The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 875: Drunk Fish Slag 3

Such words make Jinli feel hot to ears.

She looked at Yu mother upset: "I'm asking her, did I let you talk?"

As her words fell, Yu Mu was shocked to find that she was really speechless.

She opened her mouth in vain and closed her mouth, but she couldn't make a sound.

She looked at Jinli in horror.

Aunt Yu's family naturally saw this scene.

She herself was a village woman who had never read a book and had little knowledge. She was much more afraid of this scene than her mother.

"You...what kind of magic are you? Come here! Come here!" she shouted.

Jin Li thought the woman was too noisy: "Shut up, too!"

Aunt Yu's family also found that she was also unable to make a sound.

As for the child in her arms, she was probably frightened and looked at Jinli in a daze.

Jin Li thought for a while, and felt that although the child looked a little crooked, he was only so old after all.

Don't scare him anymore.

She reached out and pointed: "Go to sleep."

The elder mother's grandson fell asleep.

When he wakes up, he won't remember what just happened.

But Aunt Yu Jia did not appreciate this love.

She only saw the unhumanly beautiful woman in front of her pointed at her grandson, and she didn't know what demon technique was used, and the grandson passed out.

It's worth it!

She is not a monster who **** the spirit of children!

Even if a woman is ignorant, her love for her descendants bursts out, which is amazing.

The eldest mother stared at Jin Li, her mouth open to curse, she was silent, and raised her hand to catch someone.

How could Jinli be caught by her?

She is very impatient now.


A fixation decision made both of them unable to move.

Jin Li asked impatiently: "Say, what are you doing here?"

As soon as she spoke this time, she brought a peculiar rhythm in her tone, and the Yu family's aunt found that she could speak.

What she can say is no longer under her control.

She opened her mouth, slowly, and said one word at a time: "My younger brother and sister told me that Yu Manluo is living well now, and she found a rich and powerful husband, and asked me to come to Yu Man with her. radish."

"I have raised her for so many years, so I can count her as half a mother, and her younger siblings are her biological mothers. We all have great kindness to her, and she should have repaid us."

"My younger sister said that we are not very demanding. She leaked something from her fingers, which is enough for us to live a good life."

"My Junjun will live in the city and go to school in the city to marry a wife and have children. I want Yu Manluo to buy a house for my Junjun in the provincial capital."


She talked a lot, Jin Li was tired of listening, and found a clean chair to sit down.

Finally, she summed up what the woman said: She was instigated by her younger siblings and came to ask for money.

"Okay, you can shut up." She looked at Yu mother lazily, "Now, for you."

Yu mother didn't want to say.

But she couldn't control her mouth either.

"My husband went in, my son died, and I have no support for the rest of my life." Yu mother said mechanically, "I am looking for Yu Manluo, I really want to seek reconciliation."

"I found out that she is doing well now. Men are rich and powerful. Especially, her man is also an orphan. This kind of person should cherish family affection. If I can repair the relationship with her, I can live a peaceful life. Life is as comfortable and beautiful as before."

"I can't stand this kind of hardship anymore."

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