Looking at the difficult support of Yuanbu Keiichi, Ye Xian sneered in his heart: If you want to escape, King Ben will help you, hehe.

Ye Xian’s gaze froze, gathering his mind, his mind moved, and the voice sounded in Di Renjie’s mind.

“Di Renjie, I am King Ye, don’t be surprised, don’t show any abnormalities, you just need to communicate with me in your heart.”

Hearing Ye Xian’s voice suddenly sounded, Di Renjie’s heart was shocked and startled, but he still followed Ye Xian’s orders and quickly stabilized his mind.

“Sir, what are your orders?”

“I have a plan that requires your cooperation to act out a fake drama. I’m going to deliberately let Keiichi Sonobe go, but without arousing his suspicions! Ye Xian said seriously.

Di Renjie’s heart froze. “The subordinates know what to do.”

“You be careful, this plan is only for Red Dogs, Sengoku, Devil People and you know, don’t let the green pheasants detect the abnormality!” Ye Xian explained seriously.

“Subordinates must complete the task!”

Subsequently, the same words Ye Xian passed on to the three people of Sengoku, Red Inu, and Devil Man.

The war continued, but the four people who accepted Ye Xian’s special mission were faintly gathered in a pile, constantly making vague contact with their eyes.

“Cross Sword!” The redhead slashed out with a sword, and the two sword rays crossed together and attacked towards Keiichi Sonobe.

“Ice Age!” The green pheasant emitted an icy aura that froze the air and affected the speed of Sonobe’s attack.

“Space shock!” Whitebeard raised his big hand, and the void shook, and the space around Keiichi Sonobe was directly shattered like glass.

“Hmph! Insect tricks! Sonobe Keiichi snorted coldly with disdain, his mouth was tough, and he dealt with their attacks, but Sonobe Keiichi was extremely careful.

“Dead duck has a hard mouth!” Ye Xian snorted disdainfully, if it weren’t for the plan, he could have killed Keiichi Sonobe right now.

“One knife flow, Yanyang slash!” Sonobe Keiichi slashed out a sword with all his strength, and the hot sword light instantly melted the ice qi of the green pheasant, piercing the concussion field of the white beard, and then collided with the red-haired sword light, and the hot sword light did not dissipate after the loud noise!

“Canine Tooth Red Lotus!” The figure of the red dog flashed, his fist smashed on the sword light, the flames exploded, and the sword light disappeared.

“Hmph! Keiichi Sonobe, you can’t leave today! Die obediently! Akainu looked at Keiichi Sonobe coldly and shouted loudly.

“Red dog, you traitor! Just because you dare to talk to me like that? Sonobe Keiichi’s face was extremely gloomy, and he couldn’t wait to swallow the red dog alive.

“Old fellow, do you think I’m afraid of you? With our Ye King here, can you help me? Akainu said proudly.

“You bastard!” Sonobe Keiichi was furious, “Akainu, the old man wants to make you regret today!” ”

After speaking, Sonobe Keiichi pushed the round-framed glasses, his eyes flashed, and the next moment a terrifying sword intent appeared on Sonobe Keiichi’s body!

Feeling this sword intent, everyone’s faces changed greatly, this sword intent was too powerful, like Mount Tai pressing the top!

“What a pure sword intent!” Ye Xian nodded, and there was some admiration in his mouth. Although he was an enemy, Ye Xian had to admit that Sonobe Keiichi was able to cultivate such a powerful sword intent, and he was also very talented.

Keiichi Sonobe is like an ancient samurai, holding a katana in both hands and holding it diagonally, with a sacred and solemn expression.

The next moment, a layer of white light was enveloped on Yuanbu Keiichi’s body, and the light carried an extremely sharp aura, which was the pure sword intent obtained by Yuanbe Keiichi after a hundred years of cultivation!

Keiichi Sonobe is now using it, not only wanting to seriously injure the red dog, but also planning to force everyone back and take the opportunity to escape.

“One knife flow, heavenly machine slash!”

Yuanbu Kai roared, and a sword was cut out, and the sky was full of sword light.

“Don’t hard connect! You can’t stop it! Ye Xian suddenly shouted anxiously, looking flustered.

“King Ye, I know how powerful the old man is!” Keiichi Sonobe said coldly.

Fart! Lao Tzu is just for acting, you are really stunned, Ye Xian can’t help but complain in his heart.

Seeing the sword light in the sky instantly shrouded in all directions, Ye Xian’s eyes froze, clenched his fists vigorously, and ordered in his heart: “Do it!”

The voice immediately sounded in the minds of Di Renjie, Red Dog, Warring States, and the Devil Man, and the four of them exchanged vaguely and began to act.

“Can’t let him escape! I have the strongest defense! I’ll block him! Sengoku roared anxiously, and with a flash of golden light, he rushed towards Keiichi Yuanbu.

“Hmph! Moths to the fire! Sonobe Keiichi looked at the Warring States coldly, and slashed out a sword at random, and the powerful sword intent instantly swept towards the Warring States.

The white sword intent was extremely powerful, and it instantly broke through the golden defensive cover of the Warring States and slammed into the Warring States.

“Poof…” The Sengoku body was filled with ghostly qi, and his body fell to the ground like a kite with a broken line!

As soon as Sengoku was repulsed, there was a gap in the formation of the eight-man siege, and Sonobe Keiichi was overjoyed and fled out in an instant.

“Stop him! Don’t let him run! Ye Xian roared loudly, but there was no anxiety in his eyes.

Everyone wanted to chase after Ye Xian’s words, but Sonobe Keiichi’s sword intent was too powerful, and they had a hard time resisting.

“Black Whirlwind Slash!” The demon man roared, took the lead in breaking the sword intent that trapped him, spun up with the giant axe, and turned into a black hurricane and chased after Keiichi Sonobe.

“Meteor Volcano!” The red dog flew high, his face full of anger, and threw countless flame fists, sweeping towards Sonobe Keiichi, increasing the range but decreasing the power.

“Heavenly decree!” Di Renjie threw a black token, swooped, broke through the air, and chased after Keiichi Sonobe like lightning.

Sonobe Keiichi’s speed is so fast, it is not at all that the demon people can catch up, and they fly several miles away in a blink of an eye!

The red dog’s flame fist was fiercely blocked in front of Keiichi Sonobe, but the flames across the void were broken by Keiichi Sonobe’s sword.

At this time, the black token caught up with Keiichi Sonobe, who was fleeing.

“Get out of here!” Yuanbu Kaida roared, smashed the black token with a knife, and the figure flashed farther and farther, gradually turning into a black dot.

“Hmph!” Ye Xian snorted coldly, and there was no joy or anger on his face.

Ye Xian’s heart moved, and a golden mark appeared on his hand. “Go!”

With a flick of his hand, the golden mark flashed, burrowed into the void, and disappeared.

“Hmph! Want to kill the old man? Wish for the moon! “Sonobe Keiichi ran out of ten miles to choose, and when he saw that no one was catching up behind him, he felt a little proud.

At this moment, a ripple flashed in the space behind Sonobe Keiichi, and a golden mark drilled out, and the golden light flashed, directly entering Sonobe Keiichi’s body, and Sonobe Keiichi did not notice it at all.

At the same time, Ye Xian was overjoyed in his heart, and a satisfied look appeared on his face.

The Ghost Emperor Soul Extinguishing Curse is indeed powerful! Keiichi Yuanbe was implanted with the Ghost Emperor Soul Extinguishing Curse, and now everything he saw and heard would be transmitted to Ye Xian’s mind simultaneously, which was simply a monitoring artifact! It’s still the kind of monitor that has no dead angles 360 degrees!

“The second more, that what, robbery, leave your road money.”

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