I ponder out loud,

"How do we start? How about you list a few options then we pick the best and I do the same after?"

She agrees and starts going to work

"how about I call you Dylan?" she asks

"That's just my name. Try and be more creative"

"Dylie ?"

"That sounds too feminine"


"Oh were art thou Juliet, come on! take it seriously. You messing with me now right?"

"|Pretty much. Its hard you know. You won't do any better" she says in a pouty fashion

"We are close I can feel it. Final push! Speed round go!"

"Baby.... honey..... darling.... sweet-stuff..... loser.... nerd..... geek..... weirdo....."

"Joo-hyun, can't you make it at least resemble my name? D Y L A N P A R K.

"I'm trying, its hard it's not like I can.......AHA! I got it. Dypa , you get it? Dylan +Park. DYPA!"

"You can't call me diaper! It's embarrasing"

Just picturing the Idea of me having to go on national television and proclaiming to the world that my nickname is diaper.

Aaaah I wouldn't know where to hide.

"No not diaper. DYPA, with a pa pa at the end not a per. And you not changing my mind. Its final"

Irene's infamous mom mode. What she says goes. I'm powerless against it. Guess I got to accept my fate as diaper now .

MC: Author, you better make me the nations' first love or something!

Author: Sorry, you are already the nations' toilet. It suits diaper don't you think?

MC: Don't you dare! or else!

Author: Want to try and test me?

MC: I will boycott this novel!

Author: Well lets just wait and see!

Irene clearly satisfied with her choice. I can smell the sense of achievement in her tone at the moment.

"Dypa it's your turn now"

"You better strap in for the ride. I'm going to be giving it my all. So firstly......how about Joo-Joo?"

"No way! What do you think I am? A train?"

"How about Bae, as in before anyone else?"

"What? before anyone else what? and that's way too cheesy do people even use that? I've never heard it before"

"Yes they do, In the future everyone will be looking for a Bae."

"I'm sure they will" *insert eyeroll emoji* The sarcasm on this girl is never ending. Why do I even like her?

Never mind. I already know the answer. It's because she never makes things easy for me.

Little does she know however, that what I said is true.

Ai, now I know how all those great scientist felt when the masses never believed them the earth was flat or the earth rotated around the sun


"Let's go for something more simple. What do you think of Hyuna?"

"That's my favorite but my parents already call me that, so no"

"Uhm poop puppy? It will suit diaper don't you think. We will be a perfect pair"

For those that don't, "Poop Puppy" is an affectionate term parents or grandparents use when referring to their children or grand children

"No, I don't like it"

"THIS IS HARD!" I scream into her ears, deliberately showing my frustration in a cute manner

She laughs ," I told you so"

"I didn't listen"

"You need to realize that I am always right from now on, if you want to last long."

"You are right even when you are wrong, got it. Okay so where were we, hmmmm how about Cabbage?"


"Yeah, Baechu (Cabbage). Bae + Joo. It's pronounced the same. What do you think?"

"Uhmmm I .........." she pauses, "will tell you after this messages from our sponsors"


"I'm just kidding. Baechu? BAeChu ? BAEchu? ... I like it!"

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