The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 887: Wait for me to say goodbye to you

To Long Hao, her label in her heart is "Everything is fine."

This is not to say that Long Hao is pretentious, but that things are fine in the literal sense-every time since Long Hao, it means that something has happened.


Long Hao saw the two of them, still with those cold faces, and then said: "You two went to the North Pole?"

This Jinli didn't expect to be able to hide it from the Superintendent Bureau, and there was nothing to hide.

She nodded: "Yes."

Long Hao: "By the way, you also changed your clothes."

He didn't know what Jin Li was like at the time, but it was clear when he changed his clothes.

Jin Li was surprised: "How do you know?"

Long Hao: "Hua Guo's detection satellite just swept that spot."

Jin Li: "..."

In other words, Huaguo's monitoring satellite not only captured Jin Li's one-click dressing on the ice sheet, but also saw the two of them wearing thin clothes standing in the snow at minus N degrees.

If this kind of video is circulated, it will really be washed out.

Long Hao felt a little headache.

He said: "I hope you can pay attention to it in the future. Our people don't know the existence of mysterious power."

Jin Li waved her hand: "Okay, rest assured, I know, I'm sorry this time, I will pay attention next time."

Long Hao nodded.

Then Jinli remembered something and said to Long Hao happily: "By the way, I probably won't have any chance to meet your satellites in the future."

Long Hao looked at Jinli suspiciously.

Jin Li smiled and said: "My divine power is restored. No accident, I will return to the heavens soon. When that happens, you don't have to worry about whether I will not think about it and cause panic someday."

Long Hao: "Actually we..."

Jin Li interrupted him: "No need to explain, I know. I don't think you are wrong. No one in power will be at ease if I am as powerful as I can."

Frankly speaking, Huaguo's attitude towards her is quite acceptable.

After listening to her, Long Hao didn't argue anymore, just asked: "You said, you are going back to the heavens, when and how?"

Jin Li was really taken aback all of a sudden.

She said: "Wait until I say goodbye to the people I know, I will leave when everything in this world is done."

Anyway, even if she stayed here for a few years, in Chaos Realm, it was just rainy time.

Long Hao nodded: "Okay."

After speaking, he added: "If you know the time, remember to tell us. We will send you off."

"Okay." Jin Li answered.


After sending Long Hao away, Jinli's entire fish fell into an exhilarating ecstasy.

After the excitement was over, she finally remembered the serious business.

"Lu Zhengya." She asked, "How do I go back?"

Lu Zhengya didn't say anything, his fingers moved together and slid towards the void.

A gray crack appeared on the sides of the two of them. The moment this crack appeared, everything in the entire room began to tremble uncontrollably and moved closer to the gap.

The gray cracks have also become dozens of times larger in just a few seconds.

Lu Zhengya flicked his palm, and the crack disappeared.

Everything in the room returned to its original place.

"Space crack?" Jin Li asked.

This is indeed a way to go back. In theory, the space crack can extend to any place in the three thousand worlds.

It's just that there are many dangers, and if the strength is slightly weaker, it may be broken into pieces.

Or, can't find the right direction to go back, and get lost in the endless space turbulence, never seeing the sun.


Today 5 is over.

See you in the early morning.

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