The Kpop Otaku's Dream

2 IS THIS A CHEAT?! Edited

After using the bathroom, I decide to get dressed. I put on some blue jeans and a white T-shirt. "Sweet and simple" has always been my motto. Seems like the previous owner of this body and I shared similar tastes. Just looking at the wardrobe, it fits my personality to an absolute "T": right down to the underpants.

My looks have definitely gotten an upgrade; if I had to grade myself, I'd say I was an 11/10. It wouldn't be strange seeing this face on a billboard. Even I feel it's unfair not to share it with the world. If I had to describe myself: I look like a mix of Bo Gum and V (Taehyung from BTS). My eyes are hazel and my skin has that healthy glow that just looks like I spent a lot on skincare, you know? I'm still slim, but not lanky like I was before; my body resembles that of an Olympic swimmer, shredded and defined. I even spent five whole minutes admiring myself in the mirror.

Okay, so first things first. Who am I? Where am I? Why am I?

Question 1: Who am I?

After searching around for a bit , I found my student ID in the top drawer. Name: Dylan Park (Same as in my previous life). Age: 18 (Same as my previous life) . Seems like I'm in my senior year.

Living situation: alone in an penthouse apartment.

Parents: Unconfirmed

Siblings: Unconfirmed

Question 2: Where am I?

South Korea, Daegu 2008. Ten Years in the Past. My Student ID coming in clutch again.Google states this is Earth, so everything seems the same. Today's top story was even that of Taylor Swift and Joe Jonas. The possibility of Magic and Cultivation existing in this world is unlikely.

Question 3: Why am I?

3 possible theories:

1) I died and reincarnated/transmigrated to another world. Issues? How did I die? Why can I recognize the language? And what happened to this life's memories?

2) My previous life was a dream. Issues? An 18 year vivid dream? Is this some "Vanilla Sky" b/s or something?

3) I'm in an alternate reality/universe/timeline. I regard this as the most likely explanation; why? The similarities between me and this version of myself; from location, to name, to age, to style, and even birthday (see Student ID). Hey, it happened in "Versatile Mage".

Author: Just accept number 3 as the most likely of scenarios

MC: You didn't give this much thought did ya?

Now, what am I going to do about money? Let's see... I've found my wallet, but is my pin still the same? If it's an alternate reality it should be, right? Let's wing it.

Here we go!

*beep* beep* *beep*

Balance: $4,500,000.00

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