NT: Errrm, I'm sorry for the delay. Honestly, I didn't want to delay with this thing, however, the semester in my University is abouth to end (I have about two weeks left) and I'm pretty busy with several things because of that, so… I don't think I'm going to to be able to translate anything until the second week of August, when my semester is over and I am no longer so busy. That… at least I managed to finish this. I’m sure a lot of you have been waiting for this chapter, so enjoy it.

N2: Well, see you in two weeks.
◇◇ Furio’s House • Afternoon ◇◇

Furio was speechless when he saw what was happening in front of him.

Furio, who had finally returned home after finishing the purchase of supplies for the Variety Store Ûgo, was slightly confused when Lys, who always comes to receive him energetically, had not yet appeared.

Then, when he entered the living room, he was speechless.

Lys was in the middle of the living room, lying on what appeared to be a sea of ​​sweat while breathing hard.

In addition to that, Saber, who was in his Frantic Bear form, and Shibea, the Horned Rabbit, were looking at Lys from her side in a clear state of concern.

「Lys! Are you okay?」

Furio, who immediately ran to Lys’s side, said that while carefully trying to hold her head.

「… Da-Danna-sama…」

Lys, who seemed to have regained consciousness slightly, muttered that when she noticed that Furio was next to her.

「I’m useless~」

Then, she began to shed some tears as she began sobbing.

Furio, who did not understand what was happening to her0, could not do anything but embrace Lys until she finished crying.

◆ ◇ Soon after • Furio and Lys’ bedroom ◇ ◆

After learning that Lys, who had been worried about her sudden loss of strength, had tried to regain her strength through an irrationally strict training, which finally caused her to collapse due to extreme exhaustion, Furio immediately used a higher class magic to make her recover from exhaustion.

Thanks to that, Lys was able to move again, then, after going to the bathroom to clean his body covered in sweat and change clothes, she moved to the room she shared with Furio.

「Why did you decide to do something so imprudent…?」

Furio asked Lys with his usual tone of voice.

Although Lys was in human form, she was still a Demon, and as such, she still possessed the unique abilities of her race, however, performing that kind of training while carrying Saber, a Frantic Bear, was still too reckless.

However, despite knowing that, Lys could not do anything but squeeze her lips as she looked down.

Then, after seeing Lys in that state, Furio hugged her gently while patted her head.

「Uuh~ … Huh~」

Then, Lys, unable to continue holding back her feelings any longer, began to cry.

Then, Lys finally started telling Furio what was happening while he was still sobbing.

• Her body had started to feel strange.

• She was unable to hunt prey that had previously managed to hunt without problems.

• Her reflexes and speed had decreased.

And so on.
Lys went on talking about what was troubling her as she looked down.

「Danna-sama… This Lys does not think she’s still qualified to stay by your side」

So, when she said that, she began to cry again as she clung to Furio’s chest.

「Lys, don’t think I’ll stop loving you just because you’ve become a little weaker」

Furio said as he gently hugged Lys.

「But… I must protect Danna-sama’s home… I don’t think I’m qualified to stand by Danna-sama if I don’t have enough strength for that.

My duty is to protect this place while Danna-sama is not here…」

Lys said with her face covered in tears.

「Those feelings are enough for me. Even if I’m not around, Gozaru, Uliminus and Brossam will still be around in case something happens」

Furio said as he put even more strength in his embrace.

「Also, it’s normal for you to start weakening yourself―」

Furio said, pointing to Lys stomach.

「―After all, you’re pregnant.」

and said that with a kind smile on his face.
NT: They took their time…
「… What?」

Lys finally let out those words after a long silence which had already lasted 10 minutes.

「I had decided to keep quiet because I thought it would be best to tell you when the situation stabilizes, but I never thought that this would end up causing you such suffering」

Furio said as he hugged Lys again.

Lys, who had been wrapped in her arms, could only open and close her mouth like a fish without being able to understand the fact that she had finally become pregnant with Furio’s son.

◆ ◇ The next morning • Furio and Lys’ bedroom ◇ ◆

The first thing Lys did after waking up in the morning was caressing her belly with both hands.

She could feel a faint and small sign of life different from her.

After Lys confirmed that, she looked at Furio, who was lying next to her, then, her face was covered by a big smile, and the next moment―


― she let out that scream full of joy.

◇◇ At the same time • Outside the house of Furio ◇◇

Heriansas, one of the Subordinates of the Evil God, was approaching Furio’s house accompanied by two other Wickeds colleagues.

Originally, the plan was for Heriansas and his companions to launch a silent attack in the middle of the night, however, the group, which had planned to wait until all the lights of the house were turned off to attack, just waiting for their chance until the dawn since the lights of one of the rooms never went out, then, with no other alternative, they were forced to launch their attack early in the morning.

By the way, the reason why the lights of one of the rooms continued lit until dawn was because Berano spent all night reviewing the content of the class she planned to give in the school of magic.

Heriansas, who was approaching to the house with his companions,

… Okay, we will enter through the window.
He began to give the instructions moments before starting his attack.

But suddenly, from home,


He could hear a loud scream.

The Wicked could not help but be alarmed by the loud and sudden scream.

… It can’t be! They discovered us!?

… So it seems, I have also begun to feel the presence of multiple individuals nearby.

… Impossible, is it an ambush!?

The Wickeds murmured alarmed which had fallen into a deep state of confusion.

… Le-Let’s hurry up and let’s retire for now! We’ll have another chance!

◇◇ On the corner of an alley in a certain city ◇◇

「Hey, what do we do now!? We let the Blondie with the Magic Stones escape!」

「This is really terrible … It is not long before the end of the time that the Dark King gave us」

「Anyway, the plan to attract him with the signs failed, now we must think about a new plan, and fast」

The members of the Chamber of Dark Commerce shouted desperately with their arms crossed.

◇◇ In Certain House in the Deep of Certain Forest ◇◇

「It was very dangerous~, do not you think~, Blond Hero-sama~?」

「Yes, I didn’t think they would try to reach us in a way like that」

The Blond Hero and Tsuya, who somehow managed to escape from the members of the Chamber of Dark Commerce, continued running throughout the night until returning home (which was originally one of the bases of the Wickeds).

The two opened the door and entered the house.

「Anyway, I’m tired from running so much, I think I’ll take a break」

「I agree~ I’m also tired~」

Then, after saying that, they both turned their eyes towards the room.


「… What do you think you’re doing in this place?」

There was Heriansas, who had retreated to this place after the attack on Furio’s house failed.


The Blond Hero walked firmly towards Heriansas and,

「This is our house. Would you do us the favor of leaving?」

He said out loud.

「Haa? Did you hit your head? This house is mine」

「I told you to leave!」

「But I am the original owner!」

「I told you to leave!」

「I am the owner-!」

「I told you to leave !」

「I am the-!」

「I told you to leave!」


「I told you to leave!」

「… Ha~a」

In the end, the Subordinate of the Evil God, tired of arguing with the Blond Hero, decided to leave the house clearly ill-tempered.

Then, while the Blond Hero saw him leave―

「Ah, right, it’s us who appropriated this house without permission」

―Recall that it was they who were illegally occupying that place.
NT: Why din’t they kill him…?

NT2: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments.


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