The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 878: Money is precious, life is more important

Money is precious, but life is more important!

On the contrary, the Yu family's eldest mother, seeing the two of them about to leave, glanced at the grandson lying on the bed, gathered up the courage and shouted: "Wait, wait a minute!"

Lu Zhengya looked over blankly.

Aunt Yu's shoulder shrank, and she asked in a low voice, "My family is handsome..."

"It's just asleep." Lu Zhengya's voice fell off and disappeared.

The two women in the room were left looking at each other.

After half a minute:

"You bitch, you scold me like that in your heart!"

"Bah! Did I say something wrong? You were crude and disgusting!"

"Shameless bitch, why don't you say that when you ask us for help?"


Jin Li narrowed her mouth as she listened to the voice behind her.

Lu Zhengya looked at her, stretched out his hand and brushed her face.

When did all the smell and noise disappear.

"The dog bites the dog. If you don't like to listen, don't listen."

Jinli opened her eyes in a daze, leaning in his arms: "Hmm..."

The little fairy in the bath still failed to soak happily.

Because she hadn't waited to get home, she had a complete drunkenness and she had already fallen asleep.


Two days have passed since the wedding.

Su Hexiang and Jinli are also going back from Hengzhou.

Yu Manluo was a little bit reluctant.

Jinli patted her arm: "If you miss us, come to the Imperial Capital to find us. We can also find you."

"Yeah." Yu Manluo said with a smile.

Su Hexiang pulled Yu Manluo to the side and asked in a low voice, "They... won't trouble you again?"

They refer to family members.

Yu Manluo shook his head, also a little puzzled: "Don't worry, they don't have one. Yesterday Fan Sheng told me that they had already bought the ticket and returned to their hometown."

This is something that even Yu Manluo didn't understand.

Based on her cheeky understanding of her family, it was not like a routine operation that the other party would leave after being scolded once.

However, no matter what, it's good if people leave.

Seeing that Su Hexiang still looked guilty, Yu Manluo comforted her in turn: "Don’t feel guilty. None of this has anything to do with you, and you are not allowed to disclose this relationship. I like you, and I hope everything goes well for you. ."

Su Hexiang nodded: "Okay."

Yu Manluo looked at Jinli again and said with a smile: "Don't drink anymore in the future."

Jin Li: "..."

She snorted stingly in her heart, and said nothing.

When several people arrived at the Imperial Capital Airport, they met an unexpected person.


Lu Qingyuan carried the suitcase alone, and was also surprised to see the three of them.

He greeted several people: "Uncle, Jinli."

After that, he looked at Su Hexiang, his tone paused, and calmly said hello: "Miss Su."

Su Hexiang's heart darkened, and a smile appeared on her face: "Lu Shen."

Jin Li said "Huh": "Do you know each other?"

Su Hexiang smiled and said, "I am a fan of Lu Shen."

"Oh." Jin Li glanced at Su Hexiang and then at Lu Qingyuan, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What are you doing here?" Jin Li asked.

Just as Lu Qingyuan was about to answer, a voice came from behind: "Brother Qingyuan."

Lu Qinghua ran over with two ice creams and was surprised to see Lu Zhengya and Jinli.

"Jinli, Mr. Lu!" She was obviously very happy.

Lu Qingyuan said: "I took Qinghua out to play for a while, and I just came back today."

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