The third day of the Promotion Competition of the New Four Heavenly Kings had finally reached its final stage during the afternoon.

The Battle Royal, which had been taking place in different places of the Arena, had already considerably reduced the number of participants, thanks to which now only the true fighters, who had endured numerous bloody battles until they reached the last combat, remained.

「It might just be a Competition… but it still has had some revealing results」, said the Demon King Yuiguard while nodding satisfied in his VIP seat.

While many of the participants who were able to enter into the Competition left much to be desired because practically everyone was able to participate, this also allowed many talented young people to come to light.

「That’s true, it seems we can get numerous squad leaders out of all this」, said Fufun as she adjusted her glasses – aesthetic – with her index finger.

… In that sense, I guess I should thank you for this… although I don’t really want to.

Fufun was originally only a Lower Rank Soldier.

However, Uliminus, the assistant of the former Demon King Goul, recognized her abilities and helped her get where she was now.

Fufun put her glasses back in frustration as she turned her gaze to the documents in her hands.


In the area designated for the seventh and final combat were the 5 Demons that had shown the most remarkable results during the fierce battles that had been carried out so far.

「Zu~kizukizukizuki*~! This guy I tied is the strongest zuki~ 」, said the Demon Parasite, Ganmên, as he emerged from his guest’s chest, the Makai Neko(Hell Cat) Pon, a Hell Cat (Hybrid).

「I am taking the risk of trusting you to win pon, if we lose we are dead pon」, said Makai Neko(Hell Cat) Pon while staring at Ganmên, who had emerged from his chest.

「I already know zuki~, Buddy zukizukizukizuki ~!」, Ganmên said at the same time that, from the back of Makai Neko(Hell Cat) Pon, numerous tentacles arose, ready to strike at their opponents.

NT: Ganmên’s laughter is identical to the “sound” of suction (of blood).

NT2: Makai Neko would be Hell Cat in the native language, that is, Japanese. The first name, “Makai Neko”, was written in Japanese with Kanji, while the second, “Hell Cat“, was written in English with Katakana.
「How considerate are you to come here」, murmured the Akuma(Devil), Stake, while evading the tentacles like blades of the Makai Neko(Hell Cat) Pon and Ganmên who were heading towards him.

「Even so, things would not be fun if I remain on the defensive… I suppose I should make my move」.

After saying that, Stake stopped completely, and immediately after he put his hands and feet on the ground, at the same time he started to concentrate his forces throughout his body.

Immediately after that, innumerable blades emerged from his body.

「I love to kill people with my blades. It doesn’t matter if they are Men, Women, Demons or Beasts, everyone will be killed by my blades alike」, said the Akuma(Devil) Stake, with a look of madness on his face, as he advanced directly towards the Makai Neko(Hell Cat) Pon and the Demon Parasite Ganmên .


At that moment, one of the Stake’s blades pierced Ganmên’s head, who had emerged from the chest of Makai Neko(Hell Cat) Pon.

「 Bu-Buddy pon!」

The Makai Neko(Hell Cat) Pon quickly backed away at the same time as Ganmên’s head, whose face had been distorted by pain, was starting to get smaller.

「I’m sorry, Buddy zuki, for everything zuki…」

When Ganmên’s head disappears completely, the tentacles that had emerged from the back of the Makai Neko(Hell Cat) Pon also disappeared.

「Oops, I won’t let you escape」said the Akuma(Devil) Stake as he grabbed the Makai Neko(Hell Cat) Pon, who had tried to withdraw temporarily with the spirit of Ganmên in his hands.

「I’m sorry, but I need to devour the souls of my defeated opponents to become stronger」, he said as he devoured Ganmen’s spirit with a sigh.

「Fumu, it didn’t taste so good, but it was quite strong」, he said as he licked his lips.

At that moment, the Makai Neko(Hell Cat) Pon jumped on him at an incredible speed to attack him.

「I will make you pay for what you did to my Buddy Pon」, said the Makai Neko(Hell Cat) Pon with his hairs standing on end while attacking Stake with his claws.

「Hey hey, stop, I’m not good with energetic guys like you, though… it’s not like they dislike me either」, Stake said at the same time as he ran towards the Makai Neko(Hell Cat) Pon with all his blades pointing at him.

After that, the two continued attacking each other until the time limit was exceeded, ending the battle without making it clear who was the winner.


「… How did a brat like you get to the last round zamasu ?」, The Noble Vampire Zamas frowned when she saw the smiling girl standing in front of her.

The Girl seemed to be laughing at Zamas.

「Oh? Do you think you have time to say those things, Shitty Old Hag-sama?」, said the Girl as she slowly advanced towards Zamas.

「… It seems that I will have to teach you how to speak properly zamasu」, Zamas said as she adjusted her glasses while summoning a huge hammer in his hand.

「I’ll make sure to teach you zamasu correctly! Get ready zamasu! 」, she said as she lowered her hammer over the girl.

However, the girl quickly dodged the hammer while dancing in the air.

「Shitty Old Hag-sama, your movements are extremely easy to read. It’s boring」 , she said as she crossed her arms behind her head.

「I pity you, so I will kill you」, said the Girl while attacking Zamas with a giant torrent of red flames.


Zamas, whose hammer had been deeply buried in the ground after her previous attack, was unable to evade that attack.

Instead, Zamas could only close her eyes as she prepared to receive the torrent of flame.

But, in the next instant…

The Semi-Akuma(Devil), Avils, who had been running towards her from the side, grab her with all her might and drag her out of the reach of that attack.

The next instant, the torrent of flames fired by the Girl turned the place where Zamas was until just a few moments ago into ashes.

「… Damn brat, what do you think you’re doing zamasu?」

Zamas couldn’t help asking that to Avils, whom she had faced on numerous occasions throughout this Competition, with a puzzled look on her face.

「Hey~ look, I just wasn’t comfortable watching someone else killing you, Stupid Presumptuous Noble. If someone is going to kill you, that will be me」, Avils said as she watched the Girl, who was floating in the air.

Zamas, who had been puzzled for a while, went to retrieve her hammer while saying, 「… It can´t be helped i guess zamasu, I’ll take care of you after I finish with that insolent brat」, while standing next to Avils

While watching that, the Girl who floated in the air said, 「Wow? Does that Shitty Brat-sama plan to help the Shitty Old Hag-sama? Okay, you can come to me together」, while showing a distorted smile.

「This Akumahito(Devil Person), Brianna-sama, will take care of you」

NT: The same as with the previous ones. Brianna’s race could be referring to a version with more “human” characteristics… I wonder how the “Akumahitos” would be differentiated from the “Semi-Akumas” like Avils. There is an “illustration” of Brianna in the “Characters Sketches” (Is the last one).


After a while.


The Battle Royal marked its end with the shout la Cocatrice Ottle.

During this Competition plagued by fierce collisions without control there were many casualties. However, each of the fallen were taken to Fufun’s Laboratory • Temporary Infirmary, to be resurrected<rebirthed>.

On the other hand, those who survived, who certainly were not few, left the Stadium in the state in which they were.

「There were several outstanding individuals」, said Demon King Yuiguard, who watched the surroundings of the Stadium from his VIP seat, while nodding to himself with a satisfied look on his face.

「 Certainly. Those who reached the final turned out to be much more skilled than what we expected. There were also a large number of talented individuals among those who participated in the competitions of the first 2 days.

I would like to take those people and have them take some important positions as soon as possible」, said Fufun as she instructed the messengers who were writing their petitions related to what she had just mentioned.

Yuiguard, who showed a satisfied look at the outcome of this event while smiling,

… Look, this is the result of the actions of this great me.

Thought that to himself as he let out a loud laughter.


The competition was over and the combat arena was almost completely uninhabited.

Since the restoration work would not begin until the next day, there were still traces of the fierce fighting that had taken place all over the place.

In that place was the Blond Hero, hidden in a hole.

The Blond Hero - who had entered into the Competition with the name of Gold Hair Braveman - somehow managed to survive the constant attacks of the Tengu Ebisu by hiding in one of the holes he had dug.

「… Ah, Blond Hero-sama~, I knew you would be fine~」

「I was worried, Blond Hero-sama」

Tsuya and Ririanju, who had been watching the fighting hidden in a corner, ran towards the Blond Hero with joy at the moment they saw him come out of the hole.

「Who do you think I am? There is no way he was going to die so easily」, said the Blond Hero while laughing.

「Leaving that aside, I’m surprised that this competition was to choose one of the Four Heavenly Kings at the service of the Demon King」

「It wasn’t related whith a King at the end~」

「Anyway, we have to get out of here before they discover us」

After saying that, the three of them began to run outside the Demon King’s Castle until they disappeared deep into the forest.


「Ha~a, you have saved me dulan」, said the body of the Dullahan Dulan as she bowed gratefully in front of Furio and Fettabetch, who had handed her back her head after entering the Silk Fleece.

Dulan, who continued tirelessly looking for her head, finally arrived to Naniwa City, where she find her head.

However, her Head, which was hit hard by Komboy’s club, was still unconscious, and did not seem to wake up soon.

「… Excuse me, how can you talk if your head is still unconscious?」, asked Fettabetch casually as she inclined her head curiously.

「Oooh, that」, said Dulan as she took off her clothes from the top of her body.

Then, in her chest, a large mouth appeared.

「In addition to having a parallel thought function, the Dullahans also have a second mouth in our bodies」

「Oh~, what a most interesting Demon」

Fettabetch said as she watched Dulan’s upper body.

「Well, then, thank you very much for everything dulan」, said Dulan as she tried to leave the store while carrying her head between her armpits. However, at that moment, she mistakenly hit her head against one of the pillars of the store, after which she immediately started screaming in agony.

… Eh? wait, so her body has no eyes?

… But if so, then how do she get here?

Furio and Fettabetch muttered among themselves as they watched the state of Dulan.

NT: Yeah… honestly, the Chapter 17 was quite complicated to translate, I mean, with all those races appearing, and the strange way of speaking that some had… but it was quite funny too…
NT2: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments.


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