In the car, the atmosphere was a bit heavy.

Jin Li sighed: "Hey, I just don't know how to say it, so I drag it until now. Unexpectedly, I still just said it out today."

She doesn't regret telling this matter, it is a fact, and she will tell it one day.

Just watching Mama Su's reaction, she couldn't bear it.

Lu Zhengya comforted her softly: "You have done nothing wrong."

"I know." Jin Li said.

She never felt that she was wrong, but she didn't think she was wrong, and there was no conflict with her feeling sad.

When she was about to go home, Jin Li received a message.

It was sent by Susu.

[Whether you are a human or a fairy, we are all good friends. 】

Jin Li read the news for a long time and laughed.

She returned an emoticon.

There was a reply soon:

[Parents may not be able to accept it temporarily, don't blame them. 】

Jin Li smiled.

【Will not. 】


The movements of the Dao Sect Association were much faster than Jin Li had imagined.

However, in just a few days, they contacted Jinli and Lu Zhengya: "Mr. Lu, Fairy Jinli, we have found more than 150 kinds of materials."

Indeed, as Lu Zhengya said, many of these things are on the earth, but the names are different.

One-to-one correspondence with the patterns on the jade slips really made them find a lot.

More than one hundred and fifty.

Lu Zhengya glanced over the dozen or so materials they had sent, and didn't say anything.

Jinli asked him: "Do you have bad things?"

Lu Zhengya nodded: "Of course."

In fact, he has everything needed.

But...for mankind's teleportation array, why should the material make Pai Yao come out?

Jin Li: "..."

Either Paixiu is stingy and does not lose to the Dragon Clan, and it really deserves its name.

Jinli and Lu Zhengya went to Lu's family together again.

"Are you leaving?" Lu Jianzhen was very surprised.

Knowing Jinli's identity, she tentatively asked: "Is it back to... your hometown?"

Jin Li nodded: "Yes, go home."

Lu Jianzhen felt reluctant, and looked at Lu Zhengya again: " want to go back too?"

Lu Zhengya nodded: "Yeah."

Lu Jianzhen glanced sideways toward the window, and quickly turned back, her eyes were a little red.

She asked: "Then, will you come back in the future?"

This one……

Jin Li thought for a while and said, "If everything goes well, we will come back to see you."

But what happened to this smooth situation, and when, she herself couldn't say for sure.

After the teleportation array was repaired, it would be easy for her and Lu Zhengya to come to this small world.

Lu Jianzhen just smiled: "That's good, but don't go home, just forget us."

She thought for a moment, and then hesitated to ask: "Then... Qinghua, will she go with you?"


Jin Li shook her head: "She can't. Our Chaos Realm is too aura, and ordinary people can't bear it. Qinghua's strength is far from enough now, and there is no way to follow us."

After all he didn't leave, Lu Jianzhen let out a sigh of relief.

"Is the date set?" she asked.

Jin Li shook his head: "It's not that fast. Lu Zhengya and I still have something to resolve. We will leave when everything is done."

"That's good," Lu Jianzhen said, "You will go home more often during this period."

She thought of something, and then asked: "Yes, tell me with Dad?"


5 more complete.

See you early in the morning.

By the way, the explosion was on the 4th, this Sunday.

But my manuscript is still in my head, ah!

I am dead.

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