Chapter 8 – The Body of a Virgin is Very Civilized




Liu Xingchen saw that Jiu Wang ye was very interested in this little woman. He felt quite worried and said “Since Wang ye didn’t watched the performance, I’ll just call Qin gongzi so you can go home and rest early.”



“What? This early? This is no good! Who said that there will be no performance at this time? Dear Wang ye, Ji-er will take you to watch the show. Do you have any money with you?” How can Wu Xue Ji let easily this big backer leave! Quickly she rushed to pull Murong Lingquan and held his soft big hand.



Murong Lingquan was shocked by her calling him ‘dear’. His big hand wanted to break away from Xue Ji but she doesn’t even spare him a glance. In the end, he felt helpless and curious, “What does Ji-er wanted to do?”


“Let’s watch the remaining performance. If you have the money, you can go to the second floor and get a room. The location is good and you don’t have to squeeze with those crude men below. You can enjoy it perfectly. Let Ji-er lead you there.” Xue Ji looked again at the two men in front of her, she thought that one is a Wang ye, it’s impossible that that one has no money.



Just when they are below the staircase, Hong mama who had just walking downstairs saw them and looked at the beautiful person being pulled by Xue Ji. Other people might think that it’s just a simple company between the two but Hong mama saw it in a different way.



Wu Xue Ji noticed Hong mama‘s dissatisfaction. Afraid that she might ruined her own reputation. She quickly winked at her and said, “Hong mama, Ji-er will take Jiu Wang ye upstairs to see the performances.”



Hong mama was stunned before she flashed a smile towards the good looking Jiu Wang ye in front of her. “It turns out to be Jiu Wang ye. Ji-er, go and bring Jiu Wang ye to the second private room upstairs. I’m leaving, ah.” Hong mama‘s ‘Piaowu Yuan’ was actually struggling against the ‘Chun Xiang Yuan‘ across the street. The top ladies of ‘Piaowu Yuan‘ were not as famous as those in the ‘Chun Xiang Yuan‘. In addition, her Yuan doesn’t have strong backings. While ‘Chun Xiang Yuan‘ has Yangzhou’s famous Yun Tianbao’s master Long Xiao Tian. Although only few people knew outside, Hong mama was very familiar with her peers. She thought that if this little girl could baffle Jiu Wang ye, it is a good thing.



“Yes, mama.” Wu Xue Ji immediately smiled at Murong Lingquan, “Jiu Wang ye, let’s go! Ji-er will make sure it will be fun.”



The somewhat indifferent Jiu Wang Ye was moved when he heard the word ‘fun’ and said, “Good.” Then he followed Xue Ji on his own initiative.



At the back, Liu Xingchen’s face was cold to the extreme. He squinted at the happy looking Hong mama which frightened Hong mama away. Jiu Wang Ye’s shiwei was really fierce.



Before Jiu Wang Ye opened the second room. Xue Ji extends her arm to block him and said, “Wang ye, please deposit some silver notes first. Otherwise no one will serve us anything. Watching a play requires some props, right? He he.”



Murong Lingquan gave her a glance then he grinned. He seemed not to care on what Xue Ji’s demand and just looked at Liu Xingchen, “Xingchen, give Ji-er One thousand Two Hundred silver notes.” Murong Lingquan can see that Ji-er loves money. To think that this girl who is so young was made him–who rarely go to this kind of place, amused. So he gave her a reward.



“That’s so much! Thank you, Wang ye!” Xue Ji jumped happily and hugged him over. Her lips were pushed towards Murong Lingquan’s cheeks making his face so red!



“Impudent!” Liu Xingchen’s long sword was pulled out again. This woman doesn’t know any shame! Who was she to give Wang ye a kiss!?



“Xingchen! Give the money then go out!” Murong Lingquan was also startled. His handsome face turned into somewhat imposing.



“Wang ye, this woman is simply cheating money.” Liu Xingchen wanted to persuade Jiu Wang ye more but seeing his face darkens, he quickly took out One Thousand Two Hundred silver notes from his arm pocket. Xue Ji did not wait for him to hand it over, she grabbed it and looked at Liu Xingchen. “Really, I have never seen such a disobedient subordinate. Wang ye, you really have to educate him when you go back or he might get your head one day. What cheating? Ji-er demanding  for some deposit was normal. Wang ye just gave a little more because he liked Ji-er. Don’t say some bad things over me. You think Wang ye is stupid?” Xue Ji said and took the One Thousand silver notes away and gave it to Lu-er who was waiting at the door. The remaining silver notes were stuffed directly into her bosom. Her face flashed a smile like a cat who had just steal a fish unnoticed.



“Xingchen, why are you still here!?” Murong Lingquan glared at Liu Xingchen, he was actually provoked by Xue Ji’s words. Liu Xingchen was so angry that he looked at Xue Ji with eyes full of hatred. He turned around and walked out of the door. This little woman dare to provoke him!



“Zombie, remember to close the door! Ah!” Wu Xue Ji added a sentence and sticks out her tongue.



“Ji-er, you are really naughty.” Murong Lingquan smiled and sat on the taishiyi inside the room. He looked at Xue Ji who was not that excited to watch the others perform. How can this little woman stay so optimistic while living in this kind of place?

(TN: Im really curious what taishiyi looked like and i Google-ed it. So this is what it looks like.)



“Ah, Wang ye. Why is he so scary? I can say that I’m prettier compare with other girls, why is he still acting so rude. Ah, really not a gentleman.” Wu Xue Ji pulled him up and walked towards the special window inside the room to watch the performance below.



“Actually, Xingchen is quite good. His martial arts are high. He’s been with Ben wang for three years. Just tonight, he was acting a little different.” Murong Lingquan looked at Xue Ji and found this woman much lovelier to watch than the woman singing below.



“En. To not feel some attraction towards opposite gender was truly special.” Xue Ji said while nodding her head.



“Ha ha ha! Ji-er, you’re right. Xingchen doesn’t have any woman as his acquaintance. He will be nineteen this year and still not yet married. Other people whose the same age as him already took three wives and  four concubines.”



“Really? Then that big man is a walking virgin.” Wu Xue Ji felt like she had found a freak. In modern times, being a virgin at that age felt bad. But in this ancient era, to lived for almost twenty years and hadn’t experience anything yet, Xue Ji concluded that this Xingchen was a chicken boy.



“Ah…” Murong Lingquan was shocked by Xue Ji’s boldness. After a while he opened his mouth and said, “Ji-er, you are a girl. You can’t say those kind of vulgar words.”



“What’s wrong saying these things. All the virgins are civilized aren’t they? Anyway he hasn’t withered any flowers yet, right?” Wu Xue Ji showed grievances and dissatisfaction.



Murong Lingquan was completely stunned and couldn’t help saying, What is her brain thinking? Are all the girls in the brothel this bold? However, she hasn’t start receiving guests yet. Qin gongzi said that the girls here are gentle and graceful so he let him brought him here. But the guy left him aside after seeing a beauty. Ah, really. How can he call him his friend?



“Ji-er, do you know Yan-er?” Murong Lingquan changed the topic because he himself is also a virgin.  But he was not a big man whose still a virgin, just a young virgin…



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