The last building on earth

Chapter 108 Breakthroughs One after another (Arrived, please vote for me)

As Zheng Lei spoke, he bowed slightly, showing a humble look. He turned his right hand, and in his palm, there was a flash of white light, like a thunderbolt, going straight to Wang Xuan's heart.

This is his strongest method. It is the special ability "Palm Thunder" that he mastered after the hatchling beast he controlled grew into a sub-body. Suddenly he turned his palm and struck, and he was so close to Wang Xuan. Zheng Lei was confident, A sure bet.

With this "palm thunder" blow, even if Wang Xuan was wearing double-defense goblin scale armor, a huge hole would be blown out in an instant, and the target of his attack was the heart.

"Even if you are a sub-body, you will still die!" Zheng Lei finally showed a sneer on his face.

Ren Zhongyuan, who was following him, immediately took action after he released the palm thunder. Wang Xuan must be dead, so he was ready to fight quickly to deal with these Chuqi.

Using the Ya Body against Chu Qi, even if there are seven people on the other side, they can still crush him.

Ren Zhongyuan's hatched beast appeared in the form of a sword. In the palm of his right hand, the sword with scales on the surface had just been extended halfway when he heard a muffled groan coming from Zheng Lei's mouth.

His head shattered like a watermelon.

Standing in front of Zheng Lei, Wang Xuan stretched out his right hand and slapped Zheng Lei on the head like he was swatting a fly to death.

Zheng Lei's skull shattered, his head exploded, and blood and flesh mixed with white brains burst out.

Ren Zhongyuan's scale sword was only halfway extended. At this moment, he seemed to be petrified and motionless. He didn't know whether to continue taking action or turn around and flee.

He was confused.

Zheng Lei didn't understand what happened until he died. He was very sure of the "Palm Thunder" strike. How could the man in front of him suddenly move half a foot to avoid it like a prophet? Then he felt his head sinking, like a mountain bearing down on him. , there was a "buzzing" in the ears, and then I didn't know anything.

All this happened in an instant. The metal tentacle on Wang Xuan's right hand burst out, split into two, wrapped around Ren Zhongyuan's legs respectively, lifted it into the air, and tore it to both sides.

Ren Zhongyuan reacted, roared, twisted his body, and took out his scale sword, trying to cut off the metal tentacles wrapped around his thighs.

It's a pity that everything is too late.

Blood rained out, a large amount of internal organs splashed down, and Ren Zhongyuan was torn in half from the crotch to the leg.

The four Chuqi who came with them were all dumbfounded, and then they all showed their hatching beasts and wanted to take action.

Wang Xuan looked at them and shook his head secretly. At this time, they still showed the hatchling beast and wanted to attack, which was tantamount to seeking death.

Two metal tentacles extended out and twitched to both sides. With a "pop", two of them screamed and were beaten until their bones and flesh were broken. Their bodies were doubled and flew out.

Gu Manyao, Zhang Haofei, Zhao Lei, Tie Jun and Bai Yan took action one after another. They used the most powerful methods such as "Monster Slash", "Whirlwind Bone Claw" and "Savage Crash" to kill the remaining two people immediately.

Zhang Haofei succeeded, and the "Whirlwind Bone Claw" shattered the head of one of them. White light appeared in the man's body, which was quickly absorbed by the "Skeleton" in his right hand.

Several of them were on the verge of breaking through at any time. They had previously failed to find the goblin warriors in the South District Cinema, otherwise they would have broken through long ago.

Later, out of curiosity, they followed Na Ma Dongcheng and Lu Ge into the amusement park. As a result, they were delayed for a lot of time. As a result, they still have not been able to break through to the sub-body to this day.

At this moment, he successfully killed a Chuqi. Zhang Haofei immediately felt the drastic changes in the skeleton in his right hand. A message appeared in his mind. A new force expanded in his body. The bones in his body appeared one by one, not just on the outside of his right arm. A white bone arm appeared, and even his right shoulder bone and right rib appeared outside the flesh, as if a skeleton monster was about to struggle out of his body.

Gu Manyao used the demon chi to kill another person. She also felt the demon chi in her right hand fluctuating violently, but in the end she was a little short and failed to successfully advance to the sub-body.

Everyone saw the fierce struggle of the skeleton in Zhang Haofei's body and understood that he had made a breakthrough.

Feeling the changes in his body, Zhang Haofei showed excitement on his face.

This time he finally broke through faster than Gu Manyao, becoming the first person in the team besides Wang Xuan to grow to the sub-body.

Wang Xuan put away the metal tentacles, looked at the six corpses lying on the ground, and said, "Are these people crazy and willing to die?"

Although he sensed that these people had bad intentions, he really didn't expect that they would suddenly attack him.

Although Zheng Lei's palm thunder is fast, for Wang Xuan, who has some precautions and has evolved to the fourth form, it is not much different from slow motion.

Zhao Lei, Tie Jun, Li Haotian and Bai Yan had already begun to peel off the clothes and armor from the corpses.

"These guys are simply crazy. Is it because the armor you are wearing, Wang Xuan, is too conspicuous, so they are interested?"

Zhao Lei peeled off the clothes and armor of Zheng Lei and Ren Zhongyuan and found that both of them had a second-level sophisticated equipment, including a pair of second-level sophisticated boots, because Zhang Haofei did not have a second-level sophisticated equipment on his body. The boots were given to him.

Now Zhang Haofei has a set of second-level equipment, one of which is excellent, and four of which are ordinary.

Everyone now basically has a second-level sophisticated equipment, except for Bai Yan and Yu Shanshan, so the remaining second-level sophisticated equipment was given to Bai Yan.

In addition to these two pieces of second-level sophisticated equipment, there is also a second-level ordinary gauntlet given to Gu Manyao, and a second-level ordinary knee pad given to Zhao Lei.

As for their inferior equipment, Wang Xuan doesn't even bother to put it into the Sumeru Mustard Seed Space now.

In addition to these equipment harvests, 103 crystal scales and 45 bottles of primary nutrient solution were also received.

Wang Xuan collected them, and the number of crystal scales he owned immediately increased to 714. As for the primary nutrient solution, after deducting what they had eaten before setting off, the number he owned now was still almost over one hundred bottles.

"Zhang Haofei, you have grown into a sub-body, what are the new abilities you have gained?" Zhao Lei was a little curious when he saw Zhang Haofei's excited look.

Zhang Haofei chuckled. The skeleton in his body now not only stretched out a right arm, but could also extend the upper body slightly out of the body. Its attack limit range was changed from one foot to two feet.

"Phantom Ghost Claw, Zhao Lei, do you want to try it?" Zhang Haofei squinted at Zhao Lei and said while controlling the skeleton in his body and moving his bone arms.

Not to be outdone, Zhao Lei said: "Wait, I will break through the sub-body soon. Let's compete then."

Wang Xuan had just killed Zheng Lei, Ren Zhongyuan and two Chu Qi in succession. Although he killed four of them in one go, absorbing their energy had little effect on his Warcraft.

"It seems that if my monster wants to evolve again, it requires unimaginable energy. Even after killing two sub-bodies, there is no reaction at all."

"Let's go, stop talking nonsense, and try to get all of you to Asia Sports today, so that we can go to the upper floors early to take a look." Wang Xuan said as he took the lead and walked towards the oncoming movie theater.

Zhao Lei followed closely and said: "Wang Xuan, have you forgotten that there are West District and North District? Do you want to go in and take a look before going? Do you think the monsters in the West District and North District will be more powerful?"

Wang Xuandao: "We'll find out later if we go and have a look."

Zhang Haofei said: "Yes, actually after reaching the sub-body, there is no challenge in this southern district, except for the clown, of course."

As they talked, everyone entered the movie hall facing them. This movie hall was full of goblin warriors. They were originally wandering inside. As they approached, these groups of goblin warriors rushed out.

Zhang Haofei rushed forward and activated the new ability "Phantom Ghost Claw" he had just mastered, wanting to try out his power.

Wang Xuan was also paying attention. As soon as the phantom ghost claw came out, a phantom appeared on the right arm of the skeleton in his body, as if several more white bone arms suddenly grew.

There were a few soft sounds of "Chi Chi", and the body surface of the goblin warrior in front of him had blood grooves that were deep enough to see the bones. They were all scratched out by the skull claws.

Wang Xuan saw this and understood that the "Phantom Ghost Claw" was not as destructive as the "Whirlwind Bone Claw", but it was better in speed, so the name was very appropriate.

After killing a goblin warrior, the skeleton received no response from the energy gained, and Zhang Haofei lost interest in the group of monsters in front of him.

Gu Manyao held the Demon Chi Sword with both hands, slashed out in the air, split a goblin warrior in half, and harvested a piece of white scale energy. Immediately, her eyes glowed slightly, and the Demon Chi Sword in her hands was changing.

Wang Xuan looked at her and knew that she had also broken through to the sub-body.

The Demon Chi Knife in her hand has not grown longer this time, it is still one to five meters in length, but there are patches of fine black scales protruding from both sides of the blade. These fine scales can be slightly raised, making it look like a living thing.

Feeling the changes in her body, Gu Manyao suddenly let out a scream, jumped forward suddenly, clasped his hands together with the changing Demon Chi Sword in his hands, and slashed out in the air again.

This time, three rays of sword light suddenly shot out from the monster sword that was cut out. These three sword lights separated in one word and instantly cut through the bodies of the three goblin warriors facing them. Blood spattered everywhere. The goblin warriors were cut apart.

"Awesome." Wang Xuan's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but praise softly.

Hearing Wang Xuan's praise, Gu Manyao couldn't help but turn around, showed a smile, and said: "This is the ability I just realized. It's called three consecutive cuts. It can cut three sword energy at one time."

Wang Xuan nodded slightly towards her, Zhao Lei, Tie Jun, Bai Yan and Yu Shanshan all rushed in, and Li Haotian was also firing light arrows in earnest.

Seeing Zhang Haofei and Gu Manyao break through to the sub-body, they were also anxious and wanted to break through as soon as possible.

Soon, more than thirty goblin warriors in the theater were killed, and 32 crystal scales were harvested. The number of crystal scales Wang Xuan now owned increased to 746.

Afterwards, they went to several other cinemas, and in one of them they saw the corpses of goblin warriors all over the ground. These goblin warriors were slowly being melted by the ground. Obviously, these goblin warriors had been killed for some time.

Unable to find new goblin warriors in these theaters, everyone entered the back door of the theater and arrived at the amusement park.

Entering the amusement park, Wang Xuan found that the previously destroyed carousel had not been restored. Under the pirate ship on the other side, six people gathered there, standing back to back, forming a circle. Around them, there was a group of goblin warriors, and further away there were It is the Musket Goblin. The most striking thing is that a more powerful Goblin Knight appears among this group of goblin warriors and Musketeer Goblins.

This goblin knight's danger level has reached three stars, and it is a monster comparable to a human body.

The leader of these six people has reached the sub-body, and the remaining five are all Chuqi. This leader is fighting against this goblin knight.

The eight of them entered and immediately attracted a group of goblin warriors and musket goblins. Behind the oncoming ticket office, more goblin warriors emerged.

Wang Xuan has now also grasped a rule, that is, the more people enter the same place, the number of these monsters will increase accordingly.

Seeing the hordes of goblin monsters surging up, Zhao Lei and Tie Jun immediately came forward with joy on their faces.

Zhang Haofei looked at the goblin knight not far away, his hands felt a little itchy, and said, "Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao, do you think we should take action to deal with that goblin knight?"

In order to allow Zhao Lei and Tie Jun to break through earlier, the three of them stopped taking action and gave up the goblin warriors and musket goblins to the five of Zhao Lei.

Gu Manyao shook his head and said: "It's not necessary. That person is not weak and can deal with that goblin knight. Why should we snatch his monster?"

Zhang Haofei twisted his neck and said with a look of regret: "The main reason is that I have just broken through the sub-body, and I want to find some powerful monsters to practice my skills with. Unfortunately, there are only goblin monsters here, which are not enough. The goblin knight is not enough. I need more." It’ll be nice to get a few out.”

Wang Xuandao: "Just wait for them to break through. Later we will go to the West District and North District to have a look. I hope the monsters in these two districts will be more powerful."

His feelings were deeper than Zhang Haofei's. With his current strength, killing goblin warriors and musket goblins, even if he killed goblin knights, would have no effect.

During the chat between the three of them, Zhao Lei finally succeeded in breaking through after killing a goblin warrior.

His hatching beast "Xian Sheng" grew into a sub-body form. The cross cracks on the back of his right hand turned up to both sides, and a white light shaped like an eyeball emerged from the center. This was the third special ability he had mastered: " Holy Eye".

The Holy Eye was opened, and in Zhao Lei's Holy Eye induction, the speed of the goblin warriors in front of him, including the musket bullets fired by the musket goblins in the distance, were all slowing down.

Everything around him seemed to be in slow motion, except for him maintaining a normal speed.

With a hiss, he easily dodged the musket ball fired by a musket goblin, and slashed it sideways with the fish-scale knife in his right hand. The fish-scale knife was covered with a layer of faint white light, and it instantly sank into the neck of a goblin warrior. Cut off his head.

After Zhao Lei was promoted to the sub-body, he began to slow down and retreated to Wang Xuan and the others. They were just protecting themselves now and rarely took the initiative to attack. They tried their best to leave the surrounding goblin warriors to others.

Only when Tie Jun and Li Haotian are in danger will they help.

Not far away from the pirate ship, the leading sub-body successfully killed the goblin knight with a three-star danger level. He had already noticed the eight Wang Xuan people. Fortunately, there was a little distance between the two sides and they did not disturb each other.

The number of goblin warriors appearing around them gradually became less and less. The number of monsters Tie Jun and Li Haotian hunted along the way were not as good as those of Gu Manyao and Zhang Haofei. It was more difficult for them to break through, and it was even more difficult for Bai Yan and Yu Shanshan.

Seeing that all the goblin warriors were about to be killed, Wang Xuan became a little impatient before the four of them broke through. The monsters here were too weak and of little help to him, and he didn't know if he wanted to wait for a new batch of goblins to appear. Until when.

"Everyone, pick up the crystal scales on the ground. Let's go directly to the West District. It's too slow to kill these monsters."

As Wang Xuan spoke, he took action, released the metal tentacles, wrapped them around the necks of the two goblin warriors, pulled them and threw them towards the Iron Army, while he picked up a few crystal scales on the ground.

Wang Xuan spoke, and Zhang Haofei was originally waiting anxiously to pick up the crystal scales. He was the most excited and had long wanted to visit the other two areas.

At the pirate ship on the other side, the six people also killed a group of goblin monsters surrounding them and picked up the crystal scales. They did not leave, but rested in place, waiting for new goblin monsters to appear.

Everyone harvested 39 crystal scales this time, and the number of crystal scales in Wang Xuan's pocket increased to 785. He turned around and left without waiting any longer.

"What kind of monsters do you think there will be in the West District and North District?" Zhang Haofei looked excited.

Gu Manyao said: "The goblins in the south area are stronger than the goblins in the east area. I hope the monsters in the west and north areas will be stronger than the goblins here."

Li Haotian hesitated: "If the monsters in the west and north areas are too strong, and the four of us are just starting out, will it be very dangerous?"

Wang Xuan glanced at him and said: "Don't worry, we will help you all break through to the sub-body. If you can really find a monster with a danger level of three stars or above, killing one can only be worth ten of these goblin monsters. There is no need to be here." waste time."

He was the only one who had just grown up, and the other seven people were all freshmen, and they rashly entered the unknown West District and North District. If he really encountered a powerful monster, Wang Xuan could not guarantee that he could protect everyone's safety, so he Decided to visit the South District first.

Now that Gu Manyao, Zhang Haofei, and Zhao Lei have all broken through to the sub-body, Wang Xuan feels that he can enter a more dangerous area to try.

Hearing what Wang Xuan said, Li Haotian shut his mouth.

As soon as I walked out of the amusement park, I saw six people, Zheng Cheng Aiguo, Meng Lian, Lu Weichao and Feng Yuan.

"Wang Xuan." Cheng Aiguo had a smile on his face.

Wang Xuan also greeted him with a smile.

"Are you ready to leave?" Cheng Aiguo looked questioning.

Wang Xuan nodded and said, "Get ready to visit the West District."

Cheng Aiguo was slightly surprised and said: "Western District?"

Everyone is not a fool. Based on the comparison of the strength of monsters in the East District and the South District, we can guess that the four districts in the southeast and northwest are more dangerous than the other. For Cheng Aiguo and others, the clown in the South District is scary enough. , not to mention the West End.

Zhang Haofei said: "Yes, the monsters here in the Southern District are too weak and are not suitable for us."

Cheng Aiguo glanced at Zhang Haofei and felt that he was a little embarrassed. He didn't like this kind of people in his heart. However, he was relatively well-educated and still had a smile on his face. "There are too many people in the South District. We have been here all the way. It's a good place." They have been robbed by others, so I can only come to the amusement park to have a look. There should be no people in the West District now, so going to the West District is indeed a good choice."

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