NT: Last Friday was horrible for Catora. Things have been terrible around here, and Catora failed to return home on time. By the time he left his university, the subway stations had already closed, and he had to wait hours for someone to pick him up, and on the way back home, one of my mother's car tires (who went to pick me up at the university) it got pricked. Fuck, it was horrible. On the way back we saw the Protestants (troublemakers) fighting the police officers and… fuck. Now there is a curfew and, damn, I hear the helicopters hovering around. The good thing (if I can say that it is), is that due to everything that has happened here, they ended up canceling the classes (there can be no classes if the students cannot reach them).

Nn? What am i talking about? Of this and this.

A lot of idiots thought it would be a good idea to tear apart the subway stations to make them decrease the value of the ticket. Now almost all the subway lines are unusable and some idiots started looting and revolts… bunch of goddamn morons.

Catora's University is right in the middle of 3 subway stations goddamnit! It looked like a battlefield!

The Promotion Competition of the New Four Heavenly Kings began fiercely from day one with numerous reckless and dangerous acts occurring everywhere.

Because of that, many were injured, and some were even reported dead.

「… How do we end up in this disastrous situation?」, Doctor Mephisto murmured as he watched the many Demons that crowded the halls because the rooms where the recovery treatments were taking place were full.

At first, he was also waiting with anticipation for the opportunity to participate in the Competition, however, he had no choice but to surrender to that idea after his boss, Fufun, ordered him to take care of the treatment of the injured Demons.

「This is wrong… This is wrong…」

Babbling the Demon Machine, Pochiter, while taking care of the treatment of the mildest wounds and reconstruction with Doctor Mephisto.

He had also come to the Demon King’s Castle with the intention of participating in the Competition, however, Fufun, who recognized his abilities, forced him to come to this place to help with the treatments.

And in front of that Pochiter…

「Take care of him」, was the Golem Cocites , who had brought the bones of Calshim, the skeleton, to this place.

Calshim, whose body had collapsed, lost consciousness, becoming a simple pile of bones.

Pochiter began analyzing his bones after receiving them from Cocites.

Then, the next moment …

「This is useless」

He said that as he threw Calshim’s bones with all his might through the door.

「Wait! What are you doing !?」, shout Cocites at that unexpected turn of events as he quickly ran to the door behind Clashim’s bones.

On the other hand, Pochiter, who completely ignored Cocites,「This is wrong… This is wrong…」, started treating the next patient.


The next test was a 1-on-1 competition in which both pulled a rope.

And, to make it more fair…

• The use of magic is prohibited.

• Competitors must possess similar physical strength

… Those rules were implemented.
○ The Noble Vampire, Zamas VS The Semi-Akuma(Devil), Avils

「You! Drop that rope and withdraw from this competition immediately, zamasu!」, shouted the beautiful girl, Zamas, while pulling the rope with all her might.

She was a Noble of the Demon World who possessed large pride. Because of this, she could not help looking indignantly at her opponent, Avils, when she was unable to win the competition of pulling and loosening as easily as she expected.

「Shut up~! I have enough to have to see that face of Presumptuous Noble~! 」, shout Avils, who was half Human and half Akuma(Devil), while pulling the rope with her face flushed.

Avils, who had been constantly mistreated by the Noble Demons because of her mixed blood, could not help feeling furious when that Noble Vampire began verbally abusing her.



None had the intention of letting go of the rope, giving the victory to their opponent, so the competition did not end until 1 hour later, when the rope broke, causing the Test to end in a draw.

「Fufun, idiot! Don’t use a rope that breaks so easily for a Trial!」, yelled the Demon King Yuiguard in frustration as he punched Fufun.

Fufun’s head was stuck in the ground due to that powerful blow.

… Yuiguar-sama … what a great reward

Fufun’s nose, who had put an expression of ecstasy, began to bleed while her head was still stuck in the ground.

Not even death would make her reconsider her M tendencies.


The impact competition consists of a test where participants must hit a Giant Shield, created through Defensive Magic, with their most powerful attack.

The method that the competitors will use didn’t matter. These could use magic, their own fists or even weapons. All that mattered was that they were able to use the method with which they will perform best.

○ Competitor • Ottle, The Cocatrice.
NT: Cocatrice: They are supposed to be a type of hybrid beast. They are biped, have the appearance of a dragon or a serpeitnes, and a rooster’s head. I think it is related to the bazilizcos since it is capable of killing with the eyes (basilisks are usually described as hens with serpein tail capable of petrifying their victims with their eyes)
「Here I go torissu*~~~~~~!」, shouted the Cocatrice Ottle, as he shot straight at the Shield at an incredible speed, which he hit with his own body.

But nevertheless.
NT: Tori is bird in Japanese… I have no idea why he says it at the end of his sentence… maybe it’s like an onomatopoeia of the sound of a bird? (the “ssu” is like an exclamation)
「Doho~~~, Torisu~~~」

At that moment, Ottle’s body sank completely into the shield, and immediately afterwards he was fired back where he came from while circling the ground.

○ Competitor • Gibble, The Hitoruy(Dragon Person)*.
NT: Hito: Person / Ryu: Dragon. They should be like a Dragon Person (something like the Onihito of the last chapter, just that this time it is a Dragon instead of an Ogre).
「Wow~!」, the Hitoruy(Dragon Person) Gibble shouted as she hit the shield with her tail.

The Shield, which was advocated by the powerful impact, fell backwards.

The surrounding Monsters raised their voices full of admiration when they saw that.
「Uwa ~, somehow I made it~」, she said as she headed towards the audience.

「That was a very good blow, it will be difficult for me to overcome it」, said Rodong, the Kôgyohito(Shark person)*, while changing places with Gibble in the competition.

「Thank you very much for that~, I wish you lu-… lu-…luck… eh? 」

Gibble, who turned to shake her hand with Rodong’s, froze.

「… Nn? Is something wrong with you?」, Rodong asked as he bowed his head after hearing Gibble’s babble.

The Kôgyohito(Shark person) Rodong wore, like most of his race, only pants while leaving his chest bare.
NT: Kôgyo: Shark / Hito: Person. The same as the rest. He must be some kind of shark-type fish person.

Suddenly, Gibble’s face turned red as she watched Rodong.

「No~! Too indecent~! 」

Gibble shouted as she covered her face with her hands while hitting Rodong with her tail.

Gibble was a maiden with an extremely low resistance to male nudity.
NT: Sho~ cuute~
On the other hand, Rodong, who had been shot towards the wall after being struck by Gibble, and whose teeth were made a mess, muttered,「Why, does, this happen, to me …?」, While he lamented his own misfortunes while letting out a deep sigh.


「And the first place goes to… Golden Hair Braveman!」

It could be heard at the moment when the Man wearing a full-body Armor crossed the finish line first while raising his arms to the sky.

「Hey, that guy in the armor got first place」

「It’s surprising since he didn’t seem to be so fast」

「Yeah, but hey, all the participants except him ran into some holes in their tracks, so it might not be so weird 」

「Also, that guy didn’t seem to be able to run too much while carrying that heavy armor. The others will have taken it lightly on him when they saw it」

The Monsters muttered among themselves after witnessing the mysterious turn of events.

On the other hand, in a corner, were Tsuya and Ririanju with tense looks on their faces.

Shortly after, the two disappeared from the place through the Magic of Ririanju.


「… And that’s why I ended up completely forgetting what I had to buy」, Furio said with a wry smile on his face as he stood in front of Lys.

After hearing Furio say that, Lys said, 「To think that kind of thing would happen to Danna-sama too」, with a smile on her face.

「That’s why tomorrow I’ll go back to Naniwa City… But before that」

Furio took a glass camera from his Magic Bag.

「I must take the picture of Garyl and Elizabeth of today」

Then he turn to the babies, who were sleeping in Lys’s arms.

「Okay, but make sure you don’t forget what you should buy tomorrow」

Furio had no choice but to smile wryly after hearing Lys’ request.

「Yes, I’ll be more careful」
NT: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments.


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