CHAPTER 16: THE SECOND COMING OF THE WICKEDSThe Second Coming of the Wickeds… Soon…

Pack (02/02)
NT: I don't understand myself, I mean… I'm not bad at reading, I think I can read quite well in English, but… when I have to write… I don't know why, but I just… uggg… sometimes I think I should have someone check this instead of trying to do everything by myself, but… well, it doesn't matter…
◆ ◇ Furio’s House ◇ ◆

The Children of Furio and Lys seemed to be “semi-humans”, with features of the Fang Wolf tribe.

Garyl, the boy, seemed to have inherited mostly Fang Wolf’s blood from his Mother, as his blue hair extended throughout his body.

However, at first glance, he looked more like a human than a member of the Fang Wolf tribe.

「Umu, he has a bold look on his face, I’m sure he will become a great man in the future」

said Gozaru, the former Demon King, who was interested in the boy.

Elizabeth, the girl, seemed to have inherited mainly her father’s human blood, because at first glance she looks like a completely normal baby, except for a certain peculiarity.

There was a small object, similar to a gold-colored pearl, embedded in her forehead.

Gozaru aside, even Slape, who had lived for a long time, was surprised to see that pearl embedded in his forehead, to the point where he couldn’t help saying,

「It’s the first time I see something like that」

with a tone of admiration in his voice.

「Ho~o, how unusual, to think that the Supreme One’s daughter is received a divine protection」

Hiya, the Majin of Light and Darkness, servant of Furio-sama and Demystifier in training, said that that “pearl” was a treasure that worked as proof that the person had obtained Divine protection from some God.

「If the treasure is golden, then that means that the person has received the divine protection of the God of the Divine Realm, if the treasure is purple, then that means that the person has received the divine protection of the God of the Evil World, and, in the same way, if the treasure were of some other color, then that would mean that the person has received the divine protection of the god corresponding to such… Even so, it is the first time that i sees someone so young to possess a golden pearl 」

Hiya said with astonishment in her eyes.

「That doesn’t matter, that doesn’t change the fact that they are our children. Together we will raise them to grow properly」

Lys nodded with a huge smile on her face, affirming Furio’s words.

◆◆ The next day ◆◆

This time, it was Shibea, Saber’s wife, who gave birth.

Although Saber looked like a Horned Rabbit, he was really a Frantic Bear.

What kind of children would be born from the union between Saber and his wife Shibea?… All members of the Furio’s Family watched the birth with their expectations high.

Finally three children were born, two of them were Horned Rabbits.

However, the latter looked like a Frantic Bear.

However, it was too small to be considered a baby of Frantic Bear, in addition, it had rabbit ears. In addition to that, it also seemed that he was growing horns on his forehead, so it could actually be considered a hybrid baby between Frantic Bear and Horned Rabbit.

Despite the strange situation, Risley, the daughter of Slape and Bireri, was still stubbornly hugging Saber while watching the newborns.

「Risley seems unable to believe that the number of "Horned Rabitts" has increased so suddenly」

After saying that, Slape laughed out loud. Risley, who didn’t like him laughing at her, inflated her cheeks while kicking Slape’s legs.

On the other hand, Uliminus, who was observing the situation from a slightly more remote place, began walking towards Barissa.

Then, when she reached hrt side, she whispered…
… Second Wife, how was it nya? Success?

… Unfortunately, it seems that it was not so.

… In that case, you should make sure you make Gozaru work a lot tonight nya.

… I know that, but, although we decided that this night would be mine, I think it is best that we go together.

… I appreciate that nya.

… I guess it doesn’t matter since we are the wives of the same man.

*Gashi*, at that moment, Uliminus and Barissa gave each other a strong handshake.

◇◇ Demon King’s Castle • Throne Room ◇◇

「¿What? Are you serious!?」

Demon King Yuiguard shouted as he rose abruptly from his throne after hearing his assistant’s report, Fufun the Sucubus.

Fufun, who presented that information, was still kneeling in front of him.

「Yes, there no doubt. We were able to detect an overflowing wave of evil power coming from the forest that is some distance from here」

Originally, the inhabitants of the Evil World and the Demon King’s Army were in a collaborative relationship as a “united front”.

The inhabitants of the Evil World, who lived in a different world from that, entered that world through a portal and lent their help to the Demon King’s Army.

However, after the Demon King Goul (now called Gozaru), was replaced by Yuiguard, the relationship between the inhabitants of the Evil World and the Demon King’s Army changed completely.

Even when the Majin of the Summons, Guriorin, one of the Wickeds at the service of the Evil God, arrived in this world, she never tried to contact the Demon King Yuiguard, and even after that, the Wickeds never tried to contact him.

「Are you alright, Yuiguard-sama?」

Fufun’s words made Yuiguard, who grit his teeth bitterly, come back to himself.

「Anyway, Send someone to investigate! If you find an Wicked, bring him here to give us an explanation of what is happening! Understood?」


Fufun said as she nodded, then, immediately after, she left the throne room while beating her rear wings.

Then, Yuiguard, who was the only person who remained in the throne room …

… Wickeds… Is it that they don’t even consider me an enemy to worry about? …

… He muttered in anger to himself as he kicked his throne.

◇◇ In a House in the Deep of a Certain Forest ◇◇

「Wha-What happened? 」

Said the Blond Hero, who was spying on Tsuya while she was taking a bath from the hole in the window, while opening her eyes in surprise.

At that moment, a strange black smoke emerged from one of the bathroom openings and impetuously enveloped the unsuspecting Tsuya.

The Blond Hero, who began running quickly to the bathroom after witnessing that, kicked the bathroom door to enter.

「Tsuya! Are you alright!?」

Asked the Blond Hero as he searched for Tsuya.

At that moment…

「You… have an interesting Title」

A female voice murmured from the smoke cluster that was piled up in one of the corners of the room, which had altered one of its parts to form a distorted face.

「I do not care about that! Release Tsuya right now! 」

The Blond Hero said angrily as he pointed to the face formed in the smoke cluster.

However, the face that had formed in the smoke cluster ignored his words at the same time it began to observe the Blonde Hero with some interest.

「Possessing the title “The One Who Annihilates Wickeds”… You must be the one who defeated the Majin of the Summons, Guriorin」

「I don’t care about that! Release Tsuya right now! 」

「…Not only that, you also have the title of “Hero” of this world… That must be the reason why you managed to defeat Guriorin」
「I don’t care about that! Release Tsuya right now! 」

「 Well, this is a good opportunity to avenge Guriorin, isn’t ir? Should we play for a while?」

「 I don’t care about that! Release Tsuya right now! 」

「 … By the way, you’ve been talking about this Tsuya for a while, aren’t you a little persistent with that Tsuya?」

「 I don’t care about that! Release Tsuya right now! 」

「 … Ha~a, okay, die」

At that moment, the smoke cluster took on a feminine shape as it pounced to attack the Blonde Hero at an incredible speed.

Her arms, which had become swords, approached the Blond Hero.

However, just before they reached him, someone held the Blond Hero from behind and pulled away of the reach of the woman’s “swords.”

「… You are one of the Wicheds who serve the Evil God… Why are you helping that man?」

In front of the woman was one of the Wickeds at the service of the Evil God, Ririanju, who held the Blond Hero, with a terrified look on her face.

「My-My name is Ririanju… This person saved my life a long time ago… So, now I plan to help him… Could you not hurt him? 」

Ririanju said, at the same time that her gaze began to fill with even more fear.

… A being as weak as I could do nothing before an Majin like her… But it was the Blond Hero who saved my life, I must find a way to help him now…

Ririanju began to desperately move her body to hide the Blond Hero behind her and hide him from the gaze of the woman in front of them.

「Don’t hurt him? So funny.

A Wicked at the service of the Evil God, who should work as the hands and feet of the Majins… Has betrayed us? How funny」

the woman said as she raised her arms, which had taken the form of a sword from the elbows onwards.

「I’ll just kill you both」

The woman said coldly as she pounced forward.


Immediately after, the woman’s body disappeared just in front of Ririanju and the Blond Hero.

「… Ah?」

Ririanju, who had been completely immersed thinking of some way to defend herself against her attack, froze in her place without being able to understand what was happening.

「What are you doing? Let’s hurry up and run away」

Then, the Blond Hero who managed to recover before than Ririanju said that while pulling her arm.

At that moment, he jumped over the large hole that had apeared in front of them, which appeared to be the one what absorbed the smoke woman, and ran to Tsuya, who had fallen on the ground after being released by the smoke.

「Mu~… That’s not fair」

Said Ririanju, who with some pain in her heart went to help the Blond Hero carry Tsuya, holding one of her shoulders just like him, at the same time they started running in a hurry from the place.

On the other hand.

Inside the hole, over which the Blond Hero had jumped, was the smoke woman, unconscious.

The woman, who fell into one of the traps previously prepared by the Blond Hero, had been pierced by one of the spears that were at the bottom, but, unlike the Wickeds, she did not die.

If that trap had been hidden by some kind of magic, or involved some similar trick in its creation, the woman would have had no trouble detecting it.

However, the trap made by the Blonde Hero was just that, a simple trap.

And that’s why the Woman, unable to detect it, ended up falling into her.
NT: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments.


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