The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 890: Tell the true identity 1

Dismissed all the people.

Jinli and Lu Zhengya began to talk.

"Do you have any plans?" Lu Zhengya asked Jinli.

Jinli asked him: "How about you?"

Lu Zhengya's tone was light: "I don't care about this world. The only sister, she probably already knows who I am."

Lu Jianzhen was a smart person like Bingxue. He had already made the hint so obvious that day. How could she not notice it?

Therefore, if Lu Zhengya had to speak for himself, he could leave without concern at any time.

He looked at Jinli: "Can you?"

Jin Li shook his head.

She shook her fingers and counted gently: "I have to at least tell Su's father and mother Su, Su Su, and Lan Ting, and Sister Qing... They, say goodbye."

Tell them that they are going back and say goodbye to them.

Even, Su's father and Su's mother, she should tell them the truth.

Thinking reasonable, she still has a headache.

How to say it is a problem.

It feels that no matter what, for this couple, fear is not very acceptable.

She sat on the sofa and struggled for a long time, and finally decided: Since everything feels wrong, it is better to just speak directly.

Just do it.

"Lu Zhengya, let's go to Su's family tomorrow." Jin Li said.

Lu Zhengya looked at her: "It's decided?"

Jin Li nodded: "Yeah!"

Speak early and speak late, always speaking.

the next day.

Jinli and Lu Zhengya bought a lot of gifts and came home.

The Su family's husband and wife were frightened by the fact that they thought that Mr. Lu had come to propose marriage.

To make it clear, they couldn't laugh or cry: "It's normal to come to have a meal, what do you do with so many things?"

I'm going to return it while I'm talking about it-it doesn't matter if it's some homely stuff, but it's big and small, and Su's father and Su's mother are not ignorant of the goods. This box-by-box is not much cheaper than gold.

Of course they can't just ask for it.

Jin Li insisted unexpectedly this time: "Papa Su, Mama Su, this is not just a gift from Lu Zhengya, but also my heart."

She looked at the two of them: "I'll buy you something, don't you accept it?"

The two really had nothing to say-they thought Jinli as their daughter, and their daughter bought gifts for parents, and there was really no reason to refuse.

But in fact, Jin Li has never called their parents.

So this gift...

"Accept it." Jin Li said again.

It's hard for both of them to reject it anymore.

"Where is Susu?" Jin Li asked, looking around.

"Susu is in the small building, not as fast as us..."

"Obviously you didn't call me." A complaining voice rang from behind, not Su Hexiang or who else.

The family entered the house.

Jin Li was holding the tea made by her aunt. The cup was a bit hot, but she didn't notice it and didn't drink it.

Su's mother was keenly aware of something, and asked softly: "Jinli, are you...what do you want to tell us?"

Jin Li came back to her senses: "!"

She asked the servants to go down and take a deep breath: "Papa Su, Mama Su, Su Su, what I am about to talk about may exceed your cognition, please be mentally prepared."

Her expression was rare and serious, and the three Su family's expressions also became solemn.

"I'm not Bai Jinli." Jin Li opened her mouth and released a bomb.

But the bomb did not attract the attention it deserves.

Mother Su smiled, her tone soft: "We all know that you are Jinli, not Bai Jinli."

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