The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 885: You are irreplaceable in my heart

Lu Zhengya closed his eyes and slowed down for a long time before finally suppressing the impulse that was difficult to speak.

His voice was still a little hoarse, and he said softly: "Go to bed early. It doesn't mean that you have to watch the sunrise in the morning."

Jinli rubbed her ears uncomfortably, only to feel that Lu Zhengya's voice sounded... just inexplicably called Yu and blushed.

She told him very solemnly: "Speak well."

Lu Zhengya: "?"

He seemed to know what Jin Li meant.

Started to laugh in a low voice.

Jinli's ears are getting hotter: "What are you laughing at?"

Lu Zhengya: "My voice has become like this, it's not what you think."

Jin Li: "..."

Sure enough, it was still not serious.

She muttered a few words, picked a comfortable position, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Maybe it was just a moment of nervousness. Now when I relax, Jin Li doesn't feel that the tent is uncomfortable.

There is nothing wrong with being quiet outside.

Just sleepy.

Sleeping when sleepy, she quickly fell asleep in the arms of the beast.

Lu Zhengya looked down at the little koi in his arms.

This scene used to be what he wanted most when he was a teenager.

Long, long ago, he wanted to make Jinli rely on his arms unguardedly and wholeheartedly.

He lowered his head and gently kissed the **** the cheek, and then carefully adjusted his posture so that Jin Li could sleep more comfortably.


Jin Li was awakened by the call.

She was still very confused.

Lu Zhengya pulled the tent away, and the light jumped in from outside, causing her to frown with some discomfort.

Its daybreak.

Lu Zhengya stretched out her hand and said, "I don't want to watch the sunrise. I can't wait any longer."

Jin Li took this person's hand, pulled herself up, and was led by him again, walking out with half-closed eyes.

Walking out of the tent, the surroundings are bright.

The sky is a large splendid golden orange, and layers of clouds are covered with a robe embroidered with gold rim, which is extremely magnificent.

Jin Li's eyes widened at once.

Lu Zhengya took out the prepared camera and fixed it and started shooting.

He himself had walked to Jin Li's side, took her by the hand, and watched the sunrise together.

Jin Li smiled when the ball of light jumped out of the clouds.

"You said, there is no golden crow in this world, no goddess Wangshu, but the sun and the moon still appear."

She thought for a while: "It can be seen that no one is irreplaceable."

When she said this, the light of the morning sun fell on her face, as if covering her with holy light.

Such a golden pear does not seem to be agile and compelling in usual days, but it has a more sacred feeling.

Lu Zhengya looked at her and shook his head: "No, not so."

"Huh?" Jin Li looked at him suspiciously.

Lu Zhengya tightly grasped Jin Li's hand, moved her fingertips, and inserted her fingers together.

"I said, some people can never be replaced."

"for example?"

"Like you."

Jin Li was taken aback, and pointed to herself: "Am I?"

Lu Zhengya took her hand and put it on his heart.

"Did you hear that? Jinli."

"My heart will only beat for you, no one else."

"You are the irreplaceable in my mind."

Even if there may be the first beauty in the sky and underground, there will be koi in the future.

But in Lu Zhengya's eyes and heart, there will always only be a glimpse of Tianchi many years ago.

Since then, I have moved my feelings and can no longer tolerate others.

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