The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 883: No, what you need is a bonus

During the journey, Lu Zhengya received news from Bai Yan.

[Sir, the managers think you are too much, they need a boss, they need a vacation! 】

Lu Zhengya thought for a while, then replied:

[No, what they need is a bonus. Next month, everyone has three salaries and the year-end bonus doubles. 】

Bai Yan fell into silence over there.

After a few minutes of silence.

【Mr! The managers say they can! They can keep going. 】

【Ok. 】

Lu Zhengya replied coldly and vividly interpreted the face of a ruthless capitalist.

Jin Li, who was also on the journey, also received the news.

They are from Qing Jie and Lan Ting respectively.

Lan Ting is also a fan, no matter what idol does, she will only call 666.

Sister Qing is different.

She was almost caused by high blood pressure by Jinli, and the crackling was a big mess.

Jin Li clicked on the voice, moved the phone a little further, and waited for Sister Qing to finish speaking.

She stuck her tongue out at Lu Zhengya: "Look, I don't answer the phone, it's really wise."

She waited patiently for Sister Qing to finish, and then said politely: "Don't be angry, Sister Qing, you see, I told you that I will rest for a while. I didn't lie to you. "

Sister Qing: "..."

Jin Li: "Furthermore, I was lying at home before, and you said every day that I ate and slept and ate to get fat into a ball. Now I finally walked out, you want to talk about me again."

Yo, she was aggrieved.

Sister Qing: "..."

Sister Qing hung up the phone angrily and decided to black Jinli for three days.

Jin Li didn't mind being blackened at all, very happy.

In the evening of the same day, Jinli's Weibo was updated.

Jiugongge is indispensable.

The lonely smoke in the desert, the yellow sand sunset, and the light and shadow stretched by the sunset, two people holding hands.

Finally, there is a group photo of Jinli and Lu Zhengya.

The fans suddenly wailed the wolf cry:

[This sudden benefit! 】

[Where is Jinli now? The scenery is so beautiful]

[Be sure to pay attention to sun protection in the desert! A warning of blood and tears from a personal experiencer]

[Jinli, are you out to play again? Look at Susu next door, don't you feel ashamed to compare it? 】

In fact, it is not polite to mention one artist under another artist's Weibo.

It’s just that Jin Li’s fans know that she and Su Hexiang are so good that they are not bad with their sisters, and even the two fans have a lot of overlap, so everyone has no scruples when joking.

Speaking of which, many fans still find it incredible.

Su Hexiang's fans, because of the excellence of his idols, have always looked down upon those traffic with no real ability.

Jin Li should be within their contempt.

But it’s very strange that not only Su Hexiang likes Jinli, they also like Jinli.

In the end, everyone can only attribute it to-Jin Li is a poisonous woman.

It's hard for her to dislike her.


After watching the sunset, Jinli and Lu Zhengya set up a tent in the desert.

Fans thought that the two of them were following the group, or invited the local director to lead the way.

As everyone knows, the two didn't make any plans or preparations at all, they just came here casually.

The desert was cold at night, but this temperature was nothing to them.

However, to meet the occasion, Jin Li still made a fire.

Then, the fire ushered in a group of uninvited guests.

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