"Who .... are you?"

She turns to me and questions. Waiting for an answer to her doubts. I'm really not sure what I should say.

Its really not the right time for me to tell her that not only am I rich. I'm mega rich.

I can't just go and say, 'Hey I'm the Dylan Park of the S company, want to be my sugar-baby'. Well obviously I wouldn't bring up the sugar-baby part but nonetheless I bet she would freak.

Luckily, my life has been pretty private and there's no pictures of me online. That's not completely accurate, while there are pictures of me, they are all from when I was younger, so while there is a similarity , it will take more to know that it's actually me.

"Well.....What would you like to know?"

Trying to formulate a perfect question, she crinkles her cute nose and pouts.

"Why..... are you in Haknam?"

"Uhm... I kinda messed up and am being punished for it"

Her head tilts and she has this look that just screams 'I knew you were no good'.

Well even though she's misunderstanding, at least she thinks I am a 'bad boy'. For Irene, Miss Goody-two shoes personified, she definitely finds the thought exciting.

"What did you do? Its alright if you don't want to talk about it"

"It's cool, the thing is ..... I didn't do anything, I was". How do I even explain this , when even I don't know what happened, "... uhm.... circumstances just made me take the blame"

"Okay then so what about when we graduate, will you be going back to Seoul after graduating then"

"Yeah, I have plans to. What about you? What will you be doing after we graduate"

"I don't really know"

Strange, Isn't she planning to go to Seoul to be a performer?

"What's your dream then?" I ask. Wanting to know if this Irene is different from the Irene I know,

"Uhm.... I haven't really .... told anyone."

From what I know, Irene is shy and cold. She's not the type of person to ask for help. She has the 'I will do it on my own' style. Sharing her worries and expressing her feelings to others might be difficult. So I just wait patiently for her to continue

"I ... really want to be a singer... I know the chances of me being successful is like 1 in 1 000 0000 but performing has always been my dream"

I look at her. She's nervous and her breathing is louder than normal. She looks into my eyes and nearly causes me to have a mental breakdown.

"Wow.... you are.... Jang! (The best)"

I say like an excited kid in a candy store.

Who am I to deny the world of IRENE! but only looking, no touching you pervs. With me as her backup, she will have the smoothest of sailings.

Her eyes bulges and exclaims

"You.... don't think it's stupid?"

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