“Grab it!”

Maynard’s figure rushed violently, and several strides appeared in front of Ye Xian, clenching his fist and slamming towards Ye Xian, and the sound of breaking wind was incomparable

“Then it depends on whether you have that ability


Ye Xian did not dodge or dodge, raised his right hand, and also clenched his fist and slammed up


As if the sound of wood and stone colliding sounded, the leaf string did not move, and Maynard took several steps back in succession

“How is that possible? It was actually me who lost, it seems that your strength is much higher than the bounty.”

Maynard was a little surprised and said, he used eighty percent of his strength, and he was blasted back several steps with one punch

Ye Xian sneered, he only used less than fifty percent of his strength, and the lieutenant general was really a little weak!

“Even if it’s not your opponent, I’m going to stop you…”

“Arming and hardening.” Maynard rushed up again, clenching his fists again, this time with domineering

However, Ye Xian’s strength was more than one step higher than him, and before the opponent launched the second attack, his right fist already carried a thick armed color domineering, and slammed into Maynard’s chest first

“Armed hardening.”

With a snap, Maynard spat out blood, flew out with his feet off the ground, and rolled the ground before stopping, and the whole person languished

“Lieutenant General Maynard, are you all right?”

The sailors hurriedly surrounded them, and they raised their guns and pointed them vigilantly at Ye Xian

At this moment, all the onlookers were shocked, the vice admiral actually did not go through two moves in the hands of this mysterious man, could it be in the future?

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive, people can’t stand thinking

In the distance of the sky, a shining golden light is rapidly approaching, a light stops on the black field, and then countless points of light converge, gradually condensing into a person wearing a yellow striped suit with a somewhat lewd face, this is the yellow ape, one of the three admirals of the navy

“Yo! What is it? So big? Devil Fruit Ability? ”

The yellow ape muttered with a funny look

“General Yellow Ape…” came a call from below

The yellow ape looks left and right.” Well? Who called me?”

“Below… General Yellow Ape, we are below.”

“Huh? There! ”

The yellow ape looked at several sailors standing not far below, his body turned into countless points of light, and a rapid appeared in front of the sailors below

“Yo! What is this situation? What about Draco? ”

The navy soldier looked at the yellow ape with a look of adoration and stammered

“General… General, Draco is inside, we can’t get in now.”

“Is this inside? Can’t get in? Then I’ll have to try.”

The yellow ape pointed to the black field with a lewd look and said, a few steps to the black field, stretched out his index finger and poked

“Yo, it’s pretty hard!”

The yellow ape looked funny and said in an exaggerated tone. He raised his index finger to the black field, and the index finger lit up with a cross light, and a shockwave hit the field


With a loud bang, the smoke filled the air, and after it dispersed, the black field was completely fine

“Oh! It’s really hard! Looks like I’ve got to work harder.”

Seeing that this was completely ineffective, the yellow ape’s face became serious at this time

In the field, after the yellow ape attacked for the first time, Ye Xian knew that a big man was coming

“The attack is quite strong! Although it’s just ants shaking big trees.”

Ye Xian closed his eyes and received the message from the slashing knife

“It seems that I can’t play anymore, solve you guys first, and then have a good deal with him.”

The cold and emotionless voice sounded in the ears of the people around them, making them can’t help but fight the cold war

“What the hell do you want to do?”

Maynard had a bad premonition and asked sharply, he wanted to struggle to stand up, but Ye Xian’s punch just now gave a few percent more strength. Suffered heavy internal injuries

“What do I want to do? Then read on, don’t you know, anyway, you are not on the list of Ghost Emperor to kill.”

Ye Xian bent over, pressed one hand on the ground, closed his eyes, and the orientation of everyone in the entire field was clearly displayed in his mind, including those who were worth a lot of sin

“Hmph! Think it’s useful to hide? In my field, I am the master.”

Ye Xian’s eyes opened sharply, and he pressed his hand on the ground, grabbed the land tightly, and shouted

“Buried in the underworld.”

All those who possess evil, whether they are on the run or in hiding, as long as they are in the realm

A hole was opened under their feet, and they all fell, and they dodged it, and in an instant a coffin-like lump of earth suddenly protruded from under their feet and locked them in

“Now everyone is here.”

The human traffickers who escaped from the auction hall were almost caught by him as well as the famous slave ship owners in the first half of the Great Passage

“You should thank me! At least the dead are buried.”

“What happened to them?”

Maynard looked at the large number of people around him who had a few more coffins and disappeared, many of whom he knew

“They should take responsibility for what they have done, and now they can at least provide a little nourishment for the earth.”

Ye Xian stood up, stretched his waist, and then gently raised his right foot, stomped on the ground, and a wave of qi spread from under his feet

“Underworld Rift.”

Blood-colored fountains rose up on the land, the coffins on the land were doubled, and the gray earth turned blood-red

“Thank you for the big reward without regrets, this afternoon I went to the field to help, the update was a little late, thank you for your support.”

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