When the people who should say goodbye to each other had said goodbye, Jinli and Lu Zhengya had a quiet late night.

They searched for a long time and found a place.

It is a large virgin forest on the southern border of Hua Country.

There is a lot of rain here, and there are tangled trees everywhere, with luxuriant branches and dark leaves.

Naturally, few people come.

That night, no one noticed except for the Cultivator Gate of the Flower Country. Two dazzling white lights rose up into the sky, seeming to cut through the sky.

At dawn, the Dao Sect Association dispatched nearly half of its disciples, following Lu Zhengya's command, and buried the formation base in the designated position.

It only took half a month to bury the foundation.

"Next, wait for the formation to be completed." Lu Zhengya said.

Jin Li stared at the formation with shining eyes.

Lu Zhengya told her that when she returned to the heavens, he would take her to a place.

When I go there, all the forgotten things will be remembered.

When the formation was completed, another major event related to Jinli happened.

"Spine · Fenghua Lu" was released.

The day before the movie was released, the Internet was still arguing about it.

Naturally, the objections are those few reasons: Jinli's poor acting skills and lack of traffic will destroy Mr. Youan. Don't look at it, don't look at it, whoever sees who is a dog!

It goes without saying that those who support it: Jinli's face powder, Jinli's career powder, Jinli's mother powder, Jinli's...In short, all kinds of powder.

Noisy all the way on the hot search.

The eyes of other artists were red with jealousy, but the person was still watching the formation in the unmanned virgin forest without paying attention to it at all.

"How long will it take?" Jin Li squatted on the ground, feeling that mushrooms could grow on top of her head.

Lu Zhengya: "..."

He was helpless: "I told you that this magic circle needs to absorb enough spiritual energy. The spiritual energy of this world is so thin, it can only rely on it to draw power from the ascent channel, which takes a while. ."

Of course Jinli knows the truth.

She is impatient.


Especially anxious.

So I have to run by and take a look almost every day.

Lu Zhengya didn't want to come, but the brain lady wants to come, what can he do?

Of course it is to follow along.

So the mushroom growers became two people.

Jin Li didn't respond when she received the call from Sister Qing.

"What movie burst?"

Sister Qing: "..."

Or is there someone in this world who can exceed the cognition of others?

Have you ever seen an artist who has forgotten the release date of his movie?

""Feng Hua Lu", I remember I sent you the premiere date, and the invitation letter is there too? You..."

When she said Jin Li, she remembered.

There is indeed such a thing.

Of course, Sister Qing also asked her if she wanted to attend the premiere.

Jin Li focused on returning to the heavens, where he would care about this kind of thing, and refused without saying a word.

"I forgot." Jin Li said honestly.

Sister Qing: "..."

There is no time for even scolding.

Sister Qing’s series of words crackled: "Miss, what are you doing now? Even if you don’t answer the phone, don’t you read Weibo? Even if you don’t read Weibo, don’t you read it in Moments? No, did you turn off your phone If you don’t turn off your phone, you should know that the whole world is pushing your "Feng Hua Lu" right now!"

Jin Li: "Oh~"

It can't be said that she didn't know.

Because although she didn't brush those things that Sister Qing said, she could feel countless golden energy flying towards her.

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