CHAPTER 13: THE DEMON KING AND THE WICKEDThe Decontrol of the Demon Army

NT: And is like… i nearly forgot this… but well, I alredy talked about that on the chapter of “Lv999″… Now… Lets talk abou why am i still here… I don’t know… I should be sleeping, seriously, I’m not supposed to still stay awake, I want to sleep… but here I am… I shouldn’t forgotten this… fuck… but, well… what’s done is done… I already finish it anyway… now, time to sleep… I hope
◇◇ Crylord Castle · Office ◇◇

The recent invasion of the Demon Army had been extremely ferocious.

Multiple units continued to appear and disappear in multiple locations on the battlefield, which after stealing, destroying and murdering residents of different places, began to retreat.

「If-If they’re going to continue with their irregular attacks, then we…」

In response to this disaster, the Princess Queen somehow managed to devise a plan about it, but it was nothing more than to divide her attack forces in different places to increase the forces of the different affected areas, however, that would also reduce the defenses of the castle at the time of receiving an attack.

For that reason, she only sent the order of knights to support the affected areas while ordering the guards and soldiers to remain in their posts, but even so, she had not yet been able to produce satisfactory results.

While Princess Queen was still trying to recover after seeing the damage reports, she moved her gaze to a pile of reports related to the recent attacks on certain commercial premises.

Those kinds of reports had also been increasing at an alarming rate lately, since the dismissal of the Former King, which had only been causing the Queen Princess more trouble.

… What should I do?…

The Princess Queen could only hold her head while desperately trying to think of a solution in front of that overwhelming number of problems, which lately had been coming one after the other.

Her lower eyelids had begun to turn a deep black color, her cheeks were full of scratches and her lips had dried.

This had already been five days since Queen Princess had begun to scratch her head desperately while thinking of a solution.
NT: Uwa~ what happened here? Someone took the place of the idiot (Yuiguard) and started doing things right? and the Princess… seriously, even she is a pitiful one… I feel sorry for her…

◆ ◇ Hills near Houtarou City ◇ ◆

The infiltration of the Four Heavenly Kings’s Candidates had already lost its original purpose

At the beginning, all of them had come out determined to find the Evil Magic Stones, so they had carefully been chasing their trace, however,

「I think my casualty amount is the best roy!」

「No, no! The money that I have stolen is more valuable dodon!」

「In my opinion, I think the destruction I’ve done in the cities is the greatest」

「Destroy is good! Killing is good! All that is good!」
NT: I ​​don’t know how I could think, even if it was for a second, that someone capable had taken control of the Demon Army… no, just happened that the soldiers decided to do what they wanted… I think… I feel a little more sorry for the Princess now…
Little by little their main objective had been changing, to the point where none of them remembered the reason why they had gone to that place originally, and they had only been competing stupidly.

One of the Four Heavenly Kings’s Candidates , The Magic Canyon Beast, Dodôn, reached the top of the hill facing the streets of the Houtarou City.

「All right! Tonight we will destroy this city and steal every valuable items that we find dodon!」

While saying that, Dodôn turned to his subordinates who were waiting behind him.

「「「Don! Don!」」」

Upon hearing his orders, his subordinates, who got excited, jumping from one side to another and waving the small cannon that was on their shoulders.

「All right! Everyone, charge dodon!」

Dodôn began to run on all fours like a beast.

His subordinates also began to run after him.
Dodôn was able to confirm the silhouette of a person as he approached the entrance to the city.

「Just in time dodon. I don’t know if you are a guard, a knight or a watchman, but you will be my first victim in this festival of blood dodon」

While saying that, Dodôn pointed his gun towards the men.


And at the same time he scream that, he fired his canyon.

The projectile fired by Dodon’s magical power from the canyon he had attached to his back was heading straight for the city.


At that moment, the cannonball he had fired made a *parin* sound as it shattered like a crystal ball, and immediately disappeared.

Seeing that, Dodon and the other Magic Canyon Beast subordinate to him had been stunned, not understanding what had just happened.

Shortly after, Dodôn was finally able to return to himself.

「Pre-Prepare your weapons, dodon! Everyone, fire at discretion dodon!」

Then he began to give instructions while again beginning to prepare his magic canyon to shoot again.

When Dodôn returned to point towards the city, he could see the silhouette of people moving as usual, however, among them, he could also see the silhouette of a person who was going to where he was.

「Hey, point to the human silhouette is headed here dodon!」

After giving that orders, everyone point to the approaching silhouette.


Along with your signal, everyone shot at once.


Just like before, the innumerable projectiles made a *parin* sound as they were destroyed.

… What is happening dodon?… I-I don’t understand dodon…

Dodôn remained standing, confused, by the situation he experienced for the first time in his life.

Everyone, including Dodôn, was paralyzed when the man finally arrived at the place where they were.

「Are you the Demon Army that has been attacking the surrounding cities indiscriminately?」

The shocked Dodôn felt as if someone were trying to crush his heart when the man spoke.

「Eh? Ah… We…」

Dodôn was even more confused by the behavior of the human who did not look different from any other human.

Until now, every human with whom they met, scared away when they saw him and his army.

Some guards and knights tried to confront them, but after the first bombardment, all of them fled in terror.

However, the human who was facing Dodôn showed no fear towards him, and expressed his complaints with full confidence.

「If you promise that you’ll not going do something like this again, I’ll let you go. If they don’t, well, you will feel some pain」

「It-It’s absurd to think that you can cause me some pain dodon!」

Dodôn, who until just a moment ago was still paralyzed by confusion, regained his composure when he heard the man’s warning, then, he prepared his magic canyon and pointed towards the man with him.

「This is your reward for insulting me in that may dodon!」

「… Actually, you are a problematic group」

The man pointed his right hands towards Dodôn.
… Wha-What !?

The next instant, a tremendous force of gravity hit Dodôn and his subordinates, pressing them to the ground.

Due to the incredible power he had, most of the demons died instantly crushed, and those who managed to survive, could not move even a finger.

… Wha-What is this magic dodon… It-It’s so overwhelmed dodo-

5 Seconds later, everyone, including Dodôn, died.

In front of them, the man, Furio, was frowning with a confused look.

「It is difficult to adjust the power of this magic, but even so… I only intended to stop them but…」

Embarrassed, Furio clasped his hands and prayed for the souls of the dead Demons after accidentally killing them.

… Some hours later, at Furio’s house.

「Welcome back, Danna-sama. Did something happen today?」

Lys greeted Furio, who returned from his patrol round, worried about the strange expression on his face.

Although she had stayed at home, she could see the many signs of Magical Power that were approaching the city.

… And of course, she also felt when they disappeared.

While showing a bitter smile to Lys, Furio answered.

「It’s not the big deal, it’s just that a Demon army seemed about to attack the city」

Upon hearing it, Lys shouted, 「What!?」, with a surprised look.

「What stupidity, did they really think about attacking the city where Danna-sama lives?」

Then, while still complaining, Lys took Furio’s coat.

「I was thinking about going to talk to Gozaru-san and then think about what to do next」

Dodôn’s Corpse was stored inside Furio’s magic bag.

He planned to bury him after Gozaru examined him.

「… I think it’s not a good time for that…」

Lys replied to Furio with an ironic smile.

Her expression told him that, in these moments, Gozaru should be in the middle of his nocturnal activities with Uliminus or Barissa, or maybe even both.

「Besides, I also wanted to ask you something … You know, I was hoping that…」

While saying that, Lys blushed and put her face close to Furio’s chest.

Furio hugged Lys softly as he thought about the things he would have to do tomorrow.

◇◇ In a certain place in a certain forest ◇◇

「We managed to sell them, Blonde Hero-sama~」

「The last time I was attacked in that store as soon as I introduced myself as 「Golden Hair Braveman」.

It seems that changing my name to 「Braveman of Golden Hair」 was a good idea.

Well, we should be able to continue selling the Stones for a while now」

「I hope we can continue to sell the stones in that place~」

「That kind of store will start to remember us after selling so many things in them. The best would be to look for a new one」

「Well, let’s try to do the best we can in the next city ~」

After saying that, the Blonde Hero and Tsuya entered the forest.

Neither of them had noticed the bat that was watching them from the shadows.
NT: Riri-chan has become a stalker, uh… she has bad taste, but I still like her… I hope she becomes some kind of yandere stalker…

NT2: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments


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