Five powerful breaths cover the sky, blue, gold, white, cyan, silver white, five breaths, like five long dragons straight into the sky, can be seen dozens of miles away.

“It seems that I don’t need to make a move.” Feeling the powerful aura of the five, Ye Xian smiled slightly, dispersing the power of the Void King.

“Strings?” Qi Mei woke up slowly, her eyes were hazy, as if she had just woken up.

“It’s okay now.” Ye Xian rubbed Sister Qi’s head and held Sister Qi tightly in her arms.

“Strings, how did they become so strong?” Qi Mei suddenly pointed at the green pheasants, her face was a little surprised, obviously she couldn’t figure it out, she just slept for a while, how the strength of the green pheasants skyrocketed.

“Of course, it’s my credit, they are now my subordinates, so I will help them improve their strength.” Ye Xian said with a smile.

“The strings are amazing!” Qi Mei looked at Ye Xian with adoration.

“Well, so-so.” Ye Xian nodded slightly, not daring to be arrogant, after all, if you can subdue the green pheasants, half of the credit should be counted on the head of the system.

“So strong!” The redhead looked at the green pheasants, his eyes were full of amazement, and the breath of the five people was under the perception of the redhead, about to catch up with the peak, the peak of the Warring States!

“It’s too strong!” Whitebeard exclaimed. looked at the redhead and said with a smile; “I think it’s time for us to improve.”

“Then let’s get started.” The redhead took out the colorful holy lotus, his eyes full of expectation.

“Hmm.” Whitebeard glanced at the redhead and swallowed the colorful holy lotus.

Of course, the redhead was not far behind, and almost at the same time, he put the colorful holy lotus into his mouth.

As soon as the colorful holy lotus entered, the two of them shook their bodies, felt a refreshing feeling that they had never felt before, and quietly closed their eyes and realized.

The medicinal effect of the colorful holy lotus was very subtle, as if it had brought the two to other worlds, and the red-haired and white-bearded faces were calm and calm.

It didn’t take long for the redhead and white beard to also erupt with two powerful auras, one red and one white, echoing the green pheasant from a distance.

The golden-toothed tiger covered his arm and kept watching coldly, and now seeing the efficacy of the colorful holy lotus, the golden-toothed tiger couldn’t hold his breath, and there was no strong man who didn’t want to become stronger.

The golden-toothed tiger rubbed his hands and looked at Ye Xian, trying to squeeze out a flattering smile.

“Ye King.”

“What’s going on?” Ye Xian raised his eyelids and replied lazily.

Seeing Ye Xian’s attitude, the golden-toothed tiger was a little apprehensive in his heart, and swallowed his spit, in order to improve his strength, the golden-toothed tiger went out.

“That… Ye Wang, that colorful holy lotus of yours… Can you give… Old man one. ”

The golden-toothed tiger stammered, his old face was a little red, but he still looked at Ye Xian.

“Yes.” Ye Xian said casually.

“Really?!” The golden-toothed tiger exclaimed. His face was flushed, and his face was full of writing. Some couldn’t believe it, but they felt that happiness came too suddenly.

“Of course it’s true.” Ye Xian nodded and was noncommittal. Just when the golden-toothed tiger was overjoyed, Ye Xian added: “Things can be given to you, but you have to submit to and serve this king like the green pheasants.” ”

When the golden-toothed tiger heard Ye Xian’s words, his face instantly changed, and his excited expression changed to anger.

“This can’t be!”

“Then there is nothing to talk about.” Ye Xian spread out his hands, not ready to take care of the golden-toothed tiger again.

“King Ye, can you change the conditions?” The golden-toothed tiger asked impatiently.

But at this time, Ye Xian turned his head to the side and talked about love with Qi Mei.

“Hmph!” The golden-toothed tiger snorted coldly, stopped talking, his face was black like charcoal, and there was nowhere to send fire.

“Boom…” the Red Count’s cry rang out again.

The call was still terrifying, but everyone present was not afraid except for the golden-toothed tiger.

The Red Count’s cry sounded everywhere, and he seemed to be scurrying around without any purpose.

Feeling the strength of the green pheasant and the others, Count Hong did not dare to make an easy move, but he refused to leave, so he wandered around.

At this time, the powerful aura gushing out of the green pheasants gradually weakened, and Ye Xian knew that the medicinal effect of the colorful holy lotus had been exhausted, and their strength had been improved.

“What a strong force!” The green pheasant was the first to collect his breath, he felt the power in his body, and his face was full of amazement.

“Whew… The old man also broke through. Steel Bone Empty twisted his neck, clenched his fists, and the huge force squeezed the air.

“Hehe, what a magical colorful holy lotus.” Fuji Tiger woke up. The crisis of drug banning was finally lifted, and Fujitora was in a good mood.

“It’s a nice feeling.” The old face of the crane was full of surprise.

“Hahaha! I didn’t expect that I, Stoloberg, would also have such a powerful day! Stoloberg laughed loudly, his excited body trembled, and the powerful power in his body made Stoloberg have an unreal feeling of dreaming.

“Well, with the help of King Ye, all our problems have been solved, and our strength has been greatly improved! In the future, we will go to the soup for King Ye and do everything we can! Steel Bone Sora said solemnly.

“Air Marshal! That’s right, swear allegiance to King Ye! The green pheasant took the conversation and shouted.

“Swear allegiance to King Ye!” The five turned to Ye Xian, knelt on one knee and shouted.

“Let’s all get up, King Ben is very pleased that you can have such determination.” Ye Xian’s figure flashed and appeared in front of the five people.

“Since you have sworn allegiance to King Ben, King Ben will assign you the first task.”

“What mission? King Ye did as he ordered. “Steel bone. Kong hurriedly said. The green pheasants also nodded in unison.

“It’s not a big deal either.” Ye Xian smiled slightly. “King Ben wants to rebuild a naval headquarters, a naval headquarters that belongs to the prefecture! Now that everyone is not an outsider, King Ben may as well tell you about the plan of the prefecture, and the first step is to overthrow the world government! Therefore, King Ben wants to establish a naval headquarters belonging to the New World first! ”

After Ye Xian finished speaking, his face was full of pride, his long hair was flying, his clothes were fluttering, and the kingly spirit on his body was naturally revealed.

Steel Bone Kong and the others were shocked in their hearts, and when they looked at each other, they could see the shock in each other’s eyes.

Creating a naval headquarters to openly confront the world government, I have to say that Ye Xian’s idea is too groundbreaking for them.

But after thinking about it carefully, Steel Bone Kong and others were relieved, Ye Xian, a peerless powerhouse, is pursuing something that is naturally not something that ordinary people can imagine!

“What kind of world does King Ye want to create by overthrowing the world government?” The green pheasant thought for a while, looked at Ye Xian and asked seriously.

“King Ben wants a world where the world is peaceful, where all people live together equally, without sin and without nobility.” Ye Xian said solemnly.

“Subordinates are willing to follow in the footsteps of adults, conquer the world for adults, and be the cornerstone of the new world!” The green pheasant gave a military salute and said loudly.

The new world planned by Ye Xian is something that Qing Pheasant has been looking forward to but cannot achieve! Now hearing Ye Xian mention the plan, the green pheasant immediately decided to follow Ye Xian and create that ideal world!

“The second change, today is the same five change, please support…”

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