Seeing the habit of the second elder, Ye Xian couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“Laugh what laugh? You’ll cry right away! The second elder glared at Ye Xian and raised the hoe in his hand high.

“Don’t panic first, the second man.” The eldest pressed the hoe in his hand, looked at Ye Xian and said: “Our three brothers are the three holy masters of the holy family, my name is Jin Bi, and the hoe is my second brother Jin Nong, and the third is Jin Feng.” ”

After speaking, the three figures flashed, and put on a self-conscious style, the second wielded a golden hoe, the third shook the golden folding fan, and the eldest had a golden flute on his mouth, which looked like that.

“You force this, I give 8 points, because you didn’t show your face, deduct two points.” Ye Xian clapped his hands and said.

“Big brother, that kid laughs at us!” Jin Feng shook the folding fan and looked at Ye Xian unkindly.

“Do it!” Jin Bi’s face was also not good-looking, and after speaking, the aura of the whole body erupted and attacked Ye Xian.

Ye Xian’s gaze froze, although these three people were forced twice, they could not be taken lightly when they moved their hands.

Feeling the powerful aura on the three of them, Ye Xian turned his head to look at Sister Qi, who nodded in understanding.

The next moment, Ye Xian stretched out his hand and opened his five fingers, and the power of the Void King surged between his fingers, and Qi Mei obediently leaned into Ye Xian’s arms.

Ye Xian put his hand on Qi Mei’s fierce mouth, stretched out his hand, and a silver shining big sword was pulled out by Ye Xian, Qi Mei couldn’t help but groan, and after the long sword was pulled out, she slept deeply.

Ye Xian held a silver long sword in his hand, his body was surrounded by a silver-black band of light, his long hair fluttered, and his whole body breath was extremely powerful!

“Shhh! Temporarily gain the Spatial Origin Power! The sound of the system suddenly sounded.

The corners of Ye Xian’s mouth turned up slightly, he couldn’t imagine that he would pull out the king’s sword, and through the king’s sword, he would get the power blessing of the spatial origin!

“System! What the hell is going on here? How could Sister Qi have a spatial origin in her body? ”

“Shhh! At that time, the Ghost Emperor overlord, in order to strengthen the strength of the prefecture, specially snatched a trace of origin power from the nine great emperors, and each hall master could obtain a trace of origin. Butterfly Qi is the Void King, so he has obtained the Origin of Space! ”

Hearing the words of the system, Ye Xian’s heart was both happy and shocked, the Ghost Emperor was too violent, and actually snatched the origin power of other great emperors, this is a hatred greater than the hatred of taking his wife, Ye Xian admired the courage and strength of the Ghost Emperor!

The three great holy masters who rushed towards Ye Xian, seeing Ye Xian’s actions, had some doubts in their hearts, and did not know what Ye Xian was doing. But soon, their gazes changed, Ye Xian’s breath actually skyrocketed again, and the breath on Ye Xian’s body was released, and there was a feeling that they naturally wanted to worship!

The three great Saint Masters were a little frightened in their hearts, this feeling, they had never felt before, and the Saint Lord level powerhouse could not bring them this feeling!

The three great holy masters had this strange feeling because Ye Xian now had a spatial origin in his body, although it was only a trace, but how powerful was the trace extracted from the Supreme God Emperor’s body? It is definitely stronger than the Golden Origin in the Saint Master’s body, not to mention that the Space Origin is ranked above the Golden Origin, and it is innately suppressing the Golden Origin!

“Big brother, this kid’s strength seems to have skyrocketed a lot!” Jin Nong looked at Ye Xian, feeling a little jealous.

“Big brother, be careful about the 10,000-year ship, I swallowed the holy fruit first.” Jin Feng smelled the feeling of danger from Ye Xian, and hurriedly escaped a red fruit and swallowed it.

As soon as the fruit entered the body, it was no surprise that the strength of Golden Wind skyrocketed by more than ten times, approaching the Saint Venerable powerhouse!

“Hmm! The third man is right, I also have a bad premonition, although the holy fruit is important, life is more important. Jin Bining nodded emphatically, and also took the holy fruit.

When Jin Nong saw that the eldest and third had done this, he was naturally not willing to lag behind, and quickly took out a red fruit and took it down.

Soon, three powerful auras rose up into the sky and confronted Ye Xian.

Before he really started, the powerful auras of the two sides collided first.

The powerful aura exuded by Ye Xian transformed into a black dragon with two horns in the sky, and the black scales on the black dragon’s body faintly emitted a golden luster.

The three holy masters had golden light above their heads, and the breath of the three gathered together, transforming into a huge golden rhinoceros, and two rough breaths erupted from their nostrils, roaring at the black dragon one after another.

The black dragon was very humane, looked at the rhinoceros mockingly, swung his figure, rushed towards the golden rhinoceros, and soon, the rhinoceros and the black dragon fought fiercely.

“Fight!” Ye Xian coldly spit out a word, holding Qi Mei in his arms, the king’s sword in his hand was raised forward, and he raised his hand and cut out a sword.

The silver arc-shaped sword light disappeared in a flash, and in a blink of an eye, it appeared directly in front of the golden dragon.

“I lean!” Jin Nong’s face changed drastically, he didn’t expect Ye Xian’s sword light to be so strange, just now he was still in the distance, and in front of his eyes, the sword light was about to split into him.

“Second brother! Flash up! As Jin Bi spoke, the flute on her mouth blew, the beautiful flute sounded, and a circle of golden light waves came out of the flute, spreading out like water waves, shaking the space!

With the shock caused by the golden light wave, the sword light that was about to slash at Jin Nong’s body suddenly froze, and Jin Nong took the opportunity to dodge and dodged this killing sword.

“Some doorways!” Ye Xian said coldly.

The sword that suddenly attacked was dissolved by Jin Bi’s hand, Ye Xian’s heart was a little heavy, he underestimated the three major holy masters, and the strength of these three guys was really not to be underestimated.

“Good risk!” Jin Nong wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and he had some palpitations.

“This kid is a little weird, the three of us need to cooperate well, don’t capsize in the gutter!” Jin Bi’s tone was solemn, and she looked at Jin Nong and Jin Feng coldly.


“Listen to big brother!”

The two quickly nodded, and through Ye Xian’s casual sword just now, they knew that Ye Xian was not simple, and quickly put away their contempt and put Ye Xian into the ranks of opponents.

“Golden Mystery: Dig!” Jin Nong roared, and Jin Zhiyuan urged madly, carrying a hoe and digging towards Ye Xian.

“Black wind!” The golden wind shook the golden folding fan, and two black tornadoes surrounded each other and rolled towards Ye Xian.

“Soul Control Flute!” Jin Bi blew the golden flute, and a piercing and sharp flute sounded, striking towards Ye Xian’s heart.

Ye Xian’s gaze froze, and the adept knew as soon as he made a move, these three people were much more powerful than that holy envoy, and the role of the Golden Origin was more sophisticated and diverse, transforming the Origin into a spell.

Ye Xian raised the corners of his mouth coldly, strong is powerful, but in the face of himself, that’s all.

The first to attack was the soul control flute, and the sound of the flute was directly transmitted to the heart, turning into a big golden hand to grab Ye Xian’s soul!

Ye Xian sensed slightly, the soul control flute and the ghost law sound wave have the same effect, the ghost law sound wave attacks from the outside to the inside, and the soul control flute destroys from the inside to the outside.

“Fourth, what another world will have, everything will have.”

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