't seem to be as comfortable as the eldest mother, and she looked a little restrained in the eyes of everyone.

On the right, leaning against the aunt Yu's family, is a five or six-year-old child with a pair of eyes looking around, but Yu Manluo doesn't recognize it.

But she was not very interested.

Everyone is watching the bride's reaction.

Fan Sheng's brothers are also a little curious: they all know the sister-in-law Yu Manluo, and the big ones have known each other for several years. However, Yu Manluo never heard that he had a family, and they thought that each other was an orphan just like him.

Yu Manluo looked at the three people in the audience coldly: "Where is the security guard? Get out!"

The security guards standing behind hesitated and walked over.

They work in a place like this, and they have seen all kinds of situations.

In the present situation, one can tell at a glance that the bride has a bad relationship with the family.

However, I don't know if it was the family who treated the bride badly so that the two parties were cut off even not inviting the wedding, or if the bride climbed up to Gao Zhi'er to look down on her poor relatives.

The security guards sighed in their hearts, but started to pull people without hesitation.

In short, what's the reason for him? Whoever is the customer is the boss when they work.

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