The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 881: Cross catastrophe

Jin Li has re-living the life of salted fish-eating, drinking, sleeping, and sleeping every day. It's so uncomfortable.

Of course, people from the Dao Sect and the Supervision Bureau came to greet her and Lu Zhengya daily.

This day.

Jin Li was indulging in games at home and suddenly felt something in her heart.

She looked up, and thick clouds had accumulated to the north.

The energy in the clouds is faintly familiar--a bit like Father Tiandao, but much less powerful.

Someone is crossing the robbery.

Cross the robbery?

Jinli admits that if she remembers correctly, the world's aura is too thin, and the upper limit of the cultivator is also very low.

It is absolutely impossible to have such a powerful thunder robbery.

She disappeared where she was.

The next moment, Jin Li arrived at a place.

This is a barren mountain where no one has come before.

But this barren mountain has many people standing at this moment.

Jin Li looked at it, and most of them were familiar faces.

When other people saw Jinli, they came over to say hello.

"What's going on? Who is crossing the catastrophe?" Jin Li asked.

As long as you don't talk about money, the immortal Qing Yangzi smiled and said, "It is Daochang Xue who is crossing the catastrophe."

Old Xue Xue?

Jin Li was even more surprised: "Didn't he form a golden pill a long time ago? Is he saving Yuan Yingjie now?"

But in this world, how can an infant be born?

Qing Yangzi smiled and said, "I have to thank Fairy Jinli and Mr. Lu."

Because of the arrival of the two of them, Huaguo's aura has increased at a terrifying speed.

In the beginning, it was just that some young disciples of Taoism began to practice faster.

Slowly, the middle-level monk also realized the benefits.

Until now, even a high-level monk like Xue Lao Dao could break through the obstacles and ushered in the Yuanying Thunder Tribulation in one fell swoop.

Jin Li understood what he said.

So, because of the arrival of himself and Lu Zhengya, the aura of the isolated world began to slowly recover.

"In other words, I am your great benefactor?" Jin Li asked.

Qingyangzi nodded: "It's not just a great benefactor, it's just a new parent."

Jin Li: "..."

She waved her hand: "Never mind the parents, I don't have a child as old as yours."

Qingyangzi: "...cough cough cough."

Fellow Jinli Taoist speech was as straightforward as ever.

Jin Li looked at Xue Lao Dao in the thunder robbery, and estimated that the power of the thunder robbery was not strong, and Xue Lao Dao could handle it.

Her eyes grumbled: "Since I am your benefactor, do you...want to give me something back?"

Qing Yangzi asked nervously, "I wonder what compensation will Taoist Jinli want?"

He remembered that he heard that the Supervision Bureau had carried several large boxes of jewelry to Mr. Lu.

They are very poor, but they can't give so much money.

Jin Li said, "It's very simple, you can just think of ways to promote it to me."

Qingyangzi: "?"

Jin Li: "I want to be popular. I want to like me more. I am definitely not enough (mainly because I am too lazy to think of ways). Your Daomen network is so strong, so you can think of ways to promote me, to the whole country The whole world knows me."

Qingyangzi: "..."

Why does a serious Taoist Association do such a less serious thing?

If Long Hao was here this time, he would probably understand Qing Yangzi's mood very well.

"Okay, nothing else, I'll leave first." Jin Li was about to pat Qing Yangzi's shoulder for encouragement, but after a glance at the height difference between the two, she paused and patted the other's hand.

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