The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 873: Drunk Fish Slag 1

Jin Li didn't say anything, so she took it and took a sip.

Before she swallowed it, she vomited it all at once.

She frowned, unhappy: "Astringent, greasy, and awful."

Lu Zhengya took the cup in her hand and took a sip.

It is a very pure fruit juice, and the taste is considered top-quality in the world.

Usually, Lan Ting squeezed it at Jinli's house.

It seemed that the fish became drunk and not only denied it, but also became very squeamish.

"I want to drink spirit juice." Jin Li said.

Lu Zhengya helplessly: "No."

Jin Li's gaze turned grunting: "Then I want to drink."

Lu Zhengya: "..."

He looked at the person in front of him with some suspicion, thinking in his heart, Jin Li's real purpose is not to drink, so she gave out an excuse for drinking spirit juice?

But when he looked carefully, Jin Li's eyes were blurred and lazy, and it didn't seem like she would make excuses to deceive others.

He said, "There is no wine either."

"Huh!" Jin Li turned her head, not wanting to ignore him.

The little fairy girl is angry, it's useless for you to look good.

Lu Zhengya thought for a while and said, "Are you taking a bath?"

He knows Jin Li likes bathing.

Sure enough, Jin Li suddenly moved after hearing this.

Seeing her like this, Lu Zhengya laughed inwardly: Sure enough, it was still so funny.

He got up and went to the bathroom to put water on Jin Li.

Jin Li was sitting on the sofa, staring at the sound of water coming from the bathroom next door, she was dumbfounded, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

After a while, her brows suddenly frowned.

The next moment, the body on the sofa suddenly turned into a silver light and disappeared.

Lu Zhengya who was about to walk out of the bathroom: "???"

Fearing that the drunk fish would cause trouble, he did not dare to delay, turning into a ray of light to catch up.


Jinli stood in the corridor.

This is obviously a hotel, but the environment is not so good, the corridors are dark and the corners are stained.

People kept passing by and talking between the corridors, but Jinli didn't want to be quarreled by others at the moment, and these people "ignored" her.

Jin Li looked at the door of the room, tilted his head to confirm, and walked towards one room.

Yu's mother and Yu's aunt live here.

Most of the wicked are bullying and fearful of hardships. They are as domineering as Aunt Yu. When they meet those ferocious big men, they are so scared that they dare not let go.

After they were kicked out of the hotel, the youngest also released a classic villain's remark:

"If I were you, I would be honest. That is to say, you are lucky. Today is our boss's big day. If you offend your sister-in-law, the boss will bear it. For the usual... Out of Hengzhou sideways?"

It's a bright threat!

Damn it works!

Yu's mother was not reconciled, but Aunt Yu was frightened, and she was about to walk back holding her grandson.

But it must be too late today.

Both of them didn't have much money, so they chose to find this cheap and affordable hotel to stay temporarily.

The two want to save money. Naturally, they live in a double room. Aunt Yu takes the child to sleep, and the mother sleeps in a bed alone.

Aunt Yu’s grandson started to make troubles from the moment he walked in, saying that he was uncomfortable, he wanted to eat, and he wanted to go out to play, crying if he could not make him happy.

Aunt Yu is arrogant towards others, but she loves the roots of the old Yu family to her bones and asks for everything. She also agreed that her grandson would sit on her back and ride a horse.

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