Ye Xian did not use the slightest domineering and soul power, nor did he use various sword techniques, but just like a beginner in kendo, holding the slashing knife and making simple movements again and again.

“Ye Xian, are you practicing here?” Saitama asked curiously.

“Yes, practicing kendo, I should thank you, I found inspiration in you.” Ye Xian said with a smile, and his hand kept moving.

Next, Ye Xian and Saitama practiced passionately, not to mention that Ye Xian slashed and stabbed tens of thousands of times with the strength of his body, and other feelings were not, but his stomach was hungry.

Without any stops, Saitama began a long run of ten kilometers, Ye Xian carrying a chopping knife and running side by side with Saitama, destined for a small park in Z City, where people still live now.

From this morning, there was a legend of perversion and neuropathy circulating near the park, Saitama-sensei in the orange suit was regarded by people as a pervert who had nowhere to vent in his body, and the leaf string who slashed at will with a sword was considered a neuropathy… Of course, these are all afterwords.

The early morning practice soon ended, and the two returned home, where Yu’er had already prepared breakfast and waited at the low table.

Ye Xian invited Saitama to have breakfast together, Saitama wanted to refuse, but could not bear Ye Xian’s enthusiasm, so he had to rub breakfast at Ye Xian’s house.

At the dinner table, Ye Xian said that he was going to open a supermarket, which shocked Saitama.

“Ye Xian, opening a supermarket, that requires a lot of money!”

Saitama is no matter how weak his feelings are, and he also knows that opening a supermarket requires a lot of money, money is a thing, but he often forces heroes to death, such as his Saitama teacher, often shopping with coins, and there are not even large-denomination banknotes in his wallet.

“Saitama, you don’t have to worry about money, how much money is for me.” Ye Xian shrugged his shoulders and smiled casually.

“I want to bring you in, how about helping me see the supermarket?” You’re pretty idle all day long.

Of course, I won’t let you work for nothing, and you will solve it with me for three meals a day in the future, and give you another 100,000 yen a month. ”

“Well, really? May I? Saitama looked at Ye Xian in surprise.

“Of course you can! We’re friends, and I’m not here to make money anyway, let’s find something to do together. Ye Xian said seriously.


Saitama nodded, after all, he was shy, it was good to have a job, the Saitama teacher with hair back then actually wanted to go to work, and in the end he really couldn’t find a job, Saitama was angry, go to his forced class! When the heroes went, it didn’t take long for the heroes association to be established, and Saitama teacher joined the heroes association, receiving a little salary every month and eating together.

“Ye Xian, when you go to work, can you read comics?”

“Comic ?!!” Hearing Saitama’s words, Ye Xian’s heart shook, “Oh, I’ll go!” How did I forget this stubble! ”

Ye Xian’s face changed instantly, becoming ecstatic, there are still comics in this world! For Ye Xian, comics can pass the time well!

Ye Xian suddenly turned his head and showed a playful smile to Saitama-sensei.

“Huh?” Saitama was a little blinded by Ye Xian, and touched his bald head a little uncomfortably.

Ye Xian remembered that Mr. Saitama’s superb demeanor of reading manga, and it sounded that Mr. Saitama was lying on the floor extremely corruptly, staring straight at the manga, turning a page casually after reading it, and picking his nostrils with the other hand at will. Thinking of this picture, Ye Xian felt a little funny in his heart.

After eating, Saitama went home to water the cactus with a baby elephant kettle, Yu’er was playing the role of a nanny, and Ye Xian of course went to the city to find a trading company to get goods and prepare to open a shopping mall.

Coming to the most prosperous area in the center of Z City, after some inquiring, Ye Xian walked into a large shopping mall called Yanghua Pavilion, which is a world-famous large enterprise.

Ye Xian was carrying two large black leather suitcases in his hand, which were full of large bills with a face value of 10,000 yuan, one box of 100 million, which was just exchanged for two hundred merit points to the system.

Big companies are different, Ye Xian just stepped into the gate, people came and went inside, the beautiful woman at the front desk received warmly, and the businessman who came to the Westernization Pavilion to do business.

“Beauty, where is your boss? I want to meet him. Ye Xian walked to the front desk and said to the beauty who was directly facing the reception, and casually scanned the sign, the beauty was named Oshima Ai.

“Do you have an appointment?” Oshima Ai said politely, seeing Ye Xian’s handsome face, he couldn’t help but look at it twice.

“Appointment?” The corners of Ye Xian’s mouth turned up slightly, knowing that these large companies are all this kind of routine, after all, it is impossible for the chairman of the people to personally receive cats and dogs.

Ye Xian pouted, opened a black suitcase, and took out a stack of banknotes from it, one million yen.

Oshima Ai has been staring at Ye Xian, seeing this scene, he was shocked in his heart, a lot of money! I’m afraid that the banknotes in the black suitcase are hundreds of millions! It was the first time she had seen so much money!

The businessmen next to them also saw it, and they all hesitated to look at Ye Xian, which consortium’s children can take out so much money at will? For a while, these businessmen’s eyes flickered, thinking in their hearts about finding an opportunity to get acquainted with Ye Xian.

“This is for you, help me contact your chairman.” Ye Xian put the stack of yen casually in Oshima’s hand.

“Sir, this is not okay, our company has clear regulations! You can’t collect your belongings! Oshima looked shocked, although the attraction of a million was powerful, she wanted to keep her job even more.

Ye Xian came over with hundreds of millions of yen, and Oshima Ai did not dare to snub.

“Sir, I will help you contact the secretary of the chairman immediately.” After speaking, Oshima Ai picked up the phone.

“Wait!” Ye Xian stopped Oshima Ai and said to her domineeringly: “Tell her, I brought 200 million yen to talk about business, I want to open a supermarket, the supermarket must be opened, my 200 million must be spent!” ”

As soon as Ye Xian’s words came out, the people next to him were stunned, and they all whispered, 200 million! Many of them earn that much in their lifetimes. (200 million yen, about 12 million RMB)

“Which consortium is this?” That’s 200 million! What a big hand! ”

“Now that monsters are frequent and the economy is sluggish, it is really jealous to be able to take out 200 million at will.”

“Are you jealous of a fart, didn’t you listen to him? He opened a supermarket, and now monsters are frequent and often attack supermarkets, which is not easy to do. ”

“Yes, few of the current businessmen have switched to the supermarket industry. Yanghua Pavilion is in the no-man’s land of Z City, and the largest supermarket has not been destroyed by monsters…”

Ye Xian smiled coldly, how could these ordinary people understand his thoughts, money! What my brother wants is not money, and you people who my brother pursues will never understand.

Oshima Ai moved quickly, and explained Ye Xian’s affairs to the chairman’s secretary, and soon Oshima Ai put down the phone and said to Ye Xian with a smile: “Sir, you have been waiting for a long time, I will take you to the chairman’s office immediately.” ”

“Please support, fifth.”

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